Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Comment: US Pushes for Regime Change in Venezuela

It is extraordinary, as an anti-war activist, that I haven't thrown in the towel, when observing US aggression; regime change activities across the planet, for over 35 years,. So it is not surprising to open up my news feed this morning to discover the US pushing for regime change in Venezuela. Indeed, the only noise coming on social media about the little South American country in the last year, came in the form of brain-dead-right-wing-talking-points, using Venezuela as an example of the failure of Socialism. I find this humorous, and still do, because it is a stupid example, considering the US has been relentlessly sanctioning this country, literally starving its people, since 2015.

The US, since the 1950's, through the CIA and other means, have been toppling democratically elected governments in South America. This is documented history, revealed through actual CIA released documents. So sorry, this is not Fake News. The cycle goes like this:

A democratic elected socialist government comes to power. US immediately economically sanctions that said government, starving and slowly killing that said country's citizens. CIA positions a fascist alternative government, promising food and healthcare for all. As it turns out the “puppet government” of the US proves to be worse, annihilating all opposition. The people overthrow the “puppet government”, and the cycle starts all over again.

The democratically elected president of Venezuela, is Nicolas Maduro. In fact this is his second term as president. He was voted in by the people despite the American government and MSM stating otherwise. Yesterday, an unknown within the government, Juan Guaido, appeared out of the political ether, declaring himself as the true president of the country. Right on point, America's moronic VP Pence, makes an announcement to the American people. “We support Juan Guaido, as the true president.” Many countries including Canada and France went along.

Why would the US be so involved in a little country's politics, announcing to side against the elected President Maduro? Is Venezuela a national security threat to the US? Is it a concern for the country's starving people? Absolutely NOT. Venezuela has the richest oil reserves in the South America continent. To put it in perspective, even more oil reserves than that of Saudi Arabia.

Why would the US impose such diabolical economic sanctions on Venezuela? It is not because they are a threat. It is not because they are “socialist”. It is because they will not buy into the “petrol dollar”, and refuse to follow the economic dictates of the United States.

MSM will tell you Venezuela is in an economic free fall. That is correct. But not because of its socialist government, but US sanctions, the most tyrannical, beginning in 2015 under Obama:

Executive Order 13692 of March 8, 2015
Executive Order 13808 of August 24, 2017
Executive Order 13827 of March 19, 2018
Executive Order 13835 of May 21, 2018.

Sanctions are called a passive tool of warfare, but it is just as deadly as bombing the place back to the stone age. The country is in economic free fall because of international sanctions led by the US.

In a CIA cable that Wikileaks published in 2015, the aim of the US is to topple the democratically elected government, replace it with a puppet regime, and acquire the country's oil reserves.

Quote: “Subject goals, Objectives and Resource management – Venezuela.

Our Fundamental Interests in Venezuela are: That Venezuela Continue to Supply a Significant Portion of Our Petroleum Imports and Continue to Follow...”

US regime change has never been about “paving the way for democracy”, “toppling bad dictators”, “creating freedom for the world”; it has been all about Empire, annihilating politically opposing countries, and gaining access to said country's natural resources. .

As a Venezuelan government representative said after VP Pence's lying speech:

Yankee, go Home.”

Unfortunately that sentiment, since at least 2001, is shared by many around the world.

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Australia Day.

Here in my new homeland, (Australia) arguments continue, "What is the true date to celebrate Australia? Is it when Captain Cook discovered this Continent Island? Or is it when the indigenous people fought back, fighting a white mans war, and lost.
As an immigrant, a white man, we need to celebrate Australia.
We should remember the English genocide. We should remember the "lost generation" of Aboriginal children, kidnapped from their parents. We should celebrate a nation that has managed to take care of its people. A living wage. Health Care for all. And an opportunity to attend university.
The aboriginal people have been framed as losers. A right wing belief. No, Aboriginals are not losers, a people of history, a people of loyalty, a people who care.
After watching a Kentucky boy from a fundamentalist catholic boy's school, put bully tactics on a veteran Indian man, wearing a MAGA hat, informed me of many things.
This is not the way our lives, living hate and war, is supposed to be. This is not why we went to war, so many dead lives. to see this hate.
Trump is a racist. A narcissist, a sociopath on a personal mission.
Our Trump is a symptom of a long line of American oligarchs, meaning, people with too much money. I talk about Trump because he is a true racist. And his so-called base are too.
Australia Day is about so much more. It is not about British colonialism anymore, this day is about our planet, our fellow human beings.
And the way to go forward.

Friday, 18 January 2019

Insane with #Russiagate. And MSM are Making a Killing.

This latest BuzzFeed story, claiming that sources close to Michael Cohen and President Trump, verified that Trump ordered Cohen to lie to Congress, concerning a Trump Tower deal in Moscow during the 2016 election, has turned out to be false. A spokesperson for the Mueller investigation, said the story was “inaccurate”. Once again, we have MSM constructing fantasy, using anonymous sources, to further push #Russiagate. When the “bombshell” hit the morning news, major pundits and government officials, all rushed to get on the record, (fools rush in) announcing that the House of Reps would be starting impeachment proceeding, and this latest, is surly “...the end of Trump.” To be sure, the so-called #resistance, despise president Trump to such an extent, that all rational thought has left the building, and any story published by a reputable publication, even alluding to “new evidence proving Trump colluded with Russia,”, is taken as gospel, and spread across social media and MSM as “truth”, when in fact it's all propaganda.

For over two years the MSM and the #resistance have been pushing this Russia conspiracy on just about every news cycle. Talking head's like Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, has turned #Russiagate into her own personal cottage industry, pushing speculation as fact. As I said before, the real shame, however, is her audience, relying on her to give them the truth, are now convinced that Trump colluded with Russia. That, without a shred of evidence, President Vladimir Putin of Russia has a puppet in the WH, and that puppet is Donald Trump. This is simply not the case.

The state of journalism is in peril with mainstream mediums like MSNBC, CNN, The Washington Post and The New York times, publishing stories based on “:anonymous sources”, pushing this Russia narrative, to only later having to retract the story as it proved to be unreliable at best. The Guardian, a once dependable publication, and, for the most part, remains to be, ran a bogus story four weeks ago, alleging that Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign manager, had visited Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, not once, but twice, during the 2016 campaign. This was another attempt to connect Trump to Russia, while anyone who is aware, knows Assange is not connected to Russia, in the least. It was proven that these”meetings” never occurred, yet The Guardian has not retracted the story. Wikileaks is currently suing the publication for liable.

What the hell is going on here? What is the motive behind MSM pushing this conspiracy theory as fact,? It could be speculated there are at least two reasons. The first reason is the DNC, through the Podesta emails, was revealed their Primaries were rigged in favour of Hillary Clinton. The DNC want to blame someone for their defeat, so why not Russia and Julian Assange? The second reason is much more cynical. Trump chaos and #Russiagate creates high ratings, newspaper sales and clicks. Everyone loves a scandal. And what better scandal than the new president being a Russian spy working with a foreign government. In corporations, to be sure, it's all about the bottom line, and well, never let the truth get in the way of a good story. As a result of this intentional lying for the sake of ratings, journalism is now no more than entertainment.

The BuzzFeed story has turned out to be bogus, as the Mueller team weighed-in, disputing the pieces authenticity. That means a whole day's news cycle was devoted to BS.

But hey, the ratings are high, and our advertisers are happy.

And tomorrow's is just another #Russiagate day.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Comment: MSM Ratcheting- up #Russiagate... again.

Since Trump took office in 2017, #Russiagate was the leading news on all mainstream television networks. MSNBC with Rachael Maddow, led the charge, speculating what if's, praising Mueller, and concocting conspiracy theories, all based on zero facts. In the last few months of 2018, #Russiagate all but disappeared from mainstream and social media. Many pundits asked, “Is this the calm before the storm?” And yet, there is nothing of substance, in terms of actual collusion with Russia, that has come to light in the Mueller investigation. Here we are a mere two weeks into 2019, and MSM has put the peddle to the metal, pushing more outlandish theories, connecting Donald Trump with Vladimir Putin, without providing any facts, let alone substantial evidence. What has changed?

So much like the man they are slandering, MSM are using loaded words like “treason”, “traitor”, and my favourite, “Putin's puppet”, to gain a bigger audience for their various “news” shows, and once seeing that dropping Russia from their news cycles, ratings started to dive, thus producers were ordered to ramp up the Russia narrative again, and hopefully raise their ratings. I ask, has it worked? Perhaps. But to call an unpopular American president a traitor to his own country is not only vile and irresponsible, but to do it for the sake of ratings, simply makes these news outlets capitalist whores. But the problem is people who just hate Trump, are going along for the ride. This is brainwashing 101.

America has entered a new McCarthyism.

On social media, if you go against the 'Russia narrative', that they did not interfere with our elections enough to determine the outcome, you are badgered, bullied, called a “Russian Troll” and a “Putin puppet”...essentially a traitor. This reveals how well MSM has succeeded in swaying the American mind towards Russia being our Number 1 enemy.

Co-founder of The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, put out a montage tweet of MSM commenting on Trump and #Russiagate. (Link below) All of the commentators and news anchors, repeat the same phrases and talking points as the other. To be certain, they are all reading off the same talking script, line after line.
Considering this unabashed mainstream propaganda, one has to ask the question: Why is the MSM framing Russia as America's number 1 threat?

America is a war nation. The Military Industrial Complex requires perpetual war on the planet to justify its existence. MSM is the tool of the MIC, thus they spew pro-war propaganda to ensure the American people and the world, is on their side, when beginning another conflict. Because so-called “Terrorism” is truly on the wane, the MIC need a new enemy. What better than the former Soviet Union - a cold war enemy of over 40 years, until its fall in the 1990's.

There is not a shadow of a doubt in my my mind that President Trump is a criminal, self-serving, and generally uninformed. But to have the sophistication, machinery, and a strategic grand plan in place, to sway a presidential election, and be in on it, on face value, is absurd. And no one has come up with a shred of evidence proving the contrary.

Once again, Hillary Clinton ran an abysmal campaign. Through Wikileaks, we discovered that the DNC Primaries were rigged in favour of HRC. This is how (one reason) we ended up with a lying buffoon as POTUS.

Russia is not our enemy, the enemy is within.

You Tube montage:

Youtube search: #Russiagate montage.

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Trump's Wall – Vanity, all is Vanity...

Ecclesiastes who, when he cries out, “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity!” Erasmus.

After three weeks of the Trump imposed govt. shutdown, as of this writing, for even the optimistic at heart. there seems to be no compromise nor resolution in the near future. We call the shut down 'Trump imposed', because he himself, in a televised meeting with opposition leader Schumer and Pelosi, stated emphatically, that he would “own” the govt. shutdown. “absolutely” […] As is Trump's pattern of behaviour, blamed the Democrats, only because the party refuses to give in to his 5.6 billion demand to build a wall across the Mexican/US border – a truly gratuitous and useless notion, when one clearly analyses the mechanics of effective boarder security.

On a prime time, Presidential Address to the American nation this week, the president painted a frightening picture of crises, where thousands of illegal aliens, that is, drug dealers, gang members, murderers and terrorists, are flooding over the border in droves, and all but declaring a National Emergency. Responsible fact-checkers across the country, point by talking point, proved that there is no national security fact immigration from across the southern border has dropped considerably over the last 10 years. And the number of illegals crossing the border other than through established check points is significantly down. If one studies this data further, generally, will see many so-called illegals are those Mexicans and Canadians who have over stayed their VISAS, while visiting or working in the United States.

It is all but apparent, that president Trump spewed obvious propaganda, with the intent of spreading fear in the American people.

Standing afar, witnessing this hoopla, with eyes wide open, one has to ask: What is Trump's true motivation for building a gratuitous wall?

Well, we can deduce he's merely appealing to his racist base. Then again, it's much more simple, and much more disturbing. Trump desires to be remembered as the greatest American president in the history of the Republic. What better way than to build a kind of Hadrian's wall, preventing the barbarians from entering Roman territory. Trump wants to be in the history books, remembered for an eternity for the TRUMP WALL.

This is vanity transcending even Emperor Nero's burning Rome to the ground, to simply make a point to his enemies. Trump wants his name carved in stone (steel) and the Democrats and the majority of the American people can see it.

Immigration is at its lowest in 10 years. Illegals are entering the country, but comparatively in small numbers. Most drugs are smuggled into the country by air. Terrorists are not entering the country across the Mexican border, but through airports, that are immediately flagged when arriving.

The WALL is not about national security, but only the vanity of one man, Donald Trump.

Pirate Latitudes – Novel – Michael Crichton - A Review

Upon Michael Crichton's death in 2008, from a long fight with cancer, a fully completed manuscript was discovered in his extensive files, so named Pirate Latitudes. Crichton's literary estate, thought it prudent to publish the MS immediately, whereupon the reviews were mixed, yet sold millions. As a reader of Crichton for decades, I purchased the novel and stuffed it into my bookshelf, in a gesture of respect, to read for another time. It has been years, to finally read the novel, and to be sure, the time was worth the wait.

Crichton's critics over the many decades of his work, had only one significant criticism. Novel after novel, a review would state: “Mr. Crichton's plot and organisation, including the difficult scientific content, lacks in true characterisation. In a word, his actors fall flat, leaving the reader wondering, what are their backgrounds, [...] etc.” It can be argued from a literary standpoint, that in most of (his) novels, character was never the main focus. Because of content, all of Crichton's tales were information-driven, and plot-driven, to push home his stated premise(s). Although Pirate Latitudes moves at an incredibly swift pace, the characters come across as actual human beings, with all their strengths,weakness, foibles and iconoclastic sensibilities.

Our main character and hero, Charles Hunter, is an American-born, educated gentleman with a acute unreasonableness, a crude sense of purpose, and a moral stance in terms of the basic virtues. Of course he is handsome, strong and a ladies man, with a Casanovian flair. Hunter's character is revealed through his actions in the book - following the old writing adage, to “show” not “tell'. We come to know all the characters well, as the plot travels forward, adding a layered richness to the story.

One who is familiar with any of Crichton's novels, knows that his research into the subject matter is quite extensive. In Pirate Latitudes, 17 century maritime history is explored, informing the reader of British and Spanish relation at the time. We receive an insight into the ravage and inhumane actions of colonialism, where those that ruled the sea, ruled the world.

Anyone acquainted with the gratuitous violence of the 17 century, that is torture, witch burning and blatant genocide of many indigenous races across the planet, would not be surprised in the gratuitous violence in this novel. It's as if, the author is stating a point, never holding back, in his unrelenting descriptive violence, ensuring Realism, on every turn of the page.

In the end, a novel should be entertaining. In all of Crichton's books, however, the reader is not only entertained, but educated at the same time. This made all Crichton's books, a pleasure to read.

We miss Michael Crichton and his work.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

The Russian's are coming, the Russian's are coming...

As a child of the Cold War, particularly as a primary school student in the 1960's, the absolute fear we all had of the communist monster in the east, was all too real, because both countries came close to nuclear war. I remember practicing drills in class, hiding under our desks, because of the “imminent” nuclear attack from Russia. (As if hiding under our desks would help.) 

In historical retrospect, the one event almost brought the planet to destruction. The United States Navy created a blockade to prevent Russia from delivering Nuclear ICBM'S to Cuba. The then U.S. President Kennedy and President Khrushchev of the Soviet Union, managed to stop the catastrophe, to the lament of warmongers' in both countries. 

The Cold War “ended” it is claimed, so this begs the question, why the anger, the barrage of alarmist rantings and unwavering drive to poke the “bear” into a confrontation, perhaps leading to the planet's destruction in the event of a nuclear holocaust? And really, What's the actual problem?

Let me state emphatically, that I'm not a Putin apologist, and believe his draconian hold over his entire country is astonishing and a bit frightening.

There is no evidence whatsoever that Russia had any influence on the 2016 presidential election. 

The voting machines were not “hacked”, and Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, adamantly stated that the source of the DNC and Podesta emails did not come from Russia. Specifically, he said, the source was not “state sponsored.” The CIA has brought this allegation forward and the mainstream media has fueled the fire to such an extent, that war must be waged! “How dare they influence our election!” Aside from the fact there is zero proof, zero substantial evidence of hacking and influence, the warmonger's sore loser democrats, and old guard establishment, continue to push this agenda. 

But wait a minute, the content of these emails reveal with out any doubt whatsoever, the DNC corruption and HRC's lies to the American people. Why is the mainstream media not talking about the extent of this corruption rather than blaming the Russians? It's called distraction.

We do not want war, but those in power do, and a conflict with Russia would be a catastrophe for both sides and all those in between. Like the Cold Warriors of the past, they blamed President Kennedy for being “soft” with the Russians for negotiating a prevention of a nuclear holocaust – and remember what happened to him. 

Stop these warmongers and be aware: The Russian's are not under our beds, in our closets or coming to take our perceived freedoms – we need to look for the secretive hawks/enemies inside our own governments. 

Comment: Anti #BDS Legislation

The most disturbing federal legislative action to come out of Washington, since congress passed a bill to further Surveillance Powers for the Deep State to spy on its citizens and abroad, (2017) is Marco Rubio's bill to make it illegal for any company working for the government, that support #BDS. That is, Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israel for their human rights violations on the Palestinian people.

Bottom line, this legislation is blatantly unconstitutional, a violation of free speech, but also goes against what America stands for...the right of individual opinion, and the right to boycott, a right to protest an idea, law or authoritarian entity. In fact, the American revolution began with a boycott of British tea, and the taxes the Crown imposed on the colonies. As a friend told me, “American's have the right to criticize their own government, but are now deemed criminals if they criticize a foreign power.” The pure irony of this goes beyond even the absurd. However, on a state level, there are currently 26 States that have anti #BDS legislation. This includes my home state of Colorado.

AIPAC, The American Public Affairs Committee, is more than likely the most powerful Lobbying group in Washington. There are stories that once elected to office, you are summoned by AIPAC, to state your views on Israel, and what you can do while in office for the “State” of Israel. There is vast amounts of money sent to Israel, (just last week 29 billion) and monies that funnels back to the US by various means. The relationship between the US and Israel has many unknown aspects, but the Zionist influence runs from the federal level, to the states, and even to local communities. To be crude, Israel has the US by the balls in more ways than one. Therefore, it is not surprising that 26 states has anti#BDS legislation in force.

As I write this, have discovered that this legislation has not passed, revealing that a number of democrats actually back #BDS. This is great news. It is great news on a number of levels – no greater than the fact this law flies directly in the face of the United States Constitution.

(AIPAC has yet to comment)

The Human Rights violations by Israel on the Palestinian people is devastating. The settlements are continuing to expand, children are imprisoned without violating any laws. Israel is so corrupt
murdering journalists has become the norm...and the world turns a blind eye.

Another Apartheid State, South Africa, was sanctioned to the point where actual change occurred. 

The #BDS movement must continue with Israel before the Palestinians are oppressed out of existence.

Sunday, 6 January 2019

Too Good to be True, it Usually Is. Bolton trump's Trump

When President Trump announced via twitter, that he would be withdrawing American troops from Syria and, most likely Afghanistan later in the year, anti war activists and people in general, around the world hailed the decision as a sign that American Imperialism and militarism, might be soon coming to an end. My first thought was, “Fat chance, buster!” Then , of course, for a moment tempered my cynical views and “half applauded” the announcement. Well, it appears my cynic -self should have been acknowledged, as John Bolton traveled to Israel to assure their PM Bibi, that the United States would only be moving troops a little over the border into Iraq, to battle ISIS. 

As anyone with a slight knowledge of Geo-politics will see, this is one neocon saying to another neocon, “Don't worry, we're simply moving our chess pieces on the board slightly to the right. Rest assured, America is not going anywhere soon”

John Bolton is what I call the neocon's neocon – a sociopath's relentlessness pursuit of world domination, more specifically, US domination. The plan essentially went into effect when the CIA began “giving” arms to the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan, during the Soviet Union's occupation in the 1980's , [1] is ground zero, so to speak, on the chessboard, (The Great Game), to follow the fall of all Middle East countries, including: Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen, and the big prize, Iran. Israel and Saudi Arabia are behind the US 100%. Why do you think there is deafening silence about the slaughter and massive humanitarian crises in Yemen? Why have we been in Afghanistan for over 17 years with no endgame in sight. Because there is no “endgame”. Afghanistan is the central square of power on the chess board for US world domination.l

The neocon agenda will continue no matter what US president is in office. In my comparably long life, I've seen many US presidents come and go, and as far as foreign policy is concerned, US intervention into other countries has been non-stop, meaning war has never stopped. You see, the US presidency is merely a “temp job” in the halls of DC power. What many have called the deep state, is not a conspiracy theory, but the alphabet institutions, CIA, DOD, NSA, FBI etc. These people remain in power no matter who is president, and, really, these people run the show, and have been, since I've been alive this lifetime.

John Bolton's position as NSA is an appointed placement, he was not voted in by the people. Yet he is allowed to run around the globe, kissing dictator ass, representing the American people. This is absurd and dangerous.

Many people know my views on Donald Trump. He is an impostor; a bumbling narcissist, and most importantly, a pathological liar. By tweeting out the withdrawal of American troops from Syria, was essentially off the cuff, appealing to his base, creating a shit storm for the DOD and our warmongering mainstream media. I knew it would never really see the light of day.

The “Deep State” would never let it happen.

[1] Osama Bin Laden was a key leader for the Mujaheddin in the fight against the Soviet Union.

Friday, 4 January 2019

Never Trust the NSA or the MSM.

Early this week, NBC, MSNBC reporter William Arkin, sent an email to his employer, and every news outlet that mattered, announced his resignation, causing this notice to go viral, due to its scathing content. Arkin tells MSM that he has had enough, as a captive of militarism, and the National Security State, as MSM is nothing less than an 'unedited mouthpiece' for the many interventionist wars, which he states, “the National Security Establishment not only hasn't missed a beat but indeed has gained dangerous strength” and “is evermore autonomous and practically impervious to criticism.”

It may be news to some, but the National Security State, including the CIA, etc., had infiltrated the news media for many years, writing articles, editorials and controlling content. See “Operation Mockingbird”...) In a recent article in The Intercept. Glenn Greenwald wrote:

That MSNBC and NBC have become Security State Central has been obvious for quite some time. The network consists of little more than former CIA, NSA, and Pentagon officials as news “analysts”; ex-Bush-Cheney national security and communications officials as hosts and commentators; and the most extremists pro-war neocons constantly bashing Trump (and critics of Democrats generally) from the right, using the Cheney-Rove playbook on which they built their careers to accuse Democratic Party critics and enemies of being insufficiently patriotic, traitors for America’s official enemies, and abandoning America’s hegemonic role in the world.

Glenn Greenwald won the Pulitzer Prize for his reporting of the Edward Snowden revelations.. His writing on the National Security State , is second to none. Let's break the above paragraph down. He states that MSM (have) become “Security State “Central” consisting little more than CIA, NSA, and Pentagon” cronies as “analysts”. When one watches Rachael Maddow, for example, over the last two years, has done nothing but speculate on #Russia-gate, spewing out one conspiracy theory after another. To lend her speculation credence, her guest will be John Brennan, ex- head of the CIA under Obama. The problem is their speculation is just that, “guessing”, without evidence. That said, many people will take their words as the absolute truth, when in fact, it's unadulterated propaganda.

William Arkin goes on to write:

To me there is also a larger problem: though they produce nothing that resembles actual safety and security, the national security leaders and generals we have are allowed to do their thing unmolested. Despite being at“war,” no great wartime leaders or visionaries are emerging. There is not a soul in Washington who can say that they have won or stopped any conflict. And though there might be the beloved perfumed princes in the form of the Petraeus’ and Wes Clarks’, or the so-called warrior monks like Mattis and McMaster, we’ve had more than a generation of national security leaders who sadly and fraudulently have done little of consequence And yet we (and others) embrace them, even the highly partisan formers who masquerade as “analysts”. We do so ignoring the empirical truth of what they have wrought: There is not one county in the Middle East that is safer today than it was 18 years ago. Indeed the world becomes ever more polarized and dangerous.

This is absolutely correct. The Middle East is not safer today than it was 18 years ago. It has become much more dangerous, and with US “interventionist foreign policy”, we are creating more “terrorists” than we are stopping or, more accurately, murdering. These generals come on MSM and spout their “wisdom”, when they are actual trained killers, and whose sole objective is to promote more war. These are not “analysts” but cheerleaders for War. This is not news but pure propaganda, telling us that war is good, or anything to get the people behind them. And the MSM is the National Security State's mouthpiece and number 1 “tool” to spread this disinformation.

The problem is that since Trump came to power, there has been a new generation of people interested in politics. Most if not all of them go to the MSM for their information. Since Trump, the left wing media has swung to the Right. Because Trump does not follow “protocol” the establishment has turned against him. This has become big business for MSM.

Strangely, however, the old BUSH 2 neocons, like Kristol, Boot, and Frum, are now constant guests on MSNBC, because they despise Trump. Suddenly the CIA, NSA and the FBI are pillars of goodness and symbols of patriotism, when these are the people who got us into all these illegal wars in the first place. Now, to question these institutions, as Trump has, you're now a “Putin Puppet” a “Russian Spy” or a “traitor”. I see my Progressive friends on Social Media named worse, simply for calling out the warmongers and illegal wars overseas.

Arkin's email resignation should be an eye-opener for many. It reveals the collusion between the National Security State, corporate weapon manufactures, and the MSM.
Unfortunately there is so many other issues happening around the world of greater value than President Trump's infantile tweets. However, this is an intentional distraction, from the Military Industrial Complex, its perpetual wars, and the countries we are funding to commit war crimes.

William Arkin, a seasoned journalist, who wrote about the NSA and perpetual war, has finally had enough of this collusion to promote War. In NBC and MSNBC. And made his reasons known to the world.

And we are better for it.

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Adventurer in love and life...

Casanova has been hailed as the greatest lover of the 18th century and has become the first person we think of in the ways of seduction. He is the quintessential ladies man for some, and for others, a manipulative scoundrel, an expert at self-promotion, and at worse, a spinner of colorful tails. In fact he is all these things and much more. 

On top of his many amorous affairs with not only servants and chambermaids but also ladies of nobility, he is a compelling storyteller, a gentleman of taste, a violinist, theologian, philosopher and a gifted courtier. There has been so much written about the man, that I felt compelled to read about his life from his own words. 

Casanova is the most notorious seducer of women in history, and if you read The Story of My Life, you will understand an aspect of this man that is all too often over looked, and that is, he more often than not loved the women he seduced, and in some cases, remained in love with them for the rest of his relatively long life. In other words, he cared about women, respected them, idolized them and ensured that the pleasures they gained from these liaisons, exceeded his. He used women but he also loved them.

The book is written in a flowing style, descriptive to the point where the reader gains almost a visceral impression of 18th century Europe. 

Casanova's escape from the Venetian prison, for example, has all the suspense and realism of our modern thrillers. I could almost hear his finger nails scraping against the prison walls as he descended, sliding down in the dead of night during his escape. 

In his meeting with Voltaire, the French, gnome-like genius came to life, as they discussed the state of literature and the greatest poets of the ages. And, of course, the many beautiful women, his conquests and those that seduced him, fill every chapter - tasteful eroticism without the slightest hint of vulgarity. Casanova was an adventurer in love and life and he ensured he did not waste a minute of it.

Casanova wanted to be remembered as a man of letters, in the 18th century sense of this term. And with The Story of My Life, he certainly achieved this aim, as scholars from around the world have acknowledged. He also wanted to be remembered as a man who loved women, and to this end, there is no question. Those that love intrigue, eroticism, a little pomp and circumstance, and swashbuckling adventure, read this incredible memoir - a pleasure in every sense.

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...