Sunday, 1 May 2022

War Propaganda is getting Comical

Let me be clear: all war is bad, all war is unnecessary. There are no good guys and bad guys in the current “conflict” between Ukraine and Russia. Surprisingly, the US and its allies have been at war in foreign countries for decades. Killing millions of innocents in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria, to name a few, and nobody in the west, apart from a few exceptions, ever protested. Since the Russian invasion in Ukraine, every man and woman has been up in arms. Why didn't these people protest over the last 20 years for the US's rapacious perpetual bombing of innocent people? What makes Ukraine so different? 

The scholar and academic Noam Chomsky proposed a simple theory. There are “worthy victims” and "unworthy victims" in war. The millions of Afghanistan and Iraqi deaths don't really matter in the western consciousness. Any non-white peoples, including Asians, are unfit for our sympathies. For sure, the racist element is staring us in the face. These people are brown, black and yellow. Definitely not worthy of our concerns. The Ukrainians, however, are like us: European whites. These are “worthy victims” deserving of our support. Humanity's hypocrisy, in this case, is abhorrent.

Endemic racism is not the entire problem. Western propaganda positing Russia as the world's enemy has continued for many years. This disinformation campaign didn't begin with the US Russia-gate fiasco. This campaign was paramount in shaping the minds of the masses against Russia. Even in the television and film industries, Russia mainly was cast as the villain or antagonist in the story. Our minds have been shaped to hate Russia and believe they're a threat to the entire planet. When you are bombarded with “Russia bad” for many years, you start to believe it.

The propaganda continues unabated.

Last night on Australian television, a news show featured Ukraine's president Zelensky. The man was presented as the West's new hero fighting the evils of the empire . .a lone leader attempting to save democracy from the tyranny of Russian autocracy. He claimed he didn't choose the role but was pulled into it by forces beyond his control. “But I'm a good Ukrainian and will follow my destiny as democracy's last hope in the east.” Knowing what I know about Ukraine in just the last seven years, this presentation was hype and propaganda for the unknowing Australian audiences.

Zelensky, as stated by a major general on an American cable news network, is a mere puppet for NATO and the US government. Zelensky was chosen by the neocons in Washington. The real war started in 2014 when Ukraine was bombing Donbas, killing Russian-speaking Ukrainians because they didn't recognize the Zelensky government. The number of Russian-speaking Ukrainians who died is estimated at around 14,000. Before the Russian invasion, president Zelensky banned his political opposition party because they were sympathetic to Russia. Hitler banned all his political opponents too.

This war is not what it is portrayed to be.

This war has been called by many academics and military personnel an American proxy war with Russia. In fact, an American senator stated on the Floor: (paraphrased) “We fight Russia over there, so we don't have to fight them over here.” That pretty much sums it up.

To see the Biden administration allocate 38 billion dollars to the Ukraine war effort speaks loudly to the conflict being a proxy war. War is never about differences in ideology or defense. It's about corporate profit and the acquisition of natural resources.

The weapons industries appear to run the show regarding US foreign policy. You can't make tons of deadly weapons and let them lie around and rust. They must be used. The 38 billion dollar Biden weapons gift to Ukraine is a massive profit boon for the manufacturers. It's obvious what is really going on.

So to see the cringe-worthy portrayal of president Zelensky as the last great hope for democracy in the east made me laugh and slightly sick to my stomach.

What is beyond forgivable is to see the US and NATO use the Ukrainian people as cannon fodder for their proxy war and corporate ends.

When you rise above the propaganda of war, you'll laugh and realize it's all an illusion to obtain more consent from the people for war. 

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