Saturday, 25 July 2020

Innocence lost

This morning, fighting the cold wind, walked through a local shopping centre to gather needed supplies before hunkering down for the weekend. While leaving the Op Shop after purchasing two outstanding novels for a dollar a piece, and feeling quite proud of myself, saw an old student walking by. This is not unusual, because, more or less, I taught high school in generally the same area as this particular shopping mall.

She recognised me, though averted her eyes, not wanting to make any contact. This is also not unusual. Though, really, this time was different...this now "woman" was so thin, unhealthy thin, her eyes dark, darting, hunted and scared. Trained in these matters, the woman, I perceived, was a practising drug user. This, of course, saddened me, because I was her English teacher in year 7, 8 and 9.

This girl had large dark and intelligent, willing and always turned her projects in on time. (I remember things like that.) I wanted to chase her down and ask her if she was alright, if she needed help. She would not have wanted my help, and would die if I approached her... so I simply watched her disappear into the crowd. Innocence gone, and the world enters, harsh and terrible. Not a good start to the week end...

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