Saturday, 10 October 2020

Marketeers & Lies – Politics: the Right-Wing Way


Particularly since the worldwide invasion of the COVID 19 pandemic, conservative governments have truly revealed their true colors. In the United States, many outside observers of President Trump's behavior, are not only whispering under their breaths about the man's loutishness and utter fascist rhetoric but seem to be banging their heads against a metaphorical wall, only trying to make sense of it all. Trump's cult followers are the saddest, really. Looking at their president as the second coming of Jesus Christ, toting AK 47's and shooting innocent fellow protesters at rallies is, as far as their right-wing American media is concerned, perfectly justified. You have so-called left-wing cable news screaming for war, blaming every American evil on the outside influences of another country, in most cases, Russia. The right-wing press attack a slightly left-of-center-democrat Bernie Sanders, as another second coming, in this case, Joseph Stalin. Nothing is as it seems in the politics of the United States. Is America the only country on the planet that is going absolutely crazy?


My central point is conservative, right-wing governments' whole existence, its MO, is based on ideology and lies.

In the United States, actual policy is barely mentioned. What we hear is endless attacks on their opponents and the evils of socialism. The same old same old, give me freedom, liberty, pro-life, and the tired cacophony of the second amendment, the right to bear arms. Both parties in the U.S., both in their own way, fascistic, rely on these old platitudes of liberty, justice, and freedom. When the real issues of a corrupt pharmaceutical industry, expensive medical care,  militaristic police, and a privatized prison system go unmentioned. In the US, politicians are bought and paid for, and they only serve this invisible oligarchy, who are the real leaders of the country. In fact, the propaganda has seeped so deep into the average American citizen's psyches; sadly, they cannot see the forest for the trees. Ideology over substantive policy. Marketing/ideology in politics has won over the hearts and minds of its citizens.

In Australia, our conservative government, is on the same ideological path, making promises that, on a closer examination, are all talk and no action.

Similar to watching President Trump's rallies in the United States, listening to the Australian PM Scott Morrison, his speeches and press conferences, personally, becomes a negative, visceral experience. After, I force myself to remain calm, reaching for the help of a strong, Aussie lager.

After Morrison's lack of leadership and 'disappearing act' during our devastating bush fires last summer, since the outbreak of COVID 19, at least on face-value, has seemingly returned to properly govern the Australian people. Upon taking a closer look, however, there appears to be more rhetoric than action.

A good example of Morrison's talk over action is “he announced that no cruise ships would be allowed into Australian waters” at the start of the deadly virus. There were only four exceptions, including the infamous Ruby Princess. The PM spoke of arrangements “to put in place directly under the command of the Australian Border Force to ensure the relevant protections are put in place.” This was a major announcement by the government when what resulted was “a chaotic chain of command resulted in the disembarkation of hundreds of COVID 19 infected passengers from the Ruby Princess.” This is a prime example of making an important announcement, a promise that never eventuated, resulting in hundreds of deaths.

Although there are numerous examples of promises made and never acted upon by the Morrison government, one that stands out is the government's smartphone app for tracking the spread of the infection. This initiative was called, COVIDsafe. “ Guardian Australia under freedom-of-information laws revealed that alarmed people were presenting to clinics brandishing their phones simply because while installing the app they'd clicked on a banner that asked, “Has a health official asked you to upload your information?” This click took them to a page that stated, “You have tested positive for COVID 19.”

Across the board the tracing app turned out to be a disaster. Another announcement and promise made by the Australian Prime Minister that never eventuated.

One has to admit that the Morrison Jobseeker and Jobkeeper plan helped ordinary Australians, prevented from attending work due to a punishing lock-down; since the plans have been introduced, the stimulus has been cut in half, with announcements to stimulate employment across the nation. However, when asked for the specifics on creating employment opportunities, the response is vague. Is there is such a plan, and if so, what exactly is it?

Politicians, as a rule, should never be trusted. In Australia, at least, we haven't put our leaders on pedestals, depending on them to save us from the evils on the planet. Unlike the US, the masses appear to have a “savior complex,” expecting one person to make all their lives better.

Right-wing governments, all over the planet, generally prefer to “sell” us ideas based on faulty ideologies, pitting the people against each other. This is a distraction to fuel discontent and distract us from what's important, and that's the well being of the people and the future health of the planet.

America has gone down a deep a rabbit hole of intangible ideologies, rather than specific policies that can change their country, the better. I find it sad and, ultimately, frightening.

Australia is not there now, (beholden as well to their rich donors), but continuing to believe our conservative government on face value, based on pie-in-the-sky announcements that never eventuate, we as a nation are not too far behind.

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