Sunday, 25 April 2021

Why is Julian Assange off the Radar?

Since the Biden regime has taken power (aside from more censorship), the protests for Julian Assange's release from Belmarsh prison in the UK have all but disappeared on social media and journals across the world. Understandably, the call for President Trump to pardon Assange once he left office was a worldwide shout to the establishment. Not surprisingly, Trump pardoned war criminals and corrupt politicians rather than freeing an Australian journalist from illegal detention. There are a few voices online and elsewhere continuing the fight, but this is a mere drop in the ocean compared to 2020. I believe there are a few reasons for this silence.

Indeed MSM is on the side of the establishment, pushing the smear campaigns and propaganda about the journalist/ publisher. Considering what is at stake here, as far as freedom of the press is concerned, one cannot really call these pundits “journalists,” but more so stenographers for the Military-Industrial Complex.

I believe it was around late 2019-20 that the argument forwarded by the establishment press was that Julian Assange is not a “real.” journalist. This nonsense saturated social media and childish articles in the mainstream press. For example, battles on Twitter were hot during this time and bordered on the insane in some cases. All that this latest smear campaign against Assange accomplished was outing a few pundits as frauds or at least compromised by their benefactors. However, though ridiculous this “Assange is not a journalist” argument blatantly is, it kept Assange in the international conversation. It seems that now no one is talking about the man while he continues to rot in a high-security prison for exposing the war crimes and corruption of governments.

It is certainly difficult to keep one's eye on the ball when it comes to the real issues as there is so much distraction.

COVID 19 is definitely not a distraction, though politicizing the pandemic most certainly is one. The US presidential election, “stop the steal,” and the attack on the capitol was certainly a distraction, though a sure sign that not all is well in la-la land.

Personally, not a day goes by that I do not have a thought for Julian Assange languishing in a UK prison. What is so unacceptable is that his imprisonment is illegal. The UK government, along with the US government though claiming to be beacons of democracy for the world, is imprisoning a journalist for telling the truth. These are the actions of a totalitarian regime, not a democracy.

What will it take to get Julian Assange out of prison and thereby ensuring our democratic press freedoms? Remaining quiet about Assange's imprisonment, forgetting about this egregious crime against freedom of the press and an individual's basic civil rights as a human being, most certainly will not change anything.

We must ignore the boot-licking press and their corrupt masters and keep Assange at the forefront of the international conversation. To do otherwise is to be foolish and deadly for our basic liberties now and in the future.

Assange must remain on the radar. 

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