Thursday, 21 April 2022

Nils Melzer – The Trial of Julian Assange -Review


Melzer is the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. His mandate is to investigate and report on issues relevant to the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment and place these allegations on the agenda worldwide for the United Nations Human Rights Council to monitor, recognize and seek compliance for justice: war crimes and other crimes against humanity.

When Melzer was first approached by Wikileaks to investigate the Julian Assange case, he was wary and reluctant because, like everybody else on the planet, he believed the false accusations and smears propagated by governments (U.S., UK, Sweden, Ecuador) and forwarded by their complicit and compliant media. Though once studying the case, he discovered unchecked power, violations of the rule of law, and corruption at the highest levels of power. Assange is put forth like the proverbial “head on a pike,” warning any investigative journalist or whistleblower, who reveals crimes and corruption of the powerful, will no longer be tolerated. We are at a crossroads of the core tenets of democracy.

Melzer begins his investigation into the alleged rape of two women in Sweden. For close to 10 years, the Swedish prosecution posed Assange as a rapist without charge. There wasn't enough evidence to bring these charges to trial. These poodles of Empire intentionally dragged this case out. Finally, dropping the case for lack of evidence in 2019. But the damage was already done. Though once these charges were dropped, various organizations around the world now viewed Assange and the two women as victims of political manipulation. Three lives were ruined because of the Swedish knuckle-dragging on this case.

The British always claimed that Assange was always free to leave the Ecuadorian embassy, that he simply was paranoid, etc. Assange had a right to be paranoid. After the Ecuadorian change of government, bribed by Mike Pompeo and the CIA with promises of loans, Assange was stripped of his Ecuadorian citizenship and dragged out of the embassy like an accused serial killer. Assange was right: the U.S. wanted him extradited to face ridiculous espionage charges and placed in a high-security prison. The conditions of these US prisons are well known. The treatment of prisoners exceeds medieval savagery. It's sadistic torture.

The show trials and cruel and unusual punishment of Assange in Britain are beyond the pale. Placed in Belmarsh prison as if he was a dangerous terrorist is absurd. Britain is committing crimes against humanity in its treatment of Julian Assange. The arrogance of these wigged lunatics defying the basic rules of the law and due process is apparent and disgusting. Assange has not received a fair hearing. Once the beacon of the judiciary system, the UK has revealed that politics is above the law. The decisions and behavior of the two UK judges, in this case, are aberrant on so many levels. Their bias was evident from the very beginning. Any citizen living in a democracy observed this corruption at the start. The entire case is a joke.

Melzer goes into detail about the slanted bias and criminal treatment of Julian Assange. His writing is accessible and rational, showing the apparent criminality of our institutions.

After reading this valuable text, it became evident that our democratic institutions across the planet have been seriously compromised. The Rule of Law has become rhetorical. All-flash and no substance. These law professionals should be ashamed. Kill the messenger and enable the actual criminals to run free.

Go beyond the establishment smears and lies about Julian Assange. This case goes beyond one man. This is about democracy. This is about the fourth estate, a planet where the people can hold their leaders accountable. Democracy is about transparency. The persecution of Julian Assange is authoritarianism, governments who can act in secrecy without consequences. Don't let these sociopaths win.

Nil Melzer has done us a massive service by writing this book.

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