Thursday, 19 May 2022

War Games on National Cable News

Most people have realized that the mainstream media is a controlled extension of the U.S. State Department and the National Security State. Gone are the days when journalists challenged these establishment institutions. Aside from very few exceptions, the Fourth Estate is entrenched as a tool of empire. This was more than evident when America's Meet the Press broadcast a simulation of China attacking Taiwan and the U.S. response.

A Think Tank of neoconservatives was split between a Red Team and a Blue Team. If any viewer had switched on the show mid-way, like the Orsen Wells 1930's radio program, War of the Worlds, half the country believed we were being invaded by Martians, many last Sunday, would believe the possible beginning of WWIII. At the least, this is irresponsible journalism. But unfortunately, though Americans and other western countries have been bombarded with war propaganda over the last fifty years, a program like this one is now considered normal.

The host of Meet the Press, Chuck Todd, appeared to be almost giddy at the prospect of a war with China. He was in his element, treating the presentation like a game show host, even leaving the audience on a cliffhanger, "Tune in next week to see the outcome!" I found this gleeful show of potential war pathetic. These creeps are treating war like an episode of Jeopardy or Celebrity Apprentice. While viewing this clownish spectacle, I felt I was watching a scene from The Truman Show. The disturbing aspect is that we have been so desensitized by endless war over the last 20 years that we see it as standard as advertisements for furniture or toilet paper.

This shouldn't be a reality, but it certainly is a new reality.

Anyone who pays a little attention to war and geopolitics knew that once president Biden withdrew from Afghanistan, the sights of the military-industrial complex would focus on another conflict. But, from documents like the Afghanistan Papers, we now know that the war was a farce and ultimately a money-laundering exercise for the weapon manufacturers.

The problem is the U.S. economy is based on endless war.

People are waking up to the fact that these endless wars have nothing to do with democracy and "freedom" but profit and corporate acquisition of natural resources.

If one breaks through all the propaganda about Ukraine, one will see that oil and gas are the main reason for this war. The U.S. has stated out in the open their intentions for world dominance. The ultimate goal is to push Russia into submission, usurping Putin and replacing him with a U.S. puppet-like Boris Yeltsin.

War is a terrible thing. However, watching the establishment warmongers prepare people for a future war with China by presenting a game show-like theme for WWIII on national television goes beyond the pale.

These people are insane and are sending us to a certain Armageddon.

This is not normal.


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