President Trump announced via twitter, that he would be withdrawing
American troops from Syria and, most likely Afghanistan later in the
year, anti war activists and people in general, around the world
hailed the decision as a sign that American Imperialism and
militarism, might be soon coming to an end. My first thought was,
“Fat chance, buster!” Then , of course, for a moment tempered my
cynical views and “half applauded” the announcement. Well, it
appears my cynic -self should have been acknowledged, as John Bolton traveled to Israel to assure their PM Bibi, that the United States
would only be moving troops a little over the border into Iraq, to
battle ISIS.
As anyone with a slight knowledge of Geo-politics will
see, this is one neocon saying to another neocon, “Don't worry,
we're simply moving our chess pieces on the board slightly to the
right. Rest assured, America is not going anywhere soon”
Bolton is what I call the neocon's neocon – a sociopath's
relentlessness pursuit of world domination, more specifically, US
domination. The plan essentially went into effect when the CIA began
“giving” arms to the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan, during the Soviet
Union's occupation in the 1980's , [1] is ground zero, so to speak,
on the chessboard, (The Great Game), to follow the fall of all
Middle East countries, including: Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen,
and the big prize, Iran. Israel and Saudi Arabia are behind the US
100%. Why do you think there is deafening silence about the slaughter and
massive humanitarian crises in Yemen? Why have we been in Afghanistan
for over 17 years with no endgame in sight. Because there is no
“endgame”. Afghanistan is the central square of power on the chess board
for US world domination.l
neocon agenda will continue no matter what US president is in office.
In my comparably long life, I've seen many US presidents come and go,
and as far as foreign policy is concerned, US intervention into other
countries has been non-stop, meaning war has never stopped. You see,
the US presidency is merely a “temp job” in the halls of DC
power. What many have called the deep state, is not a conspiracy
theory, but the alphabet institutions, CIA, DOD, NSA, FBI etc. These
people remain in power no matter who is president, and, really, these
people run the show, and have been, since I've been alive this
Bolton's position as NSA is an appointed placement, he was not voted
in by the people. Yet he is allowed to run around the globe, kissing
dictator ass, representing the American people. This is absurd and
people know my views on Donald Trump. He is an impostor; a bumbling
narcissist, and most importantly, a pathological liar. By tweeting
out the withdrawal of American troops from Syria, was essentially off
the cuff, appealing to his base, creating a shit storm for the DOD
and our warmongering mainstream media. I knew it would never really
see the light of day.
“Deep State” would never let it happen.
Osama Bin Laden was a key leader for the Mujaheddin in the fight
against the Soviet Union.
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