Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Comment on Melbourne's 2nd Covid 19 Wave.

Over the last week, Melbourne has gone on a Covid testing blitz, and the number of people testing positive for the virus, continues to rise on a daily bases. As of tomorrow, 8/7/20, the entire state will once again be on stage 3 lock down. This means all public places will close including restaurants, cinemas, sporting events, hair salons, etc. People are only allowed outside for limited exercise, strict journey's to the shops for essentials, and health reasons, including registered carers. It is projected that the economic fall-out from this new lock down will be devastating for local businesses, and the business community in general. But really, no one knows for certain what the future will bring.

It has been interesting to observe that certain politicians use this second wave in Victoria for their own political gain. I believe it was a NSW's politician spitting venom at Victoria's second wave, blaming it on the state's Premier. Ironically it is NSW that recorded the highest cases and the most deaths of any state in the entire country. That said, politicians will use school yard tactics to gain recognition, and use any crises for political gain. This is the problem. This virus is unpredictable, yet everyone from world leaders to TV celebrities appear on major platforms, claiming to be experts.

In the U.S., there is outright denial that the virus actually exists, or that the stats are false, and it's all a grand ploy by governments to gain greater control on their populations. Bumbling Donald Trump is the centre of many of these unfounded conspiracies, all for his own political survival.

Personally, I would love to believe it was all a grand plan to keep people controlled. But the virus is very real. Ask any front line medical worker, and they will tell you the same thing – the virus is not a ruse, and it's killing people across the globe. Again, this is not to say, that governments are instigating surveillance software on our phones to track the sick and potential carries of the virus. If and when Covid 19 passes, these same surveillance software will still be in play, and used for nefarious reasons.

Those people who refuse to wear a mask, refuse to practice social distancing, and jump up and down screaming that their “freedoms” are being violated, need to take a close look at what's happening around the world. Those countries around the planet, who've practised strict lock-down procedures, testing protocols and basic preventative measures, like NZ, Italy, France and Australia, has seen a significant drop in Covid cases and death. But even when instigating these protocols, a second wave is evident. As in the case of Melbourne Victoria.

Despite preventative protocols against Covid 19, one slip-up, one dipstick that decides it's all a hoax, can risk the spread of the virus to hundred's if not thousands of people.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is we need to take the virus much more seriously, and despite economic hardship; $ loss maybe slightly better than losing a loved one to the virus.

1 comment:

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