Thursday, 28 April 2022

An Afternoon at the Opera


The Barber of Seville performed its last show of the season to a packed house at the Arts Centre. And what a performance it was…

Melbourne is renowned for its talent and professionalism in the arts in all areas, including theatre, film, ballet, orchestral, jazz, rock, and painterly endeavors.

Attending a theatrical performance in the afternoon, a matinee is a real experience and treat. Even more so in this case, as The Barber of Seville’s season had come to a close, its last performance in the afternoon, something special for all opera lovers wanting light entertainment and music to delight the senses for the afternoon and hopefully that feeling lasting for the rest of the evening…

Let’s just admit that The Barber of Seville was, above all, entertaining and humorous in all aspects of the play. Still, the orchestra, The Victorian Orchestra, was absolutely superb, as the string section merged as one at the very start, the five violinists becoming one magical note…Figaro (Luke Gabbed) prances onto the stage, bragging and singing his own praises… It was an excellent performance and memorable because of the artist's evident love of his art form, having a great time, making it look so easy…

Rosina (Emma Matthews) was delightful on stage, her singing right on the mark until she needed to hit the high C: the woman did indeed reach a high C, but it sounded strained. However, (uncomfortable) the audience loved her because her performance was consistently excellent, funny, and endearing. Although opera seems a natural profession for the woman, she has the stage presence to do anything in the theatre, including, possibly, film… a charming performance.

Count Almaviva (Henry Choo), despite a believable performance, a beautiful voice, and acceptable acting, does not appear Italian. If one closes their eyes and listens to his voice, one would imagine a young and beautiful prince…but opening one’s eyes, one sees a petite Asian man with a beautiful voice. Does this disappoint the audience, seeing an obviously miss-cast-looking man, an Asian playing an Italian? However, during the loveliest songs, my eyes closed, and everything flowed, Henry Choo, rising to the occasion and doing a splendid job. An outstanding performance, natural and heart-felt, an impressive show…

My favorite performance had to be Fiorello, Almaviva’s servant, a character who, despite not singing one note, carried the show, bent over, scurrying across the stage, helping every actor, maintaining the necessary “lightness” that is so important to The Barber of Seville.”  Fiorello has always been a popular character since this opera was first performed so long ago.

Even though my experience with opera is less than acceptable, my training even less than most, The Australian Opera’s rendition of The Barber of Seville would stand among the best performances of the season.

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

The Main Stream Media is Bloodthirsty for War


After tuning in to American cable news sights, it was clear that the 'talking heads' on these various “news” programs desired war with Russia. Young journalists on the ground in Ukraine were making these strong statements regarding the actions of the Russian invasion with obvious no evidence and hyped-up rhetoric in the guise of truth to their audiences. The most used term is: “this action runs exactly to the “Russian Playbook.” I've never seen nor heard of the Russian playbook until it was coined on some cable news program.

This is a pure journalistic invention to propagate war.

The establishment media has always been the vehicle to influence the people of western democracies to get behind the war with a non-western country. As a result, our governments lied about Vietnam, the first and second Iraq wars, Libya, and the Syrian conflict. Unfortunately, most people have a short memory span regarding war propaganda.

War and propaganda go hand in hand.

Today I was reading about George Orwell's life during WWII. At that time, he worked for the BBC. Despite Nazi Germany's apparent crimes, they were also making shit up. Orwell's program was non-political, according to this author. Though it was during this time that Orwell's book Animal Farm was ready to publish, it was prevented because it was an obvious satire on Stain's government. At this time, Communist Russia was the west's ally in the fight against Hitler. Many UK politicians and journalists referred to Stalin as “Uncle Joe.” Nevertheless, Animal Farm was published after WWII and the Cold War.

From my point of view, governments and their establishment media will write or say anything to ensure the “enemy” is cast in the worst of light.

Indeed, Russia could be committing War Crimes, but there has been no objective analysis to confirm these allegations.

The alleged chemical attacks in Syria were blamed on the Assad government without any evidence. This resulted in a bombing campaign by the US and its allies. However, through the work of independent journalists and whistleblowers from the CDC, the entire “attack” turned out to be an elaborate fabrication. The main media culprit, in this case, was The New York Times. Even creating a virtual “crime scene” and posting it on social media. All lies and war propaganda.

The Russia/Ukraine war can end tomorrow through diplomatic means. But unfortunately, the US MSM calls diplomacy “talks” in flippant and condescending expressions and tones. From this behavior, these “talking heads” (not journalists) the US desires the war in Ukraine to continue indefinitely. Why? Because the conflict is highly profitable for war profiteers, weapon manufacturers, and viewership and clicks for the corporate media.

This may sound highly cynical though the extension of this war benefits a small group of people who will say anything and do anything to ensure it continues.

During the war, the establishment media's job is to influence viewers to want a fight to continue and cast the enemy as the purest of evils.

What was so disturbing today was to see these mainstream talking heads appear so enthusiastic for death and destruction (bloodthirsty) without a second thought for the actual victims of war... innocents.

Friday, 22 April 2022

Teaching, Learning and the Heat.

Teaching a class of twenty-five teenagers around the age of sixteen in oppressive heat, with no air conditioning, and the classroom feels like a sauna, actual learning is an impossible outcome, a fantasy, a dream, like pigs flying over my front porch…it simply cannot happen. To even attempt a unit of work under such conditions, particularly last period on a Friday, is pure, unadulterated lunacy.

Authentic learning can only occur under bearable conditions. From my experience, the better the conditions, the better the student's receptivity because they are less distracted. A hot, stuffy, and untidy classroom is not conducive to real learning. This simple fact has been proven to me time and time again.

An example:

One’s environment affects one’s state of mind.

During the early nineties, New York City’s transit system, specifically their subway, looked like a war zone. The crime was at an all-time high; commuters were getting mugged at an average of ten a day. In addition, there was so much graffiti covering the trains and the walls of every station that there was literarily no space for the vandals to paint their tags…the place had become Dante’s ninth level of Hell.

The city’s government had had enough and thus poured millions of dollars into fixing the problem. A small army of uniformed security was hired to patrol the subway and trains; an upgrade of all stations, refurbishing everything from the walls to the turnstiles, the lavatories to the platforms, and of course, the trains themselves had been cleaned of all graffiti, including a more ‘crime safe’ ticketing system. New York’s subway had been reborn. So what happened?

One writer has called the phenomenon, ‘the broken window syndrome”, that is to say when people are in a dirty, depressing environment…broken windows, graffiti, garbage everywhere, their attitudes match the surroundings.

Crime dropped in New York City subway’s from ten mugging’s a day to once a week. This is a significant drop in crime. Adding value, not only did the crime drop, but more people used the subway to move around the city… tourists began using the system again, and the company quadrupled its profits.

How does this relate to learning and the classroom?

If a classroom is neglected, where the paint is peeling, the desks have been etched, or carved graffiti that cannot be removed, and the overhead fan does not work, the children will match their surroundings, and chaos on a hot day ensues, learning becomes a lost dream.

Putting the “broken window syndrome” to good use, one year, I decided to refurbish a classroom, painting the walls in a fresh, light blue, replacing the damaged desktops with new ones, rearranging the room giving the impression of more space; replacing the blinds and purchasing a new whiteboard.

What happened?

My students returned from their holidays and, when coming into that particular classroom for the first time, sat down and said,

Wow, this doesn’t look like the same room. What did you do, Mr. Middleton? This is pretty awesome, man.”

A typically rambunctious group of students, we had the best lesson in years and continued to do so for the remainder of the school semester.

Other teachers, in fact, commented how changed the space had become and that they now did not regret having to teach in “that” room.

The environment is everything when attempting to teach a group of hormone-inflamed teenagers. It is difficult enough to manage a classroom and run a lesson under “normal” conditions. Still, in an environment of intense heat and disorganization, the task of teaching becomes challenging, if not absolutely ridiculous.

Today was hot, and a Friday lunchtime break became volatile as a few fights occurred…the children were tired after a long week of unrelenting heat and school work.

As a few teachers called in sick that day, I was given an “extra” to watch over a classroom during the last period on a humid and hot Friday. As it turned out, I knew these kids and told them to sit back, chat amongst themselves, and plan their weekend.

The overhead fan creaked along though the heat remained oppressive. I ordered them to chill…and they did…but no work was accomplished. So they sat back and chatted, trying to relax under the heat, but at least left the school somewhat relaxed, leaving the classroom saying, “Have a good weekend Mr. Middleton. See you Monday.”

There were no fights, arguments, or angst, and all seemingly wanted to return to school after the weekend break.

Although no learning occurred, I figure this to be at least a small accomplishment.

The classroom environment is everything.

Thursday, 21 April 2022

Nils Melzer – The Trial of Julian Assange -Review


Melzer is the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. His mandate is to investigate and report on issues relevant to the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment and place these allegations on the agenda worldwide for the United Nations Human Rights Council to monitor, recognize and seek compliance for justice: war crimes and other crimes against humanity.

When Melzer was first approached by Wikileaks to investigate the Julian Assange case, he was wary and reluctant because, like everybody else on the planet, he believed the false accusations and smears propagated by governments (U.S., UK, Sweden, Ecuador) and forwarded by their complicit and compliant media. Though once studying the case, he discovered unchecked power, violations of the rule of law, and corruption at the highest levels of power. Assange is put forth like the proverbial “head on a pike,” warning any investigative journalist or whistleblower, who reveals crimes and corruption of the powerful, will no longer be tolerated. We are at a crossroads of the core tenets of democracy.

Melzer begins his investigation into the alleged rape of two women in Sweden. For close to 10 years, the Swedish prosecution posed Assange as a rapist without charge. There wasn't enough evidence to bring these charges to trial. These poodles of Empire intentionally dragged this case out. Finally, dropping the case for lack of evidence in 2019. But the damage was already done. Though once these charges were dropped, various organizations around the world now viewed Assange and the two women as victims of political manipulation. Three lives were ruined because of the Swedish knuckle-dragging on this case.

The British always claimed that Assange was always free to leave the Ecuadorian embassy, that he simply was paranoid, etc. Assange had a right to be paranoid. After the Ecuadorian change of government, bribed by Mike Pompeo and the CIA with promises of loans, Assange was stripped of his Ecuadorian citizenship and dragged out of the embassy like an accused serial killer. Assange was right: the U.S. wanted him extradited to face ridiculous espionage charges and placed in a high-security prison. The conditions of these US prisons are well known. The treatment of prisoners exceeds medieval savagery. It's sadistic torture.

The show trials and cruel and unusual punishment of Assange in Britain are beyond the pale. Placed in Belmarsh prison as if he was a dangerous terrorist is absurd. Britain is committing crimes against humanity in its treatment of Julian Assange. The arrogance of these wigged lunatics defying the basic rules of the law and due process is apparent and disgusting. Assange has not received a fair hearing. Once the beacon of the judiciary system, the UK has revealed that politics is above the law. The decisions and behavior of the two UK judges, in this case, are aberrant on so many levels. Their bias was evident from the very beginning. Any citizen living in a democracy observed this corruption at the start. The entire case is a joke.

Melzer goes into detail about the slanted bias and criminal treatment of Julian Assange. His writing is accessible and rational, showing the apparent criminality of our institutions.

After reading this valuable text, it became evident that our democratic institutions across the planet have been seriously compromised. The Rule of Law has become rhetorical. All-flash and no substance. These law professionals should be ashamed. Kill the messenger and enable the actual criminals to run free.

Go beyond the establishment smears and lies about Julian Assange. This case goes beyond one man. This is about democracy. This is about the fourth estate, a planet where the people can hold their leaders accountable. Democracy is about transparency. The persecution of Julian Assange is authoritarianism, governments who can act in secrecy without consequences. Don't let these sociopaths win.

Nil Melzer has done us a massive service by writing this book.

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Self-censorship is Bad for your Health

Received an email from Google's Ad Sense warning (paraphrased) that any mention of the war in Ukraine, their Rules of Conduct, will come into effect, and my post will be censored. Firstly I receive no ad revenue from this organization. Over the last 4 years, my current BLOG has had many opinions about politics and war. I knew instinctively that my essays and articles would not reach their level of qualification for advertisements. Too controversial. On the other hand, sending me this "warning revealed the extent of censorship across all social media platforms.

No more than 7 years ago, Facebook was the platform to express my views and communicate with old friends. My posts included severe criticisms of the Israel/Palestinian conflict. For a few years, Syria was a central bone of contention. My comments on Iraq and Libya were also highly critical of the mainstream narratives. The Afghanistan war was highly criticized. None of these posts were censored. After Trump was banished from social media at the end of the 2020 presidential election, I was put in FB jail for commenting on the useless violence of war. What changed?

Well, at face value, the only noticeable change is the democratic party came into power. You may call it a coincidence, but that is certainly when it began. And from that time, the censorship has become steadily worse. More independent journalists have disappeared. Glenn Greenwald left The Intercept for being censored on the Biden Laptop scandal. It suddenly became difficult to find independent news sites. RT has been banned, including left-wing voices who never spoke of Russia but only criticized US government policies. The establishment is silencing all dissent. Silencing any voice that challenges the mainstream narrative. Absurdly, the only argument used by the establishment is you must be spreading Russian propaganda; you're a right-wing nutter, a white supremacist, or a Nazi. The social media giants use their 'Rules of Conduct', which are usually vague and ambiguous as to how you violated these rules.

It has become a cliche to call this current environment Orwellian. But if you have ever read Orwell's 1984 or any of his political essays cannot deny our current plight:

A violation of the US Constitution on Free Speech and Freedom of the Press.

The Julian Assange case is a prime example of crushing free speech and the press. Assange's illegal persecution/prosecution is a direct violation of the Constitution. But, more importantly, these actions are a warning to all investigative journalists and whistle-blowers: print "classified information" or the crimes of governments, and you will be prosecuted as well. You'll end up like Assange: in a dark hole.

Unfortunately, these sociopaths in power mean business.

So now, sitting in front of my keyboard, I second guess myself, fearing being banished from the public square. Will I be punished for writing this opinion or piece of reliable data?

This thought process is not healthy.

I was taught never to second-guess myself.

This current environment of censorship is a tool of authoritarianism.

Only one "truth" is permitted, that of the State.

This is not democracy but something else altogether. 

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Blast from the Past: Ilhan Omar telling the Truth. (2018)


Both parties' unfettered attacks on Rep Omar, on her truthful criticisms of AIPAC and politicians in bed with the Israeli Lobby Firm, prove two things: they're bought and paid for politicians. They have put Israel first above the interests of the American people. The first act of Law Congress pushed was the anti #BDS bill. This reveals which side of their bread is buttered on. This first act was for their actual constituents, Israeli money. Calling Rep Omar anti-Semite borders on the truly absurd.

 During the height of the #Russiagate hysteria in the US (2016-18), the left-wing leader of the British parliament, Jeremy Corbin, was smeared as anti-Semitic by every mainstream media outlet, from the tabloids to the BBC. These accusations were unfounded and later proven to be a Tory smear campaign. However, the term anti-Semitic has been bandied around so much, particularly from right-wing Israelis, that it has begun not to hold any meaning. You use a phrase often enough; it has a tendency to disappear.

A week before, AOC, in a committee meeting, questioned individuals on campaign finance, which led to the conclusion that the political system was broken. This gained substantial attention on social media and alternative media across the world. When you can essentially buy a politician for a specific reason, whether against the public interest or not, there is no true democracy but a system run by the few, the oligarchy.

In earlier BLOGS, I have discussed AIPAC and their significant influence to sway American politics to their own interests. In fact, every freshman congressperson's first cab off the rank is a visit to AIPAC HQ for a briefing and then offered an all-expenses-paid trip to Israel. If this is not professional grooming, then what is?

When Rep. Omar made her brave criticism of a deeply broken system, pointing out the "paid for politicians" from the Israeli lobby, she wasn't smearing Jews but pointing out far-reaching corruption currently destroying American democracy. Likewise, when one criticizes an Apartheid State, one is not shaming the people but the government. In this case, the far-right Israeli government.

The #BDS movement is not about Jews. It is about humanitarian Rights – Palestinian human rights.

So just know that all our representatives in government who bullied and pushed Rep. Omar to apologize for her *truthful statements*, do not work for the American people but for the Zionist State of Israel.

And this must change.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

The Mysterious Grandeur of The 12 Apostles.


Although having lived in Victoria, Australia, for many years, I have never ventured out to see these marvelous rock formations so named The 12 Apostles. Of course, have seen pictures in many “Tourism’ advertisements in the newspaper and on television over time; however, the opportunity never presented itself to witness these natural wonders.

We set out in the early morning after breakfast along The Great Ocean Road towards Port Campbell, the home of this holy site. The drive was pleasant enough, the scenery a blend of rainforest and cattle-grazing green pastures.

We arrived only a 90-minute journey from Apollo Bay with blue skies and moderate winds. Many tourists could be seen walking on the man-made pathways along the edge of the cliffs, peering out over the coastline, gazing in utter amazement at these strange rock formations of a seeming brittle-like sandstone composition, jutting out from the ocean like Excalibur, like ruins from an ancient civilization.

Because my intent on this trip was to immerse myself in the sights and sounds of the environment, I brought out my sketchbook and started to draw these unusual rocks. Finding the appropriate position, a comfortable perspective, my pen began to scratch in earnest along with the page. During these moments, time slows down to a leisurely crawl; the “outside world” diminishes to almost nothing, and all that exists is the object of my study.

Suddenly a tap on the shoulder interrupted my concentration, and looking down, a little girl stood there looking up at me and asked, “Are you an artist?”

Feeling a little off-balance, I said, “Sometimes.”

“Can I see your picture?”

Bending down, I showed her the half-drawn sketch. She blushed and smiled, running off, I assume, searching for her mother. Resuming the drawing, a few minutes later, another tap on the shoulder, and this time a middle-aged woman, slightly on the chunky side wearing a bright red ski jacket, asked, “Sorry, can I ask what you’re doing?”

“Trying to draw a different perspective of the rocks.”

I sounded annoyed because she said, “Sorry, it looks terrific.” Then, thanking her for the compliment, she strolled off in the opposite direction. I found this question a little strange because I thought it was obvious what I was doing.

Time passed, and in the background, I could hear an assortment of various languages: German, Japanese, Malaysian, and French. Though not understanding any of them, their tone was the same, amazement at these mysterious rocks along a beautiful coastline.

There is something timeless and mysterious about the rocks: The sound of the surf and constant tide, slowly pushing the coastline back further and further inland. At the risk of sounding banal and clichéd, nothing is more accurate to form than nature’s art; these rocks are individual sculptures, specifically molded, created by the hands of the sea.

My first experience with The Twelve Apostles was much more than a pleasure; it was an event to remember.

Monday, 11 April 2022

Comment on Love Lost


To pine for a recent former lover, the sadness all prevailing, one’s desire to even live, one’s most incredible goals and aspirations fall by the wayside because that Love that once seemingly existed has now ended – and without this Love, one deeply feels life is not worth living.

It has been said that it is a dangerous act indeed to wallow in this lost Love, and if you have read Goethe’s novel, ‘The Sorrows of Young Werther”, know that the young man merely wanted to fit in, stumbled into Love and lost, thus, in the end committing suicide. However, one can forgive young Werther as a boy, naïve, and a true idealist.

But for one to really Love a new woman with such passion as an older man reveals that at least the “capacity” to love, so intense and sublime, brings hope that it is even possible for someone who has experienced life on so many levels, can fall so totally in Love with a woman.

Sadness, grief, and sorrow are emotions connected with a significant loss.

Reflecting, however, does not one’s experience, age, and inevitable cynicism (a better word would be jaded) excuse him from this terrible pain?

These passionate emotions are not only intended for the young because one can continue to feel the pain of lost love, whether 13 or 60. There are no ‘statutes of limitations’ on romantic and passionate lover. But it feels as though the older lover will feel the pain more powerfully because of their experience in life. Perhaps because they realize life is too short and the experience may never come again.

What is so difficult is to rationalize in one’s head with the emotions of one’s heart. We “know” wallowing in, and feeling this sadness, is, to some extent, absurd, but the heart pays no attention and continues pouring forth the sadness and Love – the feelings of loss.

Love is a mystery without any clear-cut answers…

Rainer Maria Rilke
For one human being to love another is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation.

Francois de la Rochefoucauld
When we are in Love, we often doubt that which we most believe.

When wanting to withdraw from life because of some pain or sadness, I often remember a line from a poem by Emily Bronte:

No coward’s soul is mine.”

Friday, 8 April 2022

Julian Assange – More Reflection

 All this talk of Russian war crimes has brought my attention back to Julian Assange. The man languishes in a high-security prison in Britain without any formal charges against him. Yes, he did jump bail in 2012, which brings a maximum penalty of 52 weeks. Unfortunately, Assange's time in Belmarsh, known as the "British Guantanamo," has well exceeded this time. The only reason he remains in solitary confinement is because of a corrupt British judiciary and the infamous bully tactics of the US government. The Julian Assange case has spotlighted the corruption of governments and the lengths they will go to keep their crimes secret. Breaking the law and ignoring the core values of civilization are just a few examples.

Assange is in prison because he embarrassed the US military and their government by revealing war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Espionage Act was created to attack and imprison American dissidents, labor unions, socialists, communists, and anyone known to protest against the American elite. Assange is not a US citizen but an Australian. Yet by revealing the corrupt machinations of the democratic party in 2016, this seemed to seal his fate. He showed Hillary Clinton to be a Wall Street stooge and war criminal. Despite this case being a benchmark for the first amendment of the United States, confused and vindictive journalists and officials jumped on the anti-Assange bandwagon, pushing the lies created to destroy him.

The United States, Britain, New Zealand, France, and Australia have committed more war crimes over the last quarter-century than Russia could hope to achieve. Of course, this is not to excuse Russia for their current alleged war crimes in Ukraine, but the apparent hypocrisy of these countries pointing the finger at Russia is hilarious if not so blatant and spoken in such a severe straight face.

Over the last few days, I've revisited the Julian Assange case. What is disturbing is the seeming coordinated effort by the US, Sweden, and the UK to slander the publisher, forcing an individual's torture and character assassination over the last 12 years.

People will still come at me with: "well, one thing I can't get over is that (he) is a rapist." These people have received all their information from the mainstream press. These charges were manipulated by the Swedish prosecutors and law enforcement. All the charges were dropped because of a lack of evidence. Currently, the two women's lives at the center of this fiasco are ruined. I invite anyone to read the blow-by-blow account of this Swedish case and not come away with a dim view of the Swedish authorities. It has become evident to me that once Sweden was one of the few sovereign democratic nations, and now like so many countries in the West, are obedient poodles to the US empire.

From what I can gather, the Swedish people feel the same.

It astounds me how so many people across the planet fell for the blatant smear campaign against Julian Assange. There is no doubt that this was a coordinated effort across the earth, including those in high places, media, and those in between.

Julian Assange and Wikileaks are not a foreign intelligence agency hell-bent on destroying the United States and their ass-kissing allies. Wikileaks is a publishing organization whose sole purpose is to provide whistle-blowers a safe haven to reveal government crimes and corruption. What people have apparently forgotten, it's the press's job to investigate government corruption and alleged war crimes and lies. The media now, or at least the mainstream media, are merely platforms for the IC and government representatives to spread propaganda. The Fourth Estate has diminished or has wholly vanished.

In this current climate of cancel culture and faux progressives, pretty talking heads on television acting like real journalists, and censorship for any voice countering the establishment narratives, trustworthy investigative journalism will become something of the past, a forgotten memory of old.

Because when/if Julian Assange is extracted from the UK's Guantanamo, shipped to a US maximum-security prison, and tried in an Espionage Act Kangaroo Court, we'll never hear or see him again. Trustworthy investigative journalism will die, too, in a US government dark hole.

The general public should understand that the Julian Assange case is much bigger than the persecution of one political prisoner. The First Amendment is on trial. Real journalism is on trial. Democracy is on trial.

If you care about freedom of the press, actual free speech, and real democracy, you should be concerned about Julian Assange.

Thursday, 7 April 2022

Rembrandt: too much too soon.

It is always a pleasure to visit the Victorian National Art Museum. We stayed there for three hours with the intent of only viewing the 16th century Flemish masters. What is the cliche? The road to hell is paved with good intentions? We continued from the 16th century to the 20th century, and by that time, my body and mind were about to fall into a heap due to exhaustion.

'I can't see anymore, or I'll shut down!"

'My goodness, C, you look so pale; come on, let's go outside.'

Sitting outside with a much-needed cup of coffee, next to the man-made water feature, the city air, water, and crowd of visiting tourists all felt back to normal.

'We were in there too long, too much in too short of time.' I said.

'I think I understand what you're saying...' she replied.

'S, we should have remained in the 16th century, but we got greedy and wanted more, and there is a price for greed!"

'I knew I should have stopped with Rembrandt, all his wonderful sketches and those haunting self-portraits. Really, when we come back again, we'll stay with the Flemish 16th century and Rembrandt."

She nodded her head, taking a sip of coffee, 'You're right. We didn't rush but tried to take it all in, moving at an impossible pace."

My point is that one does not experience the same 'feelings' when moving through a print shop or surfing on the net, looking at representations of works of art.

There's an energy that flows from the work that requires a response.

Rembrandt was a prolific collector of all 'things' unusual, from strange rocks to silly drawings from far away places. He would sketch these curiosities and incorporate them into his major projects. The NGV has a collection of these sketches, and they're incredible.

When my friend literally carried me out of the gallery from too much engagement, I noticed a group of Asian tourists gathered around a small Picasso - a truly ugly painting - the flashes from their cameras blinking at the speed of light. Is it the beauty of the painting they were so enthusiastic about or the fact that it was an original Picasso? I truly believe it is the artist not the work that inspired so many photographs.

Depicted above is one of my favorite paintings by Rembrandt, "The Head of Christ."

The expression in the eyes tells it all...

As written before in this BLOG, art is about technique and its undefinable energy that cannot be experienced except by the original work. Art is a visceral experience and one's response to the work.

When at that precise moment in time, one can actually feel the artists' intent and Beauty...that, to my mind, is truly the purpose of Art.

Monday, 4 April 2022

Countering the Mainstream Narratives


The reasons for war are never clear until the end or many years later. Earth's masses are fed a variety of reasons from all sides of the conflict. The why's given to us are generally half-truths or absolute lies. We are given false information about the war, and those carrying the mainstream narrative will play on our emotions. "Look at the crimes and genocide "they're" committing!" We are shown images of innocent deaths and destruction. Each leader on each side is called a monster or dictator and must be stopped. This is a ploy by the elites to push for more war and certainly not less. Those waging and supporting these wars do not care about the people. As we've learned from history, war is about profit and a monopoly of power across the planet. Any other reasons given are lies.

The novelist and political writer George Orwell wrote:

The war is not meant to be won; it is intended to be continuous. A hierarchical society is only possible based on poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past, and no different history can ever have existed. In principle, the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects. Its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia but to keep the very structure of society intact.

The people of the West should have known or realized that the war in Afghanistan was meant to be continuous. Close to twenty years of innocent deaths. As documents have revealed, the war in Afghanistan was not about killing terrorists or keeping the world safe. This was a giant money-laundering exercise coupled with acquiring resources,, including maintaining the West's war economy. Twenty years of war crimes and innocent deaths for cash.

War is to maintain current power structures and to keep these power structures intact.

When the media concentrates, it's reporting on innocent deaths and not the reasons behind the war is absolutely intentional. Ensure the masses are upset, fearful, and hateful of the other side.

The utter madness of the West's propaganda is getting absurd. Watching the MSM is to witness individuals pushing for WWIII. "Putin is a monster! The US must put boots on the ground. We need to create a "No-fly-zone" to crush Russia's war crimes." This action alone would pull the west into a significant conflict with nuclear power and perhaps the world's end as we know it.

The thing is, these neocon warmongers do not care about innocent deaths in war. They only care about profit and maintaining the oligarchic class.

Of course, humanitarian aid should go to the Ukrainian people. Though sending more "lethal aid" (weapons) to Ukraine is not conducive to peace. The reason Orwell made clear:

The war is not meant to be won. It is intended to be continuous. A hierarchical society is only possible based on poverty and ignorance.

NATO and the US do not want an end to this war but an indefinite continuance to ensure more profit and political and economic dominance over Russia.

I believe this is the bottom line.

Diplomacy is the only answer. 

You cannot believe anything about this war from Russia or the US. On both sides, the elite has taken over the media and assassinated or imprisoned their real journalists and truth-tellers.

The truth about war has nothing to do with autocracy vs. democracy.

Constantly challenge the mainstream narrative.

Because it's never what it seems.

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...