Friday, 8 April 2022

Julian Assange – More Reflection

 All this talk of Russian war crimes has brought my attention back to Julian Assange. The man languishes in a high-security prison in Britain without any formal charges against him. Yes, he did jump bail in 2012, which brings a maximum penalty of 52 weeks. Unfortunately, Assange's time in Belmarsh, known as the "British Guantanamo," has well exceeded this time. The only reason he remains in solitary confinement is because of a corrupt British judiciary and the infamous bully tactics of the US government. The Julian Assange case has spotlighted the corruption of governments and the lengths they will go to keep their crimes secret. Breaking the law and ignoring the core values of civilization are just a few examples.

Assange is in prison because he embarrassed the US military and their government by revealing war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Espionage Act was created to attack and imprison American dissidents, labor unions, socialists, communists, and anyone known to protest against the American elite. Assange is not a US citizen but an Australian. Yet by revealing the corrupt machinations of the democratic party in 2016, this seemed to seal his fate. He showed Hillary Clinton to be a Wall Street stooge and war criminal. Despite this case being a benchmark for the first amendment of the United States, confused and vindictive journalists and officials jumped on the anti-Assange bandwagon, pushing the lies created to destroy him.

The United States, Britain, New Zealand, France, and Australia have committed more war crimes over the last quarter-century than Russia could hope to achieve. Of course, this is not to excuse Russia for their current alleged war crimes in Ukraine, but the apparent hypocrisy of these countries pointing the finger at Russia is hilarious if not so blatant and spoken in such a severe straight face.

Over the last few days, I've revisited the Julian Assange case. What is disturbing is the seeming coordinated effort by the US, Sweden, and the UK to slander the publisher, forcing an individual's torture and character assassination over the last 12 years.

People will still come at me with: "well, one thing I can't get over is that (he) is a rapist." These people have received all their information from the mainstream press. These charges were manipulated by the Swedish prosecutors and law enforcement. All the charges were dropped because of a lack of evidence. Currently, the two women's lives at the center of this fiasco are ruined. I invite anyone to read the blow-by-blow account of this Swedish case and not come away with a dim view of the Swedish authorities. It has become evident to me that once Sweden was one of the few sovereign democratic nations, and now like so many countries in the West, are obedient poodles to the US empire.

From what I can gather, the Swedish people feel the same.

It astounds me how so many people across the planet fell for the blatant smear campaign against Julian Assange. There is no doubt that this was a coordinated effort across the earth, including those in high places, media, and those in between.

Julian Assange and Wikileaks are not a foreign intelligence agency hell-bent on destroying the United States and their ass-kissing allies. Wikileaks is a publishing organization whose sole purpose is to provide whistle-blowers a safe haven to reveal government crimes and corruption. What people have apparently forgotten, it's the press's job to investigate government corruption and alleged war crimes and lies. The media now, or at least the mainstream media, are merely platforms for the IC and government representatives to spread propaganda. The Fourth Estate has diminished or has wholly vanished.

In this current climate of cancel culture and faux progressives, pretty talking heads on television acting like real journalists, and censorship for any voice countering the establishment narratives, trustworthy investigative journalism will become something of the past, a forgotten memory of old.

Because when/if Julian Assange is extracted from the UK's Guantanamo, shipped to a US maximum-security prison, and tried in an Espionage Act Kangaroo Court, we'll never hear or see him again. Trustworthy investigative journalism will die, too, in a US government dark hole.

The general public should understand that the Julian Assange case is much bigger than the persecution of one political prisoner. The First Amendment is on trial. Real journalism is on trial. Democracy is on trial.

If you care about freedom of the press, actual free speech, and real democracy, you should be concerned about Julian Assange.

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