Tuesday, 6 October 2020

The UK is America's Bitch

Scanning through my city's newspaper today, I came across an article from London. The piece reports about an English Court of appeal overturning an earlier High Court ruling concerning who exactly is the rightful President of Venezuela.

Venezuelan gold, to the tune of $US1 billion, has been stored in the Bank of England for some time. The Venezuelan government, rightfully, through the Maduro-backed Banco Central Bank, has been attempting to get their money back into the country. The overturning of the appeal is based purely on political machinations. The British Court does not recognize the democratically elected president Maduro (winning by over 80% of the vote in the last election). Instead, not surprisingly, only recognizing the CIA installed puppet, a dubious character, by the name of Juan Guaido.

This is absurd, of course, because he (Guaido) is America's alternative re-placement, a capitalist imp trained in the halls of American universities, who, for the most part, the Venezuelan people have not even heard of, let alone elected.

In an article written last year, I criticized Trump's State of the Union address, where Juan Guaido was present, observing both sides of the isle, on Trump's behalf, applauded this obvious CIA cut-out, proclaiming him the true president of Venezuela. For an individual not aware of America's foreign policy in Venezuela, would find this antic as nothing out of the ordinary. The fact remains that the country has more oil reserves than that of Saudi Arabia. Venezuela has a socialist government, and does not recognize the US as their ally, and refuses to business with them, in terms of its oil reserves.

In effect, the UK has stolen the Venezuelan gold, refusing to give it back because the US has ordered them not to.

The U.S. Sanctions worldwide are the number one weapon to destroy any country they label as enemies or refuse to bow to their corporate demands. Over the last few years, the sanctions laid upon Venezuela by the American government has been devastating. Much need medical supplies, basic resources, and even clean water have been sanctioned against this country. In the latest UN reports, over 40.000 deaths (more likely much more) have occurred due to American sanctions. Sanctions are the new deadly weapon of war that strikes directly into the civilian populations. The United States are doing this around the world to their perceived enemies. But what is even more outrageous, the United States has threatened any country, allies, or otherwise, that they will be punished if they choose to do business with countries with those they are sanctioning.

Indeed the UK is one of those countries. The Venezuelan gold is theirs, and the UK refuses to release it to them. From the latest, the overturning of the appeal does not recognize Maduro as president, and only the CIA cut-out, Juan Guaido.

The UK is truly America's bitch. This recently has blatantly come to light with the recent extradition hearings of Julian Assange. Trump's fascist government want Assange in their country to simply put him in a dark hole, and hope the world forgets him. The reason: he revealed US war crimes in Iraq and around the world. If you have been watching these hearings will understand the real bias and ridiculous arguments the prosecution has presented across the entire proceedings.

What Even more telling, anyone understanding UK law knows that political prisoners cannot be extradited in their own law books. Anyone with an IQ above that of a sewer rat knows this law, and in itself, should be enough to have the entire case thrown out of court. Assange's defense has also been sabotaged through illegal surveillance by CIA contractors; one realizes that those above the Law are the ones pulling strings. All by order of the United States government.

The UK is making tons of interest in Venezuelan gold. Their only argument for not releasing the gold is the spurious reason that they don't recognize In many respects, a duly elected president reflects the once-great The UK as a sad, whining lapdog following orders.

The UK is the US's bitch, and it's all happening in plain sight.

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