Tuesday, 31 August 2021

More Comments on War


It should be obvious to anyone who has followed the “war on terror.” over the last twenty years, this decimation of millions of people across the planet, was never due to 'national security, humanitarian efforts", or the efforts to topple dangerous dictators. At least, the 20-year war in Afghanistan ( in fact, we have been there since the '70s), reveals a money-making scheme of magnitude proportions.

Although the US government has failed in doing a proper audit on the Pentagon; we are told that over two trillion dollars have been spent on these unending wars. Considering our governments lie to us daily, this despicable amount of money could be much more. War has always been about profit. This is evident when you see the destruction of the countries that the US has invaded since 2001. Afghanistan has not changed one iota, except for a few government-backed oligarchs fleeing the country to safe havens with millions in their respective Swiss bank accounts. The country is in shambles, some say even more so than the Soviet retreat in the '80s.

There was no “nation-building” in Afghanistan; the only nation-building we can actually see is the belt-way oligarchs, the weapon manufacturers, wealthy donors, and those think tanks who create policy and propaganda for further war.

It is the fact that every country America and their allies touches turns to shit: Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. The war machine-learned long ago that American men and women returning home in body bags is not a good PR move. Hence we have computerized warfare in the form of drones and economic sanctions.

In Iraq, the US applied draconian sanctions on fuel, medical supplies, and needed medicines. The result of these sanctions was over 500,000 deaths, the majority being children. When Madeline Albright was interviewed on the infamous 60 Minutes interview, what she thought of this action, she said it was worth it. 500,000 children die from starvation and disease for what? PROFIT for the Elite.

Rather then the US running around the world chasing terrorists; they're actually creating them. This includes the Taliban, al Qaeda, including all their affiliates, including ISIS.

Because the US is a war-based economy; it must have a war to sustain its world dominance. Therefore, any country that attempts to escape the US International economic petrol dollar, are targeted as “terrorists.” and war is never “declared,” but the country is occupied, and a US regime is put in place. There are a plethora of examples, particularly in Latin American countries.

Only when we collectively understand that war is a scam for the few at the top, sacrificing the lives of soldiers and the millions of innocents in order merely to enrich themselves, nothing will change. At the risk of repeating myself, all war is a racket. Full Stop.

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