Thursday, 10 January 2019

Trump's Wall – Vanity, all is Vanity...

Ecclesiastes who, when he cries out, “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity!” Erasmus.

After three weeks of the Trump imposed govt. shutdown, as of this writing, for even the optimistic at heart. there seems to be no compromise nor resolution in the near future. We call the shut down 'Trump imposed', because he himself, in a televised meeting with opposition leader Schumer and Pelosi, stated emphatically, that he would “own” the govt. shutdown. “absolutely” […] As is Trump's pattern of behaviour, blamed the Democrats, only because the party refuses to give in to his 5.6 billion demand to build a wall across the Mexican/US border – a truly gratuitous and useless notion, when one clearly analyses the mechanics of effective boarder security.

On a prime time, Presidential Address to the American nation this week, the president painted a frightening picture of crises, where thousands of illegal aliens, that is, drug dealers, gang members, murderers and terrorists, are flooding over the border in droves, and all but declaring a National Emergency. Responsible fact-checkers across the country, point by talking point, proved that there is no national security fact immigration from across the southern border has dropped considerably over the last 10 years. And the number of illegals crossing the border other than through established check points is significantly down. If one studies this data further, generally, will see many so-called illegals are those Mexicans and Canadians who have over stayed their VISAS, while visiting or working in the United States.

It is all but apparent, that president Trump spewed obvious propaganda, with the intent of spreading fear in the American people.

Standing afar, witnessing this hoopla, with eyes wide open, one has to ask: What is Trump's true motivation for building a gratuitous wall?

Well, we can deduce he's merely appealing to his racist base. Then again, it's much more simple, and much more disturbing. Trump desires to be remembered as the greatest American president in the history of the Republic. What better way than to build a kind of Hadrian's wall, preventing the barbarians from entering Roman territory. Trump wants to be in the history books, remembered for an eternity for the TRUMP WALL.

This is vanity transcending even Emperor Nero's burning Rome to the ground, to simply make a point to his enemies. Trump wants his name carved in stone (steel) and the Democrats and the majority of the American people can see it.

Immigration is at its lowest in 10 years. Illegals are entering the country, but comparatively in small numbers. Most drugs are smuggled into the country by air. Terrorists are not entering the country across the Mexican border, but through airports, that are immediately flagged when arriving.

The WALL is not about national security, but only the vanity of one man, Donald Trump.

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