Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Elites: Who are they Kidding?


The only saving grace for me personally in the news this week is the NSW Teacher Strike. It gladdens my heart to see thousands march on Sydney streets, making their presence and issues known to the Australian people. This reminded me of my glory days as a local secretary for the Victorian Teachers Union. We fought for higher wages. After months of negotiations, we managed to receive a pay hike; however, not nearly enough for the amount of work, we put into it.

On the other hand, the MSM, internationally, continued to spew propaganda regarding the war in Ukraine. There was also the US Correspondence dinner, a yearly event where those attending, the top media, politicians, and celebrity sycophants, all drinking and rubbing elbows, patted themselves on the back for holding firm on the Fourth Estate. Anyone aware of MSM knows they never hold truth to power but spread propaganda for their masters, billionaire owners, the Biden administration, and the American Security State.

Hosting the correspondence dinner was comedian Trevor Noah of The Daily Show, speaking in a gushing-ass-kissing fashion about how the US remains the beacon for Freedom of the press. Again, nothing can be further from the truth. He said,

But we’re here to honor and celebrate the fourth estates and what you stand for — what you stand for — an additional check and balance that holds power to account and gives voice to those who otherwise wouldn’t have one.

Anyone aware of the current state of the free press and the Fourth Estate knows that it has been gurgling its last breath for the previous 30 years.

When Trevor Noah said these words and observing the prestigious audience, I didn't see one hint of irony, as if these stenographers for power believed what this half-baked comedian was saying. Did Trevor Noah believe what he was saying? I think he felt what he was saying was bullshit but managed to maintain a sincere tone to his audience of elites.

Real journalists who actually challenge power end up blackballed or put in jail. When exposing the crimes of the empire, Whistleblowers and truth-tellers are silenced, banned, tortured, and imprisoned.

Julian Assange, more than likely, the most important media figure in the modern era, is currently rotting in a UK high-security prison for revealing the truth about corrupt governments and their war crimes. Does Trevor Noah forget about Julian Assange, or is he hoodwinked like many across the world from smears, lies, and false allegations? Assange put truth to power, and look where he is...the stenographers at this gala, all self-glorifying for maintaining the Fourth Estate, are lying and, more disturbingly, lying to themselves.

In 2021, Daniel Hale was sentenced to 45 months in prison for exposing that 90% of the victims of US airstrikes were civilians in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the news coverage on this was thin at best. But this is another case in point: tell the truth to power, and you will feel the hell of that power come back on you.

I know this example has been used too often, but watching Trevor Noah spread this disinformation about the importance of the Fourth Estate, read like a page from Orwell's 1984.

Who do these garish elite twits think they're kidding? Perhaps a few people believe this propaganda, but real journalists still remain ready to speak truth to power, risking their livelihoods and lives.

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