Monday, 4 April 2022

Countering the Mainstream Narratives


The reasons for war are never clear until the end or many years later. Earth's masses are fed a variety of reasons from all sides of the conflict. The why's given to us are generally half-truths or absolute lies. We are given false information about the war, and those carrying the mainstream narrative will play on our emotions. "Look at the crimes and genocide "they're" committing!" We are shown images of innocent deaths and destruction. Each leader on each side is called a monster or dictator and must be stopped. This is a ploy by the elites to push for more war and certainly not less. Those waging and supporting these wars do not care about the people. As we've learned from history, war is about profit and a monopoly of power across the planet. Any other reasons given are lies.

The novelist and political writer George Orwell wrote:

The war is not meant to be won; it is intended to be continuous. A hierarchical society is only possible based on poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past, and no different history can ever have existed. In principle, the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects. Its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia but to keep the very structure of society intact.

The people of the West should have known or realized that the war in Afghanistan was meant to be continuous. Close to twenty years of innocent deaths. As documents have revealed, the war in Afghanistan was not about killing terrorists or keeping the world safe. This was a giant money-laundering exercise coupled with acquiring resources,, including maintaining the West's war economy. Twenty years of war crimes and innocent deaths for cash.

War is to maintain current power structures and to keep these power structures intact.

When the media concentrates, it's reporting on innocent deaths and not the reasons behind the war is absolutely intentional. Ensure the masses are upset, fearful, and hateful of the other side.

The utter madness of the West's propaganda is getting absurd. Watching the MSM is to witness individuals pushing for WWIII. "Putin is a monster! The US must put boots on the ground. We need to create a "No-fly-zone" to crush Russia's war crimes." This action alone would pull the west into a significant conflict with nuclear power and perhaps the world's end as we know it.

The thing is, these neocon warmongers do not care about innocent deaths in war. They only care about profit and maintaining the oligarchic class.

Of course, humanitarian aid should go to the Ukrainian people. Though sending more "lethal aid" (weapons) to Ukraine is not conducive to peace. The reason Orwell made clear:

The war is not meant to be won. It is intended to be continuous. A hierarchical society is only possible based on poverty and ignorance.

NATO and the US do not want an end to this war but an indefinite continuance to ensure more profit and political and economic dominance over Russia.

I believe this is the bottom line.

Diplomacy is the only answer. 

You cannot believe anything about this war from Russia or the US. On both sides, the elite has taken over the media and assassinated or imprisoned their real journalists and truth-tellers.

The truth about war has nothing to do with autocracy vs. democracy.

Constantly challenge the mainstream narrative.

Because it's never what it seems.

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