Friday, 30 April 2021

Is Nuclear War Immanent?

Back in the day at the tender age of eight, was the first time witnessing the power and absolute destruction of the atomic bomb. I remember it was a documentary about WWII and how the US almost “single-highhandedly” won the war. It was late in the evening and I should have been in bed, but my father let me stay up and watch the program because he thought it would be “educational.” It was not so much educational but terrifying; these images caused nightmares for many years. Around that same year, second or third grade, our teacher showed us similar documentaries about the Atom Bomb. We were told that the Soviet Union, a godless communist country, could bomb the US at any time; thus, we had 'nuke drills,' diving under our desks to protect us from the blast. This was insane, of course, because a nuclear blast can take out an entire city in a matter of seconds. Although this time was at the height of the Cold War, and in 1962 the US and Russia came close to mutual extinction on the shores of Cuba; I know now these documentaries and “nuke drills.” to be propaganda but also a genuine possibility.

During that era, in our predominately middle-class white suburb, we were taught that the “other,” that is, anybody different to the US, was a potential enemy. Russia and China were our real enemies, and any politics hinting at socialism was deemed profoundly evil. The Communist regimes of Russia and China threatened our basic democratic freedoms and needed to be stopped and ultimately destroyed. Like many of us, we went along with the “hate” because we didn't know anything else.

During the '80s, Russia continued to be a threat, but a new Russian president named Gorbachev introduced paradigm-changing political reforms he called Glasnost and Perestroika. Gorbachev wanted to open the Soviet Union (Russia) to the west in an effort of “openness.” These initiatives led to the fall of the Berlin Wall and many solid nuclear disarmament treaties between the two nations. We were told that Communism had failed, the US had won the Cold War, and a new era of peace would prevail. The time period during the '90s saw Russia experience extreme economic hardships due to the influence of western capitalism, thus creating a wide chasm between the rich and poor. On a positive note, the threat “Nuclear War ” for the planet dropped significantly; however, in the last 10 years at least, this threat has risen in leaps and bounds.

Why has the threat of nuclear war become so prevalent in the 21st century?

Since September 11, 2001, the US has been on a planetary rampage of war and dominance. Over the last 20 years, the US and its allies have been bombing sovereign nations daily. Apart from the millions of deaths across the globe, trillions upon trillions of dollars have been spent on war. Indeed, wars that have not been formally declared but the battles and bombings continue based on the whims of presidents and the orders of the “permanent government.” Now we're prepping up for war with Russia.

When I think about the $billions of weapons given to Ukraine by the US during the Trump regime. and before with Obama and Biden, pushed Ukraine against its closest sister, Russia, my blood began to boil. Imagine if the Russians were selling weapons to Mexico, creating a right -wing government intent on dominating the US.? There's no doubt there would be an absolute war on the Mexican border. This is exactly what the US is doing in Ukraine. But when one digs a little deeper in the Ukraine debacle sees that the majority of weapons are going to Neo-Nazis. We know this because, in regions of the country that has been taken over by these creeps, they fly the flag of the swastika. This is unacceptable and disturbing.

Excuse the cliche, but what is the US thinking by 'poking the bear'? Does the US desire a full-fledged war with Russia? Our world is run by psychopaths and wealthy despots, so what's to stop them from starting a nuclear war?

I wouldn't be surprised if these elite twits start dropping nukes to then run and hide in their luxurious bunkers. The US is playing a dangerous game, and war is not the wish for most people on the planet. For who does an all-out nuclear war benefit? Only the wealthy few at the top, and that's pretty much it...and this is disgusting.

If you grew up during the Cold War; you know that a nuclear holocaust was a genuine possibility. The Dogs of War appeared to back off from this devastating end-game. However, observing the US's unrelenting thirst for power and dominance over the last 20 years pushing a few buttons and totally destroying the planet is not out of the question.

These warmongers need to be placed in padded cells and guarded before they destroy the world.

To answer the question: Is Nuclear War imminent? I really hope not, but at the rate, the US is going with their diabolical sanctions and continued bombing around the planet, it is a possible outcome for the planet. And God helps us.


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