Thursday, 22 October 2020

The Confusion and Dis-information that is the US Presidential Election


The Trump/Biden debate was televised live here in Australia. My roommate announced that it was going live any second, an expression of pure excitement in his eyes as if his favorite rock band was about to enter the building. My understanding and close watch of American politics, particularly since the dawn of the Trump era, has quashed any seed of hope in what I consider a substantial change in American society.

In full transparency, Trump's handling of COVID 19 in America should be a matter of legal scrutiny. First, he dismissed it as the passing flu, that it would “go away” in the summer months, then, of course, the endless blame and shame game inside and outside his administration. Sources say that he would bully staff for wearing a mask and walk around without one like he was immune because, really, it was all a foreign or democratic hoax. Well, low and behold, the orange clown gets the virus and now wears a mask within the WH and in public. And please, let's not forget that COVID is all China's fault. Compared to other nations in the world's handling the virus, America gets a whopping zero on a one to ten scale. Well done, Trump.

To even look at Biden, let alone hear him speak, is woefully painful. The man is not what he used to be, brain-matter-wise; however, policy-wise, he's exactly the same. The crime bill of the '90s, for one example, that he pushed through as his own baby, changed the US into a semi-police state to a fascist one, creating what now is termed, The Prison Industrial Complex. A citizen caught for smoking weed is in the same cell as a serial killer. This is Biden's doing. Joe Biden is a full-blooded red Republican, wearing a blue, shiny suit. And certainly like Trump, Biden is a Wall Street lackey, and what Wall Street says, presidents jump high, to as far back as Lyndon Johnson.

And please remember, too, Biden was not the elected democratic choice to run against Trump; because of the virus and shifty machinations of the DNC, the man was essentially anointed as the nominee. The entire democratic system in the United States is fixed and run by Wall Street oligarchs, lobbyists, and right-wing ideologues of the worst kind.

The most outstanding aspect of current American politics is the blame and shame game. Rather than actually addressing the nation's issues, such as healthcare, education, environment, and the country's crumbling infrastructure, it's a back and forth game of who is more corrupt than the other. And if the blame is not from within, it's a foreign country like China, Russia, or Iran that is the root of all America's problems. Today's debate ran with the same playbook, cunningly skimming over the real issues facing the American people.

Reading my city's newspaper today, here in Melbourne, Australia, even the paper's US correspondents are jumping on Russia, China, and now Iran's interference in the upcoming election. Let's come back to reality; there was never collusion between Trump and the Russians in 2016. Aside from a few outlandish facebook ads and around $4,000 ad money paid to Google, that's the extent of the Russian interference. So like the so-called “left” journalists in MSM in the United States, Australia too, reports anything a retired Intelligence officer or once a leader of the CIA even slightly mentions that it “could” be that there is meddling from one of America's stated enemies, the press jump on it as if it's Breaking News, and spreads it around like it's a fact. Blame the Russians or call anyone an agent of Russia if they disagree with your political views.

Overall, the MSM has a lot to answer for their misinformation, reporting unnamed sources to make a headline or capture a few more clicks on the internet.

Many professional political pundits on the internet and elsewhere will have their summations and judgments on the last presidential debate of 2020. Personally, I don't care because I know this campaign is one big set-up, skirting the real issues that face my family and friends in the United States.

My question, will this 'shit show' of what we call American politics to get any better in the future, or are we heading down an LSD infested rabbit hole of even more corruption and wars?


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