Sunday, 20 January 2019

Australia Day.

Here in my new homeland, (Australia) arguments continue, "What is the true date to celebrate Australia? Is it when Captain Cook discovered this Continent Island? Or is it when the indigenous people fought back, fighting a white mans war, and lost.
As an immigrant, a white man, we need to celebrate Australia.
We should remember the English genocide. We should remember the "lost generation" of Aboriginal children, kidnapped from their parents. We should celebrate a nation that has managed to take care of its people. A living wage. Health Care for all. And an opportunity to attend university.
The aboriginal people have been framed as losers. A right wing belief. No, Aboriginals are not losers, a people of history, a people of loyalty, a people who care.
After watching a Kentucky boy from a fundamentalist catholic boy's school, put bully tactics on a veteran Indian man, wearing a MAGA hat, informed me of many things.
This is not the way our lives, living hate and war, is supposed to be. This is not why we went to war, so many dead lives. to see this hate.
Trump is a racist. A narcissist, a sociopath on a personal mission.
Our Trump is a symptom of a long line of American oligarchs, meaning, people with too much money. I talk about Trump because he is a true racist. And his so-called base are too.
Australia Day is about so much more. It is not about British colonialism anymore, this day is about our planet, our fellow human beings.
And the way to go forward.

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