Monday, 14 January 2019

Comment: MSM Ratcheting- up #Russiagate... again.

Since Trump took office in 2017, #Russiagate was the leading news on all mainstream television networks. MSNBC with Rachael Maddow, led the charge, speculating what if's, praising Mueller, and concocting conspiracy theories, all based on zero facts. In the last few months of 2018, #Russiagate all but disappeared from mainstream and social media. Many pundits asked, “Is this the calm before the storm?” And yet, there is nothing of substance, in terms of actual collusion with Russia, that has come to light in the Mueller investigation. Here we are a mere two weeks into 2019, and MSM has put the peddle to the metal, pushing more outlandish theories, connecting Donald Trump with Vladimir Putin, without providing any facts, let alone substantial evidence. What has changed?

So much like the man they are slandering, MSM are using loaded words like “treason”, “traitor”, and my favourite, “Putin's puppet”, to gain a bigger audience for their various “news” shows, and once seeing that dropping Russia from their news cycles, ratings started to dive, thus producers were ordered to ramp up the Russia narrative again, and hopefully raise their ratings. I ask, has it worked? Perhaps. But to call an unpopular American president a traitor to his own country is not only vile and irresponsible, but to do it for the sake of ratings, simply makes these news outlets capitalist whores. But the problem is people who just hate Trump, are going along for the ride. This is brainwashing 101.

America has entered a new McCarthyism.

On social media, if you go against the 'Russia narrative', that they did not interfere with our elections enough to determine the outcome, you are badgered, bullied, called a “Russian Troll” and a “Putin puppet”...essentially a traitor. This reveals how well MSM has succeeded in swaying the American mind towards Russia being our Number 1 enemy.

Co-founder of The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, put out a montage tweet of MSM commenting on Trump and #Russiagate. (Link below) All of the commentators and news anchors, repeat the same phrases and talking points as the other. To be certain, they are all reading off the same talking script, line after line.
Considering this unabashed mainstream propaganda, one has to ask the question: Why is the MSM framing Russia as America's number 1 threat?

America is a war nation. The Military Industrial Complex requires perpetual war on the planet to justify its existence. MSM is the tool of the MIC, thus they spew pro-war propaganda to ensure the American people and the world, is on their side, when beginning another conflict. Because so-called “Terrorism” is truly on the wane, the MIC need a new enemy. What better than the former Soviet Union - a cold war enemy of over 40 years, until its fall in the 1990's.

There is not a shadow of a doubt in my my mind that President Trump is a criminal, self-serving, and generally uninformed. But to have the sophistication, machinery, and a strategic grand plan in place, to sway a presidential election, and be in on it, on face value, is absurd. And no one has come up with a shred of evidence proving the contrary.

Once again, Hillary Clinton ran an abysmal campaign. Through Wikileaks, we discovered that the DNC Primaries were rigged in favour of HRC. This is how (one reason) we ended up with a lying buffoon as POTUS.

Russia is not our enemy, the enemy is within.

You Tube montage:

Youtube search: #Russiagate montage.

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