the last thirty years, we've seen the American manufactures and the
working class gutted
by politicians and their masters, the corporations. In the mid 1930's
we saw a rise in Unions across the U.S.,the UAW expanded their worker
members from 30,000 to 500,000 in a year. From this collective
strike (began in the Auto industry) covered workers from all areas
such as busboys, garment workers, longshoreman, and a number of other
occupations that had never seen union activity before, experienced
the benefits, meaning working for a livable wage, and a chance for a
livable future for their families. All this was demolished by NAFTA,
the government approving GM and other major manufactures to
re-establish in Mexico. As a result, middle America looks like a
third world country, and the common working stiff has zero options
and zero rights. Trump promised that manufacturing would return to
the U.S., but like everything he's promised, he lied.
nation-wide protests across America began with the murder of George
Floyd by a Minneapolis policeman. This then up-graded to BLM, though
the underlying rage is economic, that has been magnified by Covid 19.
corporate system, politicians valuing big business over their
constituents became clear with the Care Act, revealing the biggest
transference of wealth to the top 1% in world history.
today, the U.S. government is balking on extending stimulus aid in
the form of unemployment benefits and small business support. All the
while, Trump is sending his secret police to cities, and harassing
peaceful protesters in those cities; this is merely a ploy at showing
himself as the “law and order” president, because he is not
addressing the real issues.
country is literally dying from a pandemic, (the largest cases and
deaths world-wide); unemployment is at Depression levels, and
millions of people are about to be evicted because they are unable to
pay rent. What does Trump do, send his storm Troopers in to crack the
heads of innocent moms, 100 pound girls, and old Vietnam vets,
claiming they're anti -fa. When in fact, a small minority of these
protesters are actually violent, and the majority are peaceful.
reminds me of pre WWI America, sometime in the 1910's, when the
railway and manufacturing workers attempted to strike for better
wages and living conditions. The big business leaders hired their own
armies to go in a quash the strikes, which resulted in the deaths of
hundreds of men, women and children.
main stream media and the government turn these protests into merely
a thug-feast, turning it into a cultural issue, turning the people
against each other, in truth, it is a citizenry who have had enough
of police violence against blacks, and the extreme unequal separation
of wealth between the oligarchs and the working class. This
separation has been widening for a long time, particularly sense the
Clinton administration.
the elites blame China, Russia, socialism, etc., the real problem is
neoliberalism and corporatism, ignoring the working classes.
Governments always lie, and with the help of the MSM are continuing
to spread misinformation to avert our eyes from the real problem: the
utter corruption of our leaders and their criminal collusion with the
irony is the fact that nothing has really changed in the last one
hundred years. Like the Big-Capitalist-Bosses of the early 1910's,
Trump too is sending in “his”army to quell unrest and calling it
something else, over a problem the government created in the first
than fight each other, right against left, conservative/liberal, Fox
news/MSNBC – we should be fighting the governments decisions, and
creating a real democracy. Because, really, the United States is
anything but a democracy. Face it, Biden was placed
by the DNC to run against Trump; the people had nothing to do with
this farce.
protests are about a lot more than police violence against African
Americans. It has become a true class upheaval against a greedy
one way or another, something's got to give.
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