Monday, 12 April 2021

America's War machine will not Stop!


Compared to twenty years ago, the number of antiwar groups and those voices for peace has dwindled to perhaps a handful. Why has this number dropped to such a disturbing number? Is it a “generational thing" where those born after 1990 simply don't care? We have been lied to about war for well over 40 years. Indeed the lies and unrelenting propaganda concerning America and their allies excuses for war is overwhelming. The US is currently at war in 7 countries, possibly more, and now that the Biden regime has come to power, it appears that Ukraine, supplied with $billions for weapons (a Neo-Nazi opposition; yes, the US is giving $ to Nazis) to battle with Russia is about to escalate, pulling American troops into the picture, and pushing both countries (US and Russia) into a Nuclear War.

Those less informed about Geopolitics will respond with: “No way, that will never happen. Our leaders are too smart to launch into a nuclear war”? Well, the incompetence of governments overall has certainly revealed itself since the beginning of COVID 19. It has almost become a cliche, but most Western governments don't care about the people and are only concerned about re-election and pleasing their corporate donors. The war budget in the US is three times the amount of any other country on the planet. In Australia, $ is being spent on nuclear submarines and missile launchers for “defense,” while economic stimulus for infrastructure and other necessities for people is promoted verbally but devoid of action. Isn't it interesting that there is always $ for war?

I find it fascinating that no matter what government, left or right, is voted into power, wars worldwide continue unabated. This tells me that our governments are not really calling the shots regarding foreign policy and war. It certainly appears that way, but why hasn't there been a leader, at least during my generation, that has opposed war and actively fought against it? I really can't think of a single one. Perhaps when Kennedy wanted to pull troops out of Vietnam, but hey, the man was taken out before he could do anything about it. No, there has not been a world leader in my lifetime that promoted peace around the globe. Ever.

America and its allies have been dropping bombs on innocent people for a very long time. And there is a reason for that.

At the risk of repeating myself, the US, and many of their allies make huge profits from war. Indeed, the common working man never sees a cent of these war profits - because it is made by the few at the top of the food chain. These politicians, corporations, and oligarchs don't give a shit about humanity because their main concern is profit for themselves. This is a hard cold fact and, for some, difficult to swallow. But that's the game. And anything else that the MSM or your leader tells you about war. You can 99.9% bet it's a down-right lie.

Now that Ukraine is heating up against Russia, it will only be a matter of time before there will be American and allied troops on the ground. As Russia and the US have more nukes pointed at each other than any other nuclear country, Nuclear War is the logical next step.

Don't let these blood-thirsty psychopaths destroy the planet for their profits and power. Because at the rate we're going, it will only be a matter of time.

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