Sunday, 29 May 2022

Henry Kissinger speaks-out on Ukraine War

Controversial former Secretary of State and noted war criminal Henry Kissinger spoke out at the Davos World Economic Forum on the Ukraine conflict, stating (paraphrased)

that it's time to think about a diplomatic settlement to end the war, and that settlement will have to include territorial concessions to Russia. "Ideally, the dividing line should be a return to the status quo ante,"

For many, the retired 99-year-old statesman has a relevant point.

This war, fuelled by the United States and its allies, known as a proxy war (the US fighting Russia via Ukraine), is already causing economic and social upheaval across the European continent. Russia supplies over 40% of natural gas and chemicals for needed fertilizer to Europe. What Kissinger was attempting to achieve back in the day was preventing Russia and China from joining forces against the US and its client states. Instead, the current conflict in Ukraine is enabling both nuclear powers to further collaborate. This will lead the west and the east into a major world war. Possibly even atomic annihilation.

For many observers around the planet, the US war machine is getting more and more out of control. A few weeks ago, the US Congress approved a $40 billion package for Ukraine. This war bill, proposing a ridiculous amount of money to a foreign power, landed on the desks of congress at 3:00pm, giving the members no time to study the bill. Nevertheless, a majority voted "yes" on the proposal, including antiwar progressives like the "squad" and Bernie Sanders. The only "no" votes came from Republican members that, for many, revealed democrats to be hypocrites and frauds.

Western powers have dissuaded Ukraine from diplomacy since the beginning of the conflict. Their intent is clear, to destabilize Russia and dethrone Vladimir Putin. This, of course, is at the expense and deaths of the Ukrainian people.

Observing social media and western mainstream media, the general population has not necessarily been lied to. Still, the important history of the region and the actions of the American government have been left out of the picture. To really understand this war, we must comprehend events and actions from 2014 to the present time.

The point of this comment is not to educate, but to point out that even Henry Kissinger, a noted warmonger and criminal, is pushing for diplomacy. The man's knowledge of Geo-politics is renowned, and our current donor-supported leaders should take heed before this war madness spreads across the globe.

The amount of $ given to Ukraine at face value is absolutely absurd. I believe these weapons will end up unused and in the hands of gangsters, terrorists, and mercenaries. The US doesn't want to get their hands too dirty by putting boots on the ground. This would only escalate the situation towards massive devastation on all sides.

The only people benefiting from this war are the arms industry and war profiteers. Even my little understanding of economics understands that the billions donated to Ukraine will find its way back to corporations in the US and elsewhere. War is a perfect money-laundering scheme for governments and the wealthy. (See Afghanistan)

To put it simply, when a known Geo-political warmonger like Henry Kissinger calls for diplomacy, and an end to this war, those currently in power should listen.

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