Wednesday, 18 August 2021

The Afghanistan Debacle

The US and their allies withdrawal from the twenty-year war in Afghanistan is nothing less than an absolute debacle. In reality, the entire “conflict” was a giant shit show from the very beginning. Thousands of soldier deaths and millions of Afghani innocents were bombed to their deaths. The actual war crimes that are currently being legally investigated are countless. This was a savage war. And the only people being prosecuted are the whistleblowers who have revealed the war crimes of the US and their allies. The Empire is in charge, and there is nothing of substance we can do about it.

There is documented evidence that this invasion of Afghanistan should have ended after only six months. During this time, Al Qaeda and large portions of the Taliban were defeated – dead or hiding. However, this wasn't enough. The reason for this is that Afghanistan had been in the crosshairs of the US Pentagon way before 9/11 ever happened. The war continued under four presidents, and during this time, the world was lied to about the war.

See my BLOG: The Afghanistan Papers were published, and it barely made a blip on the MSM radar. The papers reveal that the forces and generals really had no idea why they were there. At that point, they couldn't even recognize the enemy. The documents reveal the government's ongoing misinformation campaign and the MSM to justify sending more troops and remaining in the war. This begs the question: Why did we remain in Afghanistan for twenty years?

Over the years, I've written many essays on the reasons for the Afghanistan war. For it is a “strategic” country against Russia and so-called enemies in the Middle East. The other reasons are purely financial: corporate profit for the war machine and acquiring the country's resources. Strategically, however, it appears the Military-Industrial Complex currently has its sight towards the east, mainly China.

If you want to get an in-depth historical analysis of the US's history in Afghanistan, and their actual creation of Al Qaeda and the Taliban, read Max Blumenthal's The Management of Savagery. This text is certainly an eye-opener as to the machinations of Empire to ensure perpetual war around the globe.

As to the current propaganda coming out of the MSM, it is apparent that the Australian government got a press release from the US State Dept. as to what to communicate to the people. Our previous Prime Minister, John Howard (1990s), who followed the US and UK into Afghanistan and Iraq, appeared on the TV justifying our twenty-year involvement in Afghanistan. In my opinion John Howard along with George W. Bush and Tony Blair, all should be tried for war crimes and put in prison. The same old cliches came out of his mouth: Freedom and Democracy. If you have any historical understanding of war over at least the last one hundred years, this should sound like utter rubbish. Invading other countries is about power and money, and any other reason given is a lie.

The Taliban is the creation of the United States. They are zealot fundamentalists and view women merely as objects for propagating the species and commodities. So when I hear the outcry from people to send more troops into the country to protect the women, I should remind you that Saudi Arabia is a theocracy that continues to stone women in the public square for alleged adultery. So why aren't these people crying about Saudi Arabia? The answer to this is clear: Saudi Arabia is our allies for its oil and financial investments into the machines of war.

As General Smedley Butler said, WAR is a RACKET.

This is certainly true in the case of Afghanistan.


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