this week, NBC, MSNBC reporter William Arkin, sent an email to his
employer, and every news outlet that mattered, announced his
resignation, causing this notice to go viral, due to its scathing
content. Arkin tells MSM that he has had enough, as a captive of
militarism, and the National Security State, as MSM is nothing less
than an 'unedited mouthpiece' for the many interventionist wars,
which he states, “the National Security Establishment not only
hasn't missed a beat but indeed has gained dangerous strength” and
“is evermore autonomous and practically impervious to criticism.”
may be news to some, but the National Security State, including the
CIA, etc., had infiltrated the news media for many years, writing
articles, editorials and controlling content. See “Operation
Mockingbird”...) In a recent article in The Intercept. Glenn
Greenwald wrote:
MSNBC and NBC have become Security State Central has been obvious for
quite some time. The network consists
of little more than
former CIA, NSA, and Pentagon officials as news “analysts”;
ex-Bush-Cheney national security and communications officials as
hosts and commentators; and the most extremists pro-war neocons
constantly bashing Trump (and critics of Democrats generally) from
the right, using the Cheney-Rove playbook on which they built their
careers to accuse Democratic Party critics and enemies of
being insufficiently patriotic, traitors
for America’s official enemies, and
abandoning America’s hegemonic role in the world.
Glenn Greenwald won
the Pulitzer Prize for his reporting of the Edward Snowden
revelations.. His writing on the National Security State , is second
to none. Let's break the above paragraph down. He states that MSM
(have) become “Security State “Central” consisting little more
than CIA, NSA, and Pentagon” cronies as “analysts”. When one
watches Rachael Maddow, for example, over the last two years, has
done nothing but speculate on #Russia-gate, spewing out one
conspiracy theory after another. To lend her speculation credence,
her guest will be John Brennan, ex- head of the CIA under Obama. The
problem is their speculation is just that, “guessing”, without
evidence. That said, many people will take their words as the
absolute truth, when in fact, it's unadulterated propaganda.
William Arkin goes
on to write:
me there is also a larger problem: though they produce nothing that
resembles actual safety and security, the
national security leaders and generals we have are allowed to do
their thing unmolested.
Despite being at“war,” no great wartime leaders or visionaries
are emerging. There is not a soul in Washington who can say that they
have won or stopped any conflict. And though there might be the
beloved perfumed princes in the form of the Petraeus’ and Wes
Clarks’, or the so-called warrior monks like Mattis and McMaster,
we’ve had more than a generation of national security leaders who
sadly and fraudulently have done little of consequence And
yet we (and others) embrace them, even the highly partisan formers
who masquerade as “analysts”. We
do so ignoring the empirical truth of what they have wrought: There
is not one county in the Middle East that is safer today than it was
18 years ago. Indeed the world becomes ever more polarized and
This is absolutely
correct. The Middle East is not safer today than it was 18 years ago.
It has become much more dangerous, and with US “interventionist
foreign policy”, we are creating more “terrorists” than we are
stopping or, more accurately, murdering. These generals come on MSM
and spout their “wisdom”, when they are actual trained killers,
and whose sole objective is to promote more war. These are not
“analysts” but cheerleaders for War. This is not news but pure
propaganda, telling us that war is good, or anything to get the
people behind them. And the MSM is the National Security State's
mouthpiece and number 1 “tool” to spread this disinformation.
The problem is that
since Trump came to power, there has been a new generation of people
interested in politics. Most if not all of them go to the MSM for
their information. Since Trump, the left wing media has swung to the
Right. Because Trump does not follow “protocol” the establishment
has turned against him. This has become big business for MSM.
Strangely, however,
the old BUSH 2 neocons, like Kristol, Boot, and Frum, are now
constant guests on MSNBC, because they despise Trump. Suddenly the
CIA, NSA and the FBI are pillars of goodness and symbols of
patriotism, when these are the people who got us into all these
illegal wars in the first place. Now, to question these institutions,
as Trump has, you're now a “Putin Puppet” a “Russian Spy” or
a “traitor”. I see my Progressive friends on Social Media named
worse, simply for calling out the warmongers and illegal wars
Arkin's email
resignation should be an eye-opener for many. It reveals the
collusion between the National Security State, corporate weapon
manufactures, and the MSM.
Unfortunately there
is so many other issues happening around the world of greater value
than President Trump's infantile tweets. However, this is an
intentional distraction, from the Military Industrial Complex, its
perpetual wars, and the countries we are funding to commit war
William Arkin, a
seasoned journalist, who wrote about the NSA and perpetual war, has
finally had enough of this collusion to promote War. In NBC and
MSNBC. And made his reasons known to the world.
And we are better
for it.
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