Tuesday, 26 April 2022

The Main Stream Media is Bloodthirsty for War


After tuning in to American cable news sights, it was clear that the 'talking heads' on these various “news” programs desired war with Russia. Young journalists on the ground in Ukraine were making these strong statements regarding the actions of the Russian invasion with obvious no evidence and hyped-up rhetoric in the guise of truth to their audiences. The most used term is: “this action runs exactly to the “Russian Playbook.” I've never seen nor heard of the Russian playbook until it was coined on some cable news program.

This is a pure journalistic invention to propagate war.

The establishment media has always been the vehicle to influence the people of western democracies to get behind the war with a non-western country. As a result, our governments lied about Vietnam, the first and second Iraq wars, Libya, and the Syrian conflict. Unfortunately, most people have a short memory span regarding war propaganda.

War and propaganda go hand in hand.

Today I was reading about George Orwell's life during WWII. At that time, he worked for the BBC. Despite Nazi Germany's apparent crimes, they were also making shit up. Orwell's program was non-political, according to this author. Though it was during this time that Orwell's book Animal Farm was ready to publish, it was prevented because it was an obvious satire on Stain's government. At this time, Communist Russia was the west's ally in the fight against Hitler. Many UK politicians and journalists referred to Stalin as “Uncle Joe.” Nevertheless, Animal Farm was published after WWII and the Cold War.

From my point of view, governments and their establishment media will write or say anything to ensure the “enemy” is cast in the worst of light.

Indeed, Russia could be committing War Crimes, but there has been no objective analysis to confirm these allegations.

The alleged chemical attacks in Syria were blamed on the Assad government without any evidence. This resulted in a bombing campaign by the US and its allies. However, through the work of independent journalists and whistleblowers from the CDC, the entire “attack” turned out to be an elaborate fabrication. The main media culprit, in this case, was The New York Times. Even creating a virtual “crime scene” and posting it on social media. All lies and war propaganda.

The Russia/Ukraine war can end tomorrow through diplomatic means. But unfortunately, the US MSM calls diplomacy “talks” in flippant and condescending expressions and tones. From this behavior, these “talking heads” (not journalists) the US desires the war in Ukraine to continue indefinitely. Why? Because the conflict is highly profitable for war profiteers, weapon manufacturers, and viewership and clicks for the corporate media.

This may sound highly cynical though the extension of this war benefits a small group of people who will say anything and do anything to ensure it continues.

During the war, the establishment media's job is to influence viewers to want a fight to continue and cast the enemy as the purest of evils.

What was so disturbing today was to see these mainstream talking heads appear so enthusiastic for death and destruction (bloodthirsty) without a second thought for the actual victims of war... innocents.

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