Monday, 30 May 2022

Another Great Artist from the Repin Academy.

 This painting is of another world.

There is a hint of the 19th century, the beautiful dress and umbrella, the woman gazing at the sea. Look at the tree above her and the detail and time the artist invested to reflect what he really sees, which contrasts the entire painting in every other aspect. (The woman is not the center piece but the tree above her.)

When sketching a "live" object of the world, sometimes it is necessary to reflect, as close as possible, its 'true' form.

This artist has created a meld of Impression and the human artists' striving for the Real.

But one gets the impression that he is playing with us: the model's head is minimal; there are glimpses of objects and "things" that, at a cursory glance, one would not see...similar to a Renaissance work, there are hidden symbols.

My eyes, when gazing at this work, move to the leaves above her and the ground below her feet.

One Real the other Impression, giving the work, as said before, something not of this world.

The painter is of the Repin School in St. Petersburg, whose reputation for combining styles is well known in Russian circles:

Joseph Tali is the painter of this particular work.

This work by Tali is now part of a "private" collection.


Sunday, 29 May 2022

Henry Kissinger speaks-out on Ukraine War

Controversial former Secretary of State and noted war criminal Henry Kissinger spoke out at the Davos World Economic Forum on the Ukraine conflict, stating (paraphrased)

that it's time to think about a diplomatic settlement to end the war, and that settlement will have to include territorial concessions to Russia. "Ideally, the dividing line should be a return to the status quo ante,"

For many, the retired 99-year-old statesman has a relevant point.

This war, fuelled by the United States and its allies, known as a proxy war (the US fighting Russia via Ukraine), is already causing economic and social upheaval across the European continent. Russia supplies over 40% of natural gas and chemicals for needed fertilizer to Europe. What Kissinger was attempting to achieve back in the day was preventing Russia and China from joining forces against the US and its client states. Instead, the current conflict in Ukraine is enabling both nuclear powers to further collaborate. This will lead the west and the east into a major world war. Possibly even atomic annihilation.

For many observers around the planet, the US war machine is getting more and more out of control. A few weeks ago, the US Congress approved a $40 billion package for Ukraine. This war bill, proposing a ridiculous amount of money to a foreign power, landed on the desks of congress at 3:00pm, giving the members no time to study the bill. Nevertheless, a majority voted "yes" on the proposal, including antiwar progressives like the "squad" and Bernie Sanders. The only "no" votes came from Republican members that, for many, revealed democrats to be hypocrites and frauds.

Western powers have dissuaded Ukraine from diplomacy since the beginning of the conflict. Their intent is clear, to destabilize Russia and dethrone Vladimir Putin. This, of course, is at the expense and deaths of the Ukrainian people.

Observing social media and western mainstream media, the general population has not necessarily been lied to. Still, the important history of the region and the actions of the American government have been left out of the picture. To really understand this war, we must comprehend events and actions from 2014 to the present time.

The point of this comment is not to educate, but to point out that even Henry Kissinger, a noted warmonger and criminal, is pushing for diplomacy. The man's knowledge of Geo-politics is renowned, and our current donor-supported leaders should take heed before this war madness spreads across the globe.

The amount of $ given to Ukraine at face value is absolutely absurd. I believe these weapons will end up unused and in the hands of gangsters, terrorists, and mercenaries. The US doesn't want to get their hands too dirty by putting boots on the ground. This would only escalate the situation towards massive devastation on all sides.

The only people benefiting from this war are the arms industry and war profiteers. Even my little understanding of economics understands that the billions donated to Ukraine will find its way back to corporations in the US and elsewhere. War is a perfect money-laundering scheme for governments and the wealthy. (See Afghanistan)

To put it simply, when a known Geo-political warmonger like Henry Kissinger calls for diplomacy, and an end to this war, those currently in power should listen.

Friday, 27 May 2022

Thoughts on Guns/Violence in America


The last mass shooting in Texas, considering the deaths were primarily children, forced my mind to reflect on why so many in 2022. Stats reveal more mass shootings this year than in 2021. And we are barely at the half-way mark. Receiving news of mass shootings in the United States has almost become common place. Similar to an overused word over time, that word begins to lose all meaning. The word antisemitic comes to mind. Nevertheless, I grew up in the United States, and guns are a main aspect of U.S. culture.

As a young man, both my parents Australian, guns were never allowed. My friend down the street was a member of a hunting family. I remember looking out my bedroom window, seeing their station wagon with a large Elk strapped on the roof. Later that morning, I'd visit my friend to see their double car garage turned into an abattoir; the scene similar to The Chain Saw Massacre.

At the age of 15, I'd tag along with the older kids, cruising on the streets of Denver in Dave's 65' Mustang. One Friday night, we found a side street to relieve ourselves because of the amount of beer we were consuming. Mid stream, I heard gun fire. A man had come out of his house with a rifle and began shooting at us. A bullet whizzed right passed my ear and hit the tree in front of me sending splinters of bark in my eyes. A few years later, my friend considered himself to be a quick draw, and would drive to the fields with his 22' pistol and practice, (just in case he was challenged to a gun fight by another fast-draw in town by the Taco Bell). Against all the rules, he went out by himself, and ended-up shooting himself in the leg.

Like I said before, guns are a major aspect of American culture.

One has to ask the question: Is it that there are too many guns available in the country, enabling more gun violence?

"According to a report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly 11,000 homicides were committed using firearms in the U.S. in 2011. Statistics Canada reports in the same year Canada had 158 homicides committed using firearms."

Although this statistic is out of date, it's doubtful that there is much difference percentage-wise today.

Canada has comparable gun ownership to the Untied States, yet the amount of homicides in Canada is less than 1% of homicides in the U.S.

Are guns the problem or is it something else altogether?

Many people have speculated that because the U.S. is a war-based economy, spreading violence across the world stage, killing millions of men, women and children, that behaviour begins at the head of the snake. A country perpetually at war with other countries, this violence will naturally manifest within the culture.

There is no doubt in my mind that American's are the most propagandised people on the planet. We are trained to see violence as natural and part of our everyday lives. War is justified, usually based on lies, to destroy the people of another country. These people are now "enemies" of the United States, when in reality, the only purpose for war is the acquisition of said country's natural resources.

When listening to President Biden's response to the Texas mass shooting, he acted like he was seeing it for the first time. Hypocritically, he and his government has just sent an additional $40 billion to Ukraine in mostly weapons, to kill Russians. Rather than invest this money into the country for health care for the mentally ill, the money is invested in death overseas.

The United States is a culture of perpetual violence.

My question is how do we fix this entrenched propensity to violence?

I'm no sociologist or psychologist but I do know that when a government invests in its own citizens in the areas of education, universal healthcare and the economic opportunity to earn a livable wage, violence in the country will see a dramatic fall.

When one's way of life rises above a day to day struggle, violence is more likely not to become a solution to one's survival- plight in the community.

Violence is never the answer to anything.    

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Spencer Kansa – Wormwood Star – Review


While looking through old notes, particularly my research into Aleister Crowley and the American pioneer of rocket science, Jack Parsons, the name Marjorie Cameron came up, leading to this fine biography. Cameron was Parson's second wife, who met at his infamous house in Pasadena, California. It was here Parson introduced her to Crowley's occult religion OTO. Cameron immersed herself into the cult's rituals and magic. Later becoming an American Occult icon.

Cameron is best known for her art and film appearances in underground circles.

Parson's and Cameron's marriage was relatively short-lived, as Jack Parson's died in his garage from a chemical explosion at 36. Conspiracy theories around Parson's death abound, from suicide to a government assassination. As co-founder of JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) and given a high-security clearance, his cult activities were highly scrutinized by the government. At his death, Jack was working on a deal with the Israeli government and a promise to work in the new Jewish State. As a result, the end was deemed an accident. But even Cameron, though quite late in her life, still believed the conspiracies surrounding his death. She was left bereft and financially insecure, without any way to make a living.

For most of her life, Cameron depended on friends and members of the OTO. The woman's survival skill is quite astonishing, using her charm and talent as an artist. People commented on her presence, her undeniable "witchy" aura, and her power of personality. Cameron remained in California, eventually marrying again and having children and grandchildren. 

Although Kansa paints her life as a mysterious, whole existence, practicing her religion and pursuing other spiritual paths, her life was a constant battle and ultimately a sad one.

Cameron met many Hollywood luminaries working with Denise Hopper and the avant-garde filmmaker Kenneth Anger.

Only after she died in 1995 did her artwork receive critical acclaim. Her work, of course, is otherworldly, reflecting her astral and inner-spiritual world.

After reading this biography, I found it challenging to place Marjorie Cameron into any distinct category: artist, actor, medium, occult practitioner, poet, beat poet, hippy, magi, witch, insane or insane – she defies any classification, though she can be all these things.

If you're curious about America's occult history beginning with the OTO in California and the many interesting people involved, Kansa's biography of this fascinating individual will not go astray. 

Saturday, 21 May 2022

Tatiana Kalyn "A Girl with a Guitar"


Born in 1969, the young Russian woman Tatiana Kayn joined The Repin Art Academy in St. Petersburg in 1989 at the age of twenty, then graduated in 2002; her reputation as a gifted artist was well established.

The Repin Art Academy has produced some extraordinary talent. Kayn is undoubtedly one of them.

The painting depicted above, "The Girl with a Guitar," is a fine example of Tatiana's talent, exemplifying the Academy's school of thought, that is to say, a style of Modern Expressionism with an uncanny manner of Realism; in fact, the Academy calls itself a school of Realism. 

One reason for this, I believe, is that Russian artists were directed to paint only in one style, Neo-Classicism, under the Communist regime, beginning with the ruthless dictator, Joseph Stalin. Any diversion from Classicism would lead the artist to a work camp in Siberia. As a result of this oppression, Russian artists missed out on the ever-moving, ever-changing art world; thus, when the Wall finally went down, something new in Art has emerged.

In 1989, Tatiana joined the Academy revealing her deep understanding of color/contrast and "somehow" imbuing into her work emotive inspiration, giving the viewer a strong sense of Realism.

In "A Girl with a Guitar," the mix of bright colors of the woman's costume and the delicate shape of her hands reveals an artist with classical sensibilities.

For me, the woman's expression is sadness because, perhaps, the song she is playing moves her to this emotion: a shade of deep forlornness.

Something quite fantastic about this painting that I can't quite put my finger on.

It would be a shame if this piece was now part of a private collection, (as many of her paintings are) because the work demands to be seen in the flesh.

In my humble opinion, this painting will become a classic for future generations.

A beautiful piece.

Thursday, 19 May 2022

War Games on National Cable News

Most people have realized that the mainstream media is a controlled extension of the U.S. State Department and the National Security State. Gone are the days when journalists challenged these establishment institutions. Aside from very few exceptions, the Fourth Estate is entrenched as a tool of empire. This was more than evident when America's Meet the Press broadcast a simulation of China attacking Taiwan and the U.S. response.

A Think Tank of neoconservatives was split between a Red Team and a Blue Team. If any viewer had switched on the show mid-way, like the Orsen Wells 1930's radio program, War of the Worlds, half the country believed we were being invaded by Martians, many last Sunday, would believe the possible beginning of WWIII. At the least, this is irresponsible journalism. But unfortunately, though Americans and other western countries have been bombarded with war propaganda over the last fifty years, a program like this one is now considered normal.

The host of Meet the Press, Chuck Todd, appeared to be almost giddy at the prospect of a war with China. He was in his element, treating the presentation like a game show host, even leaving the audience on a cliffhanger, "Tune in next week to see the outcome!" I found this gleeful show of potential war pathetic. These creeps are treating war like an episode of Jeopardy or Celebrity Apprentice. While viewing this clownish spectacle, I felt I was watching a scene from The Truman Show. The disturbing aspect is that we have been so desensitized by endless war over the last 20 years that we see it as standard as advertisements for furniture or toilet paper.

This shouldn't be a reality, but it certainly is a new reality.

Anyone who pays a little attention to war and geopolitics knew that once president Biden withdrew from Afghanistan, the sights of the military-industrial complex would focus on another conflict. But, from documents like the Afghanistan Papers, we now know that the war was a farce and ultimately a money-laundering exercise for the weapon manufacturers.

The problem is the U.S. economy is based on endless war.

People are waking up to the fact that these endless wars have nothing to do with democracy and "freedom" but profit and corporate acquisition of natural resources.

If one breaks through all the propaganda about Ukraine, one will see that oil and gas are the main reason for this war. The U.S. has stated out in the open their intentions for world dominance. The ultimate goal is to push Russia into submission, usurping Putin and replacing him with a U.S. puppet-like Boris Yeltsin.

War is a terrible thing. However, watching the establishment warmongers prepare people for a future war with China by presenting a game show-like theme for WWIII on national television goes beyond the pale.

These people are insane and are sending us to a certain Armageddon.

This is not normal.


Monday, 16 May 2022

Chris Hedges -America: The Farewell Tour – Review


The American Empire has passed its use-by-date and is currently falling into economic and social despair. In Hedges' book, America: The Farewell Tour, he writes exactly what he witnesses and records the people he interviews that describe a once viable nation to one that is crumbling due to late-stage capitalism and a government captured by corporations.

A common theme runs through the entire text: late-stage capitalism and the corporate elites have systematically impoverished the American people in all aspects of life. As a result, infrastructure across the states is falling apart; once lively cities are now ghost towns. Poverty is rampant, and what follows is massive drug addiction, sexual perversion, and prostitution become a last resort for single mothers. Under these circumstances, gambling addiction grows like an epidemic,  and a general tone of anger pervades, turning into hopelessness.

Although corporatism has been around for a long time, when the US really began its economic decline was after the Clinton administration created NAFTA. Once secure, employment vanished overnight. Car manufacturers and manufacturing across the board were permitted to send their companies overseas because labor was a fraction of the cost. As a result, entire towns and cities fell into abject poverty. The so-called American dream had vanished for the majority, never to return.

Since this valuable text was first published, the national situation has worsened. Covid 19 spread across the country, killing millions. Lockdowns destroyed small businesses and put thousands out of work. The new president promised a hike in the minimum wage that never eventuated, causing it to remain at 1950 levels. Medicare continues to be a predatory exercise, and big pharmaceuticals keep necessary medicines at ridiculous prices.

Recently the American government approved $40 billion more for military aid to Ukraine. This is a proxy war of Russia vs. the US/Ukraine, and the people are paying the price with their lives. A fraction of this money could have been poured back into the US economy. Instead, corporations run the country, and the government is simply their tool.

Another example of corporatism was the crash of 2008. Wall Street created a mortgage boom that crashed the economy. Millions of people lost their homes. The government ignored the plight of its citizens and rewarded Wall Street with a massive bailout. Who are the true masters of the U.S.?

This denigration of democracy to plutocracy is getting much worse. The solution that Hedges proposes is not something we can do overnight. It will take grassroots organizing. Protests must be non-violent, and efforts must aim directly at the problem: big banks, corporations, and voting corporate politicians out of office.

As the US was once my home, growing up in suburban Denver, Colorado, knowing what America has become is heartbreaking. Reading this text was an emotional trial facing a dark reality. We are in late-stage capitalism. The economy is a mess, and as history has revealed, totalitarianism is the logical next step under these conditions. We can see fascism growing with massive surveillance, militarised police acting like special forces in Iraq on the ordinary people, and our fundamental constitutional rights (free speech, free press) disappearing before our eyes.

Chris Hedges' book reveals the horrific reality of America's state of affairs.

Emotionally the read is a difficult reality to come to terms with. But Hedges gives us hope that through a recognition that we all share a common foe, change can be possible.

Friday, 13 May 2022

$50 billion for Ukraine no American cares about...PROFITS.


There are no anti-war organizations or government representatives in the United States.

While millions of Americans are experiencing poverty due to Covid 19, lock-downs, and ridiculous rules that smashed small businesses across the board, the government handed over 50 billion dollars to a country that the common US citizen barely knows exists. While brainwashed twits plant the Ukraine flag on their front lawns, their government is preventing peace talks, fuelling the weapon manufacturers, all for their donors. This war should have ended long ago. Yet the west, NATO, and their warmongering pundits desire war because war is profitable and to hell with the survival of human beings. 

The vote to give $50 billion to a small country was unanimous from both sides of the US government. There is no Left in American politics. They've all been captured by their donors: weapon manufacturers, big pharma, and the fossil fuel industries. When I say “captured,”; I mean bribed with $ and future promises of power in their bubble-belt-way-world.

The US government and its spokespeople (MSM) desire a new Afghanistan. Therefore, this was lucrative for the MIC and lucrative for their puppets. Afghanistan was a massive money-laundering scheme costing thousands of lives. For these sociopaths, Ukraine can be a new Afghanistan: perpetual war at the expense of human beings, the innocent.

The amount of $ given to Ukraine dwarfs most defense budgets in countries around the planet. In the last ten weeks, the US has given Ukraine almost the entire annual budget of Russia's war budget. More $ in the previous ten weeks than Russia spends in a year.

Where are these weapons going, and where will they end up in the long run?

I find the answer to this question obvious.

Similar to the US's ongoing war against terror in the middle east, these weapons will fall into the hands of gangsters. Real terrorists. Though, is this what the MIC wants? Supplying arms to both sides and sitting back watching them kill each other?

Of course, this ensures perpetual war.

Discard all the war rhetoric.

The US government and their masters want this war to continue, despite the deaths of millions of people.

As a people, we should have learned by now:

WAR is for Profit.

Thursday, 12 May 2022

“The Old Guitarist”


This has to be one of my favourite paintings by the world renowned modernist artist, Pablo Picasso. (1881-1973)

What are we actually viewing here? An old man seemingly enraptured in his music, while playing his instrument, the classical guitar.

What draws me to this painting is Picasso’s use of colour, different shades of blue, monochromatic in tone (Known as Picasso’s Blue Period, 1900-1904) and the content, the subject matter – an old man playing music appearing lost in the notes he plays.

The old man’s fingers are almost too thin and long yet perfect for playing this particular instrument.

One could perhaps interpret the content depicting a dyeing man playing his last note of music before passing on. He is either in rapture or on the verge of death.

This is typical of Picasso’s overall distorted style as the old man's torso is too elongated and reclining, and as mentioned above, the fingers are abnormally long and slender.

What is most curious about this painting is the mysterious presence of a woman’s portrait underneath as we can almost see her face and legs. Some art critics have proposed that it was an unfinished portrait, abandoned by Picasso and “The Old Guitarist” painted over it to save money as he was quite poor during his Blue Period, and not selling many paintings.

This painting is more than likely the most well-known of the artist’s Blue period.

The Old Guitarist” is an engaging and inspirational work as it has inspired poets like Wallace Stevens to write a poem about the painting and composers to write their music. 

One of my all time favourites of Picasso’s entire body of work. 


Monday, 9 May 2022

Douglas Kennedy – Afraid of the Light – Review


There's a little synchronicity regarding this latest novel from Douglas Kennedy. I completed the text last night and arose this morning to read an article from Chris Hedges that concerns itself with the Christian fascist Right and their power throughout American politics. In Afraid of the Light, the story is about a Christian militant-anti-abortion terrorist group. At the start, the protagonist experiences first-hand the bombing of an abortion clinic and witnesses the fiery death of a clinic employee. This experience gives our lead character a dose of PTSD, changing the direction of his life.

Because of a troubled economy, Brendan, a once successful electrical engineer, is laid off. To make ends meet or even survive, he becomes an Uber driver in the city of LA. Kennedy has certainly done his research for this novel because he describes the freeways and surface streets of the town perfectly. (I know this, having lived in LA for a decade)

Our story begins with many descriptions of Brendan's various fares: a smorgasbord of bad-tempered characters, all in a hurry and emotionally lashing out at the driver. A friend of mine used to call this lashing out “kicking the dog.” Meaning the man of the house comes home after a bad day, and the first thing he does is kick the family dog. The dog is an innocent bystander, but he takes it out on the dog because he can't stand up to his boss. Another term for this is projection. As an Uber driver, Brendan must keep his mouth shut and take the abuse because every passenger grades his service. His job depends on a good score.

One morning he picks up an attractive middle-aged woman who turns out to be a retired professor of the French language. Elsie is a volunteer aid at the various abortion clinics across the city. Her job is to give emotional support before and after the procedure. Brendan finds this classy lady very kind. She orders another lift from him in the afternoon. Here, he sees a man on a motorcycle, wearing a black helmet, throw something into the clinic's foyer, a bomb that detonates twice, causing one death and several injured employees.

Brendan and Elsie have a connection, and he continues to Uber Elsie to her jobs around town. It's here the story picks up steam.

Brendan was raised Catholic, and he ended up marrying a woman who, from all appearances, looked to be a perfect fit. The problem is Brendan was never in-love and never did what he wanted to do in his life, but what his father and society expected. After losing their first child to SIDS, their relationship dwindles, and the wife turns brutal to religion. She became a militant-Christian activist protesting in front of abortion clinics and was once arrested. Although a catholic, Brendan sides more with the pro-choice side of the debate.

The novel heats up when Brendan and Elsie arrive in a clinic surrounded by violent protesters. In the crowd is his wife's best friend, who jumps on his car, breaking the windshield. As usual for Kennedy, the story has a few twists and climaxes along the way.

The novel examines both sides of the debate, addressing Roe vs. Wade in the characters' dialogue. Not only is abortion addressed, but theology in general and one's role to one's self, society, and our place in the universe. If the reader has any concerns about these issues and questions, Kennedy's Afraid of the Light would be a good investment of your time. 

Thursday, 5 May 2022

The Annunciation - Waterhouse


Many artists for years, including the Master Leonardo da Vinci, imagined this critical moment in the New Testament, as the Arch Angel Gabriel (The messenger of God) announces to the young Mary (no more than a young teenager) that she is pregnant. His name is Jesus - He is the Son of God, and God has chosen her to carry him, give birth, and care for Him throughout His younger years.

For example, in some interpretations, the painting by the Pre-Raphaelite, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, depicts the virgin almost in fear and the angel Gabriel, overwhelming, perhaps intimidating. But on the other hand, Da Vinci’s painting, which only painted the wings of Gabriel as he was only an apprentice at the time, does not capture the power and grace of this critical and significant event.

In this interpretation, Waterhouse depicts the Messenger Gabriel offering flowers, subtle, sensitive, and ensuring he does not frighten the young woman.

Mary is painting, writing, or weaving and, upon seeing the Angel Gabriel, puts her left hand to her heart, and her right hand above her head (Halos rings above their heads) have been added. (Did Waterhouse paint them? - indeed, not his style.) showing she is undoubtedly experiencing a Visitation: still, there is that expression of shock. The angel Gabriel tells her how and what to do and to find the good man, Joseph, who, on that very night, has a big dream and is told what he must do…

To be sure, two significant events define Christianity: the above painting of the Immaculate Conception & Jesus Christ’s Rising from the dead after his terrible crucifixion. Faith in these events and the Love of God continue to resonate and can be found in words, sermons, and in this case, a beautiful painting by a gifted artist.

This painting was completed in 1914, only two years before the artist’s death.

Of all the interpretations of this significant moment in the New Testament, Warehouses’ rendition feels to be the most real, at least from my point of view.

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Elites: Who are they Kidding?


The only saving grace for me personally in the news this week is the NSW Teacher Strike. It gladdens my heart to see thousands march on Sydney streets, making their presence and issues known to the Australian people. This reminded me of my glory days as a local secretary for the Victorian Teachers Union. We fought for higher wages. After months of negotiations, we managed to receive a pay hike; however, not nearly enough for the amount of work, we put into it.

On the other hand, the MSM, internationally, continued to spew propaganda regarding the war in Ukraine. There was also the US Correspondence dinner, a yearly event where those attending, the top media, politicians, and celebrity sycophants, all drinking and rubbing elbows, patted themselves on the back for holding firm on the Fourth Estate. Anyone aware of MSM knows they never hold truth to power but spread propaganda for their masters, billionaire owners, the Biden administration, and the American Security State.

Hosting the correspondence dinner was comedian Trevor Noah of The Daily Show, speaking in a gushing-ass-kissing fashion about how the US remains the beacon for Freedom of the press. Again, nothing can be further from the truth. He said,

But we’re here to honor and celebrate the fourth estates and what you stand for — what you stand for — an additional check and balance that holds power to account and gives voice to those who otherwise wouldn’t have one.

Anyone aware of the current state of the free press and the Fourth Estate knows that it has been gurgling its last breath for the previous 30 years.

When Trevor Noah said these words and observing the prestigious audience, I didn't see one hint of irony, as if these stenographers for power believed what this half-baked comedian was saying. Did Trevor Noah believe what he was saying? I think he felt what he was saying was bullshit but managed to maintain a sincere tone to his audience of elites.

Real journalists who actually challenge power end up blackballed or put in jail. When exposing the crimes of the empire, Whistleblowers and truth-tellers are silenced, banned, tortured, and imprisoned.

Julian Assange, more than likely, the most important media figure in the modern era, is currently rotting in a UK high-security prison for revealing the truth about corrupt governments and their war crimes. Does Trevor Noah forget about Julian Assange, or is he hoodwinked like many across the world from smears, lies, and false allegations? Assange put truth to power, and look where he is...the stenographers at this gala, all self-glorifying for maintaining the Fourth Estate, are lying and, more disturbingly, lying to themselves.

In 2021, Daniel Hale was sentenced to 45 months in prison for exposing that 90% of the victims of US airstrikes were civilians in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the news coverage on this was thin at best. But this is another case in point: tell the truth to power, and you will feel the hell of that power come back on you.

I know this example has been used too often, but watching Trevor Noah spread this disinformation about the importance of the Fourth Estate, read like a page from Orwell's 1984.

Who do these garish elite twits think they're kidding? Perhaps a few people believe this propaganda, but real journalists still remain ready to speak truth to power, risking their livelihoods and lives.

Sunday, 1 May 2022

War Propaganda is getting Comical

Let me be clear: all war is bad, all war is unnecessary. There are no good guys and bad guys in the current “conflict” between Ukraine and Russia. Surprisingly, the US and its allies have been at war in foreign countries for decades. Killing millions of innocents in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria, to name a few, and nobody in the west, apart from a few exceptions, ever protested. Since the Russian invasion in Ukraine, every man and woman has been up in arms. Why didn't these people protest over the last 20 years for the US's rapacious perpetual bombing of innocent people? What makes Ukraine so different? 

The scholar and academic Noam Chomsky proposed a simple theory. There are “worthy victims” and "unworthy victims" in war. The millions of Afghanistan and Iraqi deaths don't really matter in the western consciousness. Any non-white peoples, including Asians, are unfit for our sympathies. For sure, the racist element is staring us in the face. These people are brown, black and yellow. Definitely not worthy of our concerns. The Ukrainians, however, are like us: European whites. These are “worthy victims” deserving of our support. Humanity's hypocrisy, in this case, is abhorrent.

Endemic racism is not the entire problem. Western propaganda positing Russia as the world's enemy has continued for many years. This disinformation campaign didn't begin with the US Russia-gate fiasco. This campaign was paramount in shaping the minds of the masses against Russia. Even in the television and film industries, Russia mainly was cast as the villain or antagonist in the story. Our minds have been shaped to hate Russia and believe they're a threat to the entire planet. When you are bombarded with “Russia bad” for many years, you start to believe it.

The propaganda continues unabated.

Last night on Australian television, a news show featured Ukraine's president Zelensky. The man was presented as the West's new hero fighting the evils of the empire . .a lone leader attempting to save democracy from the tyranny of Russian autocracy. He claimed he didn't choose the role but was pulled into it by forces beyond his control. “But I'm a good Ukrainian and will follow my destiny as democracy's last hope in the east.” Knowing what I know about Ukraine in just the last seven years, this presentation was hype and propaganda for the unknowing Australian audiences.

Zelensky, as stated by a major general on an American cable news network, is a mere puppet for NATO and the US government. Zelensky was chosen by the neocons in Washington. The real war started in 2014 when Ukraine was bombing Donbas, killing Russian-speaking Ukrainians because they didn't recognize the Zelensky government. The number of Russian-speaking Ukrainians who died is estimated at around 14,000. Before the Russian invasion, president Zelensky banned his political opposition party because they were sympathetic to Russia. Hitler banned all his political opponents too.

This war is not what it is portrayed to be.

This war has been called by many academics and military personnel an American proxy war with Russia. In fact, an American senator stated on the Floor: (paraphrased) “We fight Russia over there, so we don't have to fight them over here.” That pretty much sums it up.

To see the Biden administration allocate 38 billion dollars to the Ukraine war effort speaks loudly to the conflict being a proxy war. War is never about differences in ideology or defense. It's about corporate profit and the acquisition of natural resources.

The weapons industries appear to run the show regarding US foreign policy. You can't make tons of deadly weapons and let them lie around and rust. They must be used. The 38 billion dollar Biden weapons gift to Ukraine is a massive profit boon for the manufacturers. It's obvious what is really going on.

So to see the cringe-worthy portrayal of president Zelensky as the last great hope for democracy in the east made me laugh and slightly sick to my stomach.

What is beyond forgivable is to see the US and NATO use the Ukrainian people as cannon fodder for their proxy war and corporate ends.

When you rise above the propaganda of war, you'll laugh and realize it's all an illusion to obtain more consent from the people for war. 

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...