is extraordinary, as an anti-war activist, that I haven't thrown in
the towel, when observing US aggression; regime change activities
across the planet, for over 35 years,. So it is not surprising to
open up my news feed this morning to discover the US pushing for
regime change in Venezuela. Indeed, the only noise coming on social
media about the little South American country in the last year, came
in the form of brain-dead-right-wing-talking-points, using Venezuela
as an example of the failure of Socialism. I find this humorous, and
still do, because it is a stupid example, considering the US has been
relentlessly sanctioning this country, literally starving its people,
since 2015.
US, since the 1950's, through the CIA and other means, have been
toppling democratically elected governments in South America. This is
documented history, revealed through actual CIA released documents.
So sorry, this is not Fake News. The cycle goes like this:
democratic elected socialist government comes to power. US
immediately economically sanctions that said government, starving and
slowly killing that said country's citizens. CIA positions a fascist
alternative government, promising food and healthcare for all. As it
turns out the “puppet government” of the US proves to be worse,
annihilating all opposition. The people overthrow the “puppet
government”, and the cycle starts all over again.
democratically elected president of Venezuela, is Nicolas Maduro. In
fact this is his second term as president. He was voted in by the
people despite the American government and MSM stating otherwise.
Yesterday, an unknown within the government, Juan Guaido, appeared
out of the political ether, declaring himself as the true president
of the country. Right on point, America's moronic VP Pence, makes an
announcement to the American people. “We support Juan Guaido, as
the true president.” Many countries including Canada and France
went along.
would the US be so involved in a little country's politics,
announcing to side against the elected President Maduro? Is Venezuela
a national security threat to the US? Is it a concern for the
country's starving people? Absolutely NOT.
has the richest oil reserves in the South America continent. To put
it in perspective, even more oil reserves than that of Saudi Arabia.
would the US impose such diabolical economic sanctions on Venezuela?
It is not because they are a threat. It is not because they are
“socialist”. It is because they will not buy into the “petrol
dollar”, and refuse to follow the economic dictates of the United
will tell you Venezuela is in an economic free fall. That is correct.
But not because of its socialist government, but US sanctions, the
most tyrannical, beginning in 2015 under Obama:
Order 13692 of March 8, 2015
Order 13808 of August 24, 2017
Order 13827 of March 19, 2018
Order 13835 of May 21, 2018.
are called a passive tool of warfare, but it is just as deadly as
bombing the place back to the stone age. The country is in economic
free fall because of international sanctions led by the US.
a CIA cable that Wikileaks published in 2015, the aim of the US is to
topple the democratically elected government, replace it with a
puppet regime, and acquire the country's oil reserves.
“Subject goals, Objectives and Resource management – Venezuela.
Fundamental Interests in Venezuela are: That Venezuela Continue to
Supply a Significant Portion of Our Petroleum Imports and Continue to
regime change has never been about “paving the way for democracy”,
“toppling bad dictators”, “creating freedom for the world”;
it has been all about Empire, annihilating politically opposing
countries, and gaining access to said country's natural resources.
a Venezuelan government representative said after VP Pence's lying
go Home.”
that sentiment, since at least 2001, is shared by many around the world.