Thursday, 26 August 2021

More Rants on War


It never ceases to astound me how so many people continue to fall for the mainstream narrative of America and its allies obvious imperialism around the globe. This is brutally true since the US decided to escape from Afghanistan after a twenty-year slaughter-fest. What about the children? What about the women? What about the Taliban? And now, coming right out of the ether, ISIS is bombing Kabul?

Anyone who has studied history know that al Qaeda was defeated in Afghanistan not more than six months after the first invasion after 9/11. In fact, there is documented evidence that the Taliban (who had nothing to do with 9/11) told the US that they would hand over Osama bin Laden if the US could provide proof that he was responsible. The Bush administration denied this request and continued sending thousands of US soldiers to their deaths anyway.

The Afghanistan war was never about fighting terrorism but an international money laundering scheme with weapon manufacturers and certain military-industrial complex factions making billions of dollars from the war. Why do you think we remained there for twenty years? The war was just too profitable to end it.

When I see photographs of American soldiers carrying Afghani children to safety, it truly makes me want to puke all over my laptop. I'm not saying that many Afghani people are not in true danger after this illegal occupation of the country, but comparing it to the amount of the US and their allies war crimes against civilians over the last two decades makes me want to bow my head in shame, and certainly not celebrate this obvious propaganda.

To really put it into perspective, just two weeks before the official withdrawal, the American's bombed a school and a medical facility killing the majority of women and children. I'm not sure of the total fatalities, but how can one really know when it comes to the US State Department or the Pentagon.

Daniel Hale, an American whistleblower, revealed that in the US drone program, 90% of the Afghanistan people murdered were non-combatants; that is, women and children. So under the antiquated US Espionage Act, the boy was thrown in jail for National security reasons. No, he was imprisoned for revealing American war crimes in an illegal, corporate war for profit.

Julian Assange more than ten years ago revealed the reasons we were in Afghanistan. It was a corporate money laundering scheme to make a profit and ensure an unending war. The empire continued killing innocents for profit, supplying the war industry with perverted amounts of cash. For revealing this fact, Assange has been ruthlessly punished.

Truth telling and real journalism has become a dangerous profession. Reveal the war crimes or real corruption of the Empire. You do so at your own risk.

Living here in Australia, when the announcement about the Afghanistan war withdrawal, it was as if I was listening to a US State Department press releases, re-worded for a particular Australian audience.

Personally, I refuse to engage with certain individuals when they talk about Afghanistan because they do not know the real history and its geographical context, or are faux leftists, with pro imperialistic leanings. Gore Vidal called America the United States of Amnesia. When it comes to the twenty-year war in Afghanistan, this is more than the case.

This war was not about humanity or aiding a suffering country but a corporate endeavor to make trillions of dollars.

Personally, I don't believe Afghanistan has the strategic importance it did even ten years ago. Instead, the Military-Industrial Complex has turned its sights on China. And this is a worldwide catastrophe in the making.

Don't listen to the propaganda on the western state media; they promote war and always have since I can remember.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, etc., have all been major imperial screw-ups with nothing to show but death and destruction of thousands of human beings and the profit for the ruling establishment. The American people and their allies have gained nothing from these corporate ventures.

Stop listening to the obvious propaganda. It's getting old and more transparent as the years fly by.    

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