Monday, 5 April 2021

Greed, Corruption & War

The top corporations' in the US and around the globe pay little tax. Banks and big businesses have politicians securely in their back pockets. The tax laws for the rich are lobbied hard in the halls of power. More absurd, however, is that many corporations have received a tax rebate without paying any money to the government. One adds the US government, the Federal Reserve, giving big banks and Wall Street trillions (yes with a T) printing $ with a push of a button. Is it any wonder that poverty in many developed countries has risen significantly, particularly since COVID 19? The distribution of wealth around the planet is way off-kilter, and it's designed that way. These facts come down to nothing less than pure greed.

Corruption in governments' is nothing new and has been around for thousands of years. When one studies history, the Roman Empire, for example,  can see the gradual disintegration of that empire. I must say, people have been writing erudite books on this subject for the last century. But all agree there are a few underlying factors that caused the Roman decline: corruption in government, oligarchic-greed, and the overextension of militarism/war in the country's desire to rule the world. War costs money. The US of Corporations has a canny strategy to keep the war machine running: taxpayer $ and the manufacturing of the weapons of war to sell to allies or enemies depending on the time's political climate. Western governments are spending billions of $ on “defense,” when in fact, they're creating enemies by causing havoc and spreading viable propaganda. The US and its allies are simulating the fall of the Roman Empire almost to the letter.

Greed, corruption, and perpetual war.

A quote from a leading anti-war journalist:

If you only oppose imperialist warmongering against capitalist countries because you are a capitalist, then guess what? You're a dick. Same if you only oppose imperialist warmongering against communist countries because you're a communist. It's not okay to murder anyone, asshole. Caitlin Johnstone.

The imperialistic actions of the US government and their allies since the Vietnam War, at least, is based on False Flags and unrelenting propaganda. War is not a “team sport” where one side roots for their team and heckles the opposing one. War is about the murder of innocents for the sole gain of the few oligarchs at the top who finance it. Anything else they tell you is lies and excuses to expand the empire. It's not about “democracy and freedom” for other countries allegedly under horrific dictatorships – this is about resources and control. And if anyone in this day and age, after so many wars and dirty wars over the decades, believes this “democracy and freedom” crap is a dick and a fully-fledged ass hole, or they're a simple run-of-the-mill psychopath.

The US requires an enemy to exist because their economy is based on war. That's why war is perpetual because it feeds off itself like putrid cancer.

When I see the brutal sanctions on Syria, for example, where the US is literally starving the common people out of existence, and the many blockades preventing vital medicine for their sick and elderly, all for the ownership of the oil of this sovereign nation, makes me want to puke and bow my head in shame.

 When the US of Corporations is willing to slaughter millions of people for their own gain that only benefits the few wealthy at the top of the food chain; we have, as human beings, a big fucking problem.

The US empire is falling.

When you whittle it all down it comes to the absolute greed of the few, the crystal clear corruption in our government, and perpetual war that will eventually end our civilization. This is no exaggeration, but a simple fact.

This is a time like no other; it's time to become fully aware of these realities and fight back in any way that we can.

It's a life or death situation.

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