Friday, 27 September 2019

Rise of the Political Right - we're Choking.

Over the last five to ten years, the extreme Right has taken a front seat in politics. The reason for this upsurge in “hate”, is the remnants of Neoliberalism. In short, this elitist economic philosophy, based on a strict economic system of Capitalism, reserves the right of trade and production to only benefit the few.
This became evident, during the Obama Administration in the recession of 2008.
Millions of people lost their homes during this time. Rather than re stimulate the economy through the public sphere, creating jobs and home owner incentives, Obama bailed out the banks, Wall Street, the very institutions that caused the recession. For certain, across the world, Neo-liberalism had taken its toll on the common people. The rich had come out richer, and the common middle class were now poor.
The same happened in the UK. The irresponsible spending of the elite caused a major recession. The government, rather than stimulate the economy for the people, created 'austerity' laws, taking money away from social institutions like medicare, thereby filling their own pockets.
The people around the planet have had enough. The Right wing appearance, promising everything, has given nothing for the people. Current Right wing governments continue to help the elite while we, the everyday people, suffer.
Time to change, time to wake up.
Let's not Choke this round.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

A Rant from 2012 - and nothing has Changed.

I’m so tired of American redneck 19th century rhetoric. The current American Presidential campaign is infantile. Believe me…it takes a little distance to see the forest from the trees. Character attack on one’s adversary reveals an uneducated mind and has been a Presidential campaign technique since Jefferson. As I heard a black man says on a TV show last week: “This Town is going to hell in a handbasket!”

What are the real issues? What about the mentally ill, the war vets who get jack shit; the families who have to fight everyday merely to eat. What about the children, who can’t afford books or paper to go to school because their mom and dad lost their jobs to sweat shops', overseas. Why is education so expensive? Is it only for the rich! Do you want to keep the masses stupid? Why are we bombing the shit out of innocent children when there is a "hint" that a "Terrorist" cell is in a block of flats on a main street. "Whoops we missed- just women and children, sorry." What about the mentally ill I saw last time in America who could not get any help, thus, they are whisked away. Where? Sorry can’t pay my mortgage: the police come and kick the family out and they have nowhere to go, because some greedy banker spent all their money or is hording it in Swiss bank accounts? (Katrina is a perfect example of a government who really doesn’t give a shit.)

What is exactly the national deficit? To whom does America owe the money too? And as an old journalist, always follow the money - poof, gone? Spend billions a day on "National Defence" (not to mention the space program) while your own people are losing their homes and can’t hope to live on minimum wage. (Billions go to technology for dudes to wear space suits and get their kicks, for “research”.) America gives Israel 3 billion dollars a year. Why? 

One billion would at least help America’s education; yet you choose to spend the money on murder. Shame on you! I knew America was taken over by right-wing Christian-gun-loving- black haten' assholes who live in the past. Agenda? Please. Conspiracy? Please. If you so choose to, study the notion of Ockham’s razor... have a look around, look in your own backyard. And take the paper bag off you head! I know it’s safer and easier to believe the lies but it takes courage to see the truth; and like most things on this planet, there is a price.

My father’s favourite cliché’ that he’d repeat over and over after a few Irish whiskeys: “What if they declared a war and nobody came?”

A bloody, pipe-dream? More than likely but hell, a good one!

Wake – up!

By the way, study the middle- east beginning around 1947?

Then tell me there is no agenda.

Friday, 13 September 2019

An Afternoon Rant: All Governments Lie

There are some of us who have been taught never to believe any governments' word, or any half-way dubious news reports, or the so-named cultural norms that has been forced fed to us since early childhood. The rule: never receive anything on face value. There are many reasons for this particular mind-set of doubt. I've come to call this a 'philosophy of suspicion'.

All governments lie. As a young man growing up in Colorado, the government lied to us about the Vietnam War. Millions of civilians and soldiers died, based on a lie. The US and her allies lost this conflict, and the pain of this war continues to affect individuals and families today. We were lied to about the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK. All these men were revolutionaries, desiring change for the common people. And for this, they were shot in the street. The Iraq War.,,

Indeed, with the benefit of hindsight, and the writings of insiders, whistle blowers, we know this to be true. 

Moving slightly forward on the timeline, we have been told of the hundreds of CIA backed coups in many of the small countries of South America – Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador, to name but a few. The reason we have continually have a wave of South American refugees seeking asylum, is the direct result of these regime change wars, and economic 'scourge and burn' tactics of the United States. The purpose of these tactics is to 'own' said country, benefiting only the puppets of the regime. While the people are left without, are only left with nothing. This is, at bottom, the immigration issue in the US. Though the government blames “their” problem on socialism or "staggering" crime. This is ridiculous, even on face value. My surprise and disgust, is the American people believe these lies, believing a failed businessman and Reality Game Show host. These lies did not start with Trump. We have been fed these lies since the end of WW2. But what has happened to critical thought?

Over the last five to ten years, the extreme Right has taken front seat in politics. The reason for this upsurge in “hate”, is the remnants of Neoliberalism. In short, this elitist economic philosophy, based on a strict economic system of Capitalism, reserves the right of trade and production to only benefit the few. It came to appear for many, during the Obama Administration in the recession of 2008. Millions of people lost their homes during this time. Rather than re stimulate the economy through the public sphere, creating jobs and home owner incentives, Obama bailed out the banks, Wall Street, the very institutions that caused the recession. For certain, across the world, Neo-liberalism had taken its toll on the common people. The rich had come out richer, and the common middle class were now poor. The same happened in the UK. The irresponsible spending of the elite caused a major recession. The government, rather than stimulate the economy for the people, created 'austerity' laws, taking money away from social institutions like medicare, thereby filling their own pockets. The people around the planet had had enough. The Right wing mover in, promising everything, and has given nothing. Continuing to help the elite while we, the everyday suffer.

What really bothers me, is that good people do not look beyond what's given to them. These elite power-hungry-&- $ hungry elites, now in seats of true influence, do not give a rats ass about us. It's all a game for them. Poverty is justified by blaming the victim. War is justified by blaming the 'other'. When people begin blaming victims for their own condition, something is wrong. This is the behaviour of the psychopath. He beats his wife to death, screaming, “This is your fault, you made me do this!” Classic psychopath, mirroring our government's current behaviour.

Never believe what authority tells you. History tells us to be aware of power.

All governments lie.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

John Ashcroft - The World According to Bush - Review

This film is a caustic exposé of the Bush administration and their machinations leading up to the invasion of Iraq. William Karel interviews numerous individuals from the CIA, advisors to the president and Hans Blix, the U.N. weapons inspector, revealing a calculated propaganda campaign to sway public opinion to support the Iraqi war.

The WMD question is explored at some length and the fact that GWB, Vice President Cheney and Colin Powel knew full well that there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and al Quada, that there certainly was not enough evidence to prove that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, intentionally lying to the American people.

What is telling, confirming the Bush administration lied about Saddam Hussein, is a comment made by the president in a cabinet meeting, a year after the invasion, stating he knew there was no connection between al Quada and the Iraqi regime. This, of course, begs the question, if this administration knew there was no connection between al Quada and Saddam Hussein, and there was no solid proof that this regime possessed weapons of mass destruction, why was the country invaded, killing hundreds of American soldiers and thousands of Iraqi men, women and children?

This film also reveals this administrations incestuous connection to corporations in the oil industry and responsible for building the war machine - Halliburton, (Vice President is an ex CEO) Lockheed Martin, (Mrs. Cheney is on the board of directors) Kellogg, Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton, have exclusive contracts in the "reconstruction" of war torn Iraq.

The central "money-connection" is the Saudi Arabians, who spend billions of dollars in Washington DC through various lobby groups, more than anyone else. Strangely, the Bush family and the bin Laden family have been in business together and continue a lucrative relationship to this day. As the bin Laden's and the Saudi's were the only people allowed to fly out of the country during 9/11, shows that the administration at least has enough sense not to bite the hand that feeds them.

This is a brave film that reveals evidence of deep-seated corruption in the highest echelons of government. What is mind boggling is that ten years ago, these men would have been dragged in front of senate committees, investigated and brought to justice for lying to the American people, but it seems no one can touch them. Why?

The World According to Bush is a serious film without the fanfare and unnecessary hype - it presents the evidence and leaves it to the viewer to decide. A telling film of power and corruption.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Scientology and Me

For all my fictional novel attempts, short stories, copyrighting, essays and reviews written since escaping Scientology over 32 years ago, I have never written about my experiences, spanning 9 years in the Cult. Scientology during the late 70's in Southern California, turned out to be a “hot” time for the organisation. It was a muggy day in July, 1977, when I drove to Tustin from my flat in Costa Mesa, living with my father after the recent death of my little sister, Christine. The FBI had raided the LA headquarters, and removed all their files, looking for something. What were the FBI looking for, and why would they raid a “church”? The Mission directors wife, a beautiful 30 something, approached me and said, it was an evil government, wanting to destroy the “truth”. I believed her, and continued to believe the lies for almost a decade, until my escape from the cult in 1986.

The truth turned out to be the opposite.

Scientology has a 'spy wing' in the organisation. In the 70's, it was called the Guardians Office. During the early 70's, Scientology began an all out assault on the US government. The reason was the tax exempt status for the Church as a religion, was removed in the late 60's. The organisation owed the government millions in tax. Scientology's founder, L. Ron Hubbard was the government's target. The church's clandestine operation failure revealed, and along with others, Hubbard's wife was put in prison. In 1977, the US government had enough evidence to close down this cult. But didn't.


Many people have asked me why I remained in the cult after realising Scientology is the most successful con in history?

This book explores this question.

In the last 10 years, many Scientology insiders have decided to come out with their story, despite knowing the push back and abuse from the church. The “fair game” policy is real, and many people have experienced this evil policy. I will explore this policy in detail as my confession unfolds.



There's a story about a remarkable pig, despite great pain and suffering, saved her owners life. The owner was an old man living alone without much human contact: no family, only "Meals on Wheels" visited him once a week to deliver his food. Many believe that animals, particularly domestic animals can be extremely intelligent, born with mind, body and spirit. This was certainly so with the pig.

One afternoon the old man fell, breaking his hip and couldn't move and no energy to scream out for help.

Having great love and concern for her friend, the pig squeezed with great effort into a very small opening through the back door, causing great pain as the pig was found with quarter centimetre scratches along her sides from pushing herself through the small crack. After an hour of painful effort, the pig escaped and went about looking for help. What she did next is nothing less than pure intelligence and will. She “played possum” and pathetic body on the main road, hoping a passer-by would stop; many did pass by until, after, it is estimated an hour, a man stopped, to examine the pig. She jumped up with enthusiasm and led the man to her friend’s house. The passer-by found the man and he was saved - only because of the courageous actions of the pig.

I only relate this story to illustrate the unconditional relationship animals can display for the one's they are connected to and love.

George was my cat for over fourteen years and died peacefully only last week.

A six week orange Persian kitten, my wife at the time bought him against my decision, because we had just lost another grey Persian from a freak accident only a month prior. She bought George for her because to have the love of an animal is really, to many, a gift. Unfortunately, as most cat lovers know, cats pick their friends and not the other way my wife's anger and dismay, George chose me and would never leave my side.

George was an advanced being because over the years, I'd observed him mingling with the wild life around the property. He made friends with the "resident" possum and her family; sit under our bird feeder, while the Rosella's fed, dropping shells on him and laughing; made friends with the cat next door seeing them sleeping together at dusk in a bush on the property; again, he'd sit on our patio with the calmness of a monk while I hand fed the birds of the forest.

Most of my friends that met George would comment that he appeared to be half dog. I believe this was so because he would sit at my feet in social situations or lie down next to me as we drank and played never leaving my side. In the early days, I had to train him not to follow me on my walking trip to the General Store - the main road was much too busy. Like a dog, too, he would wait for me to come home from work on the front porch and greet me, saying, “Hey dad, dinner time.”

I guess what I'm trying to say is that George was, above all else, a kind soul.

When telling my son, Sam, now in his twenties, about George's passing, he said, “George had eighteen lives not just nine, dad."

Sam is absolutely correct because George survived cancer that kills ninety present of animals; fell off the back porch, severing his tongue by only a sliver, having it sewed up and putting up with damn stitches for months; fighting the local Tom-Cart at thirteen and screaming from his wound
....the list goes on.

Sam was only six when George arrived on the scene, Sam and George, seemed to grow to become good friends.

It was 4:30 am when the old boy passed. Strangely, I sat up all night, checking on him from time to time, waiting....the last time walking up the stairs, I found him slumped on my side bed table. I spread a towel on the bed; gently picked him up and put his body down, and said,

"Don't be scared, George. The angels are here to help you on your journey."

George then died in my arms, the angels guiding this beautiful, wise being...home.

I miss him.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Oliver Sacks - Seeing Voices - Review

In this extraordinary study, Dr. Sacks gives the general reader a penetrating insight into the world of the deaf. In his acclaimed "The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat", as a practicing neurologist, he brought his readers into the bizarre world of terrible brain related illnesses, presenting twenty-four cases of individuals afflicted with such diseases as agnosia or prosopagnosia, where "normal" reality is turned inside out, and how some of these diseases are treated and how the patients cope with their condition. In "Seeing Voices", he permits us entry into the silent, at times strange, though culturally rich world of the congenitally and prelingually deaf.

As someone who has had no previous experience or knowledge in this area, for me this text opened a whole new area of culture and history that is continually growing and developing.

Sacks' explores the nature of language, touching upon Noam Chomsky's paradigm-shifting studies, "Syntactic Structures", "Cartesian Linguistics" and Language of Mind", where he proposes his theory that language is innate, lying dormant until it is made active through human interaction and culture. Sacks connects these theories to the pre-lingual deaf and its implications and manifestations.

We are also given a history lesson on the language of SIGN, how it has developed, why it was jettisoned, out of ignorant prejudice, in the late nineteenth century, and its miraculous come back in the twentieth century. Through Sacks' concise and straightforward prose, he connects us to the foreign world of another language not depended on speech, its intricacies and its wonder, and how those of us who have the ability to hear and to verbalize, all too often take language for granted. He also makes clear the sophistication of Sign as a form of legitimate communication, its grammatical foundations and its many nuances, and how, in some ways, it is a superior form of active exchange between people.

In chapter three, Sacks tells us about the cultural breakthrough at Gallaudet University in March 1988, where after massive student protest, the school literally closed down, the first ever deaf president of the university was appointed. Sacks witnessed this social changing event first hand, which in the end affected him more than he realized,

"I had to see this all for myself before I could be moved from my previous "medical" view of deafness (as a condition, a deficit, that had to be "treated") to a "cultural" view of the deaf as forming a community with a complete language and culture of its own." (P.129-30)

Indeed this entire text has changed my view that deafness is not simply a condition or human deficit, but another way of being in the world. In fact the deaf, with their shared language are forming a world community and culture crossing all barriers. And as Dr. Sacks points out, in this way, "...the deaf have something to teach us." (P. 167)

Monday, 2 September 2019

From: Lover in the Wardrobe - a work in progress

William Doveton of “Doveton, Murphy & Cohen, is one of Australia's leaders in the advertising game. (Currently looking at opening offices in Malaysia) Founded a mere 10 years ago, William began the company as a small branding shop, to develop better and bigger clients, so over the years, it began competing with the international shops: J. Walter Thompson, BBDO, etc., The company went public in 2001, yielding massive profits for all the partners concerned. In a word, William Doveton became a very wealthy man in a short amount of time.

Many consider William (Bill) to be an introvert. Then why, as many have asked. has he become one of Australia's biggest and riches Ad Men? Bill will tell you all the selling and big ideas in the agency began with Cohen as Creative Director, and Murphy as Head of Accounts. The three met at a “Branding Conference” in LA. After a long lunch together, and many beers later, decided to join forces. And as the cliche goes, the rest is history.

When anybody looks back over the agency's 10 years, the dark times are usually left unsaid. The “Myth” of Doveton, Murphy & Cohen tells of no setbacks, no flaws, never any moment of troubled times or struggles towards their journey to the top. Certainly, this was a conscious decision made by all the partners. “Our clients must perceive our history as a perfect successful business narrative.” Cohen was assigned as “Myth-maker”, writing the narrative of the firm in terms of press releases, company conferences and the most efficient advertising of all, word of mouth. Word spread that the company was the Icon of the perfect business. And of course, the big accounts followed and in turn, became (luckily) successful, too.

This apparatus of unblemished success for the firm in 2018, all came into focused scrutiny, when the news of William Doveton's marriage, became an international scandal. News of the incident was forecast on CNN world-wide, all major cable stations in the US., France, Australia, and later, Netflix created a documentary and in the end, becoming their most watched doco in years. The infamy of this scandal, at bottom, is not so much that at its core, was a boring love triangle, but in the way it began, moving to strange circumstances, and a situation that nobody could believe at the beginning. And even in present time.

When the agency went public, the Australian Stock Exchange, as predicted by certain pundits in the know, exploded into a buying frenzy. The companies shares opened at a meagre $5.60, by the closing of the market, $26.30. This brought the comfortably rich partners of Doveton, Murphy and Cohen, to the list of Forbes magazine's top hundred riches people on the planet. 2001 was the pinnacle of success for the firm after years of hard won clients and award winning campaigns. And Finally, this was also the year that Bill Doveton met his soon to be bride, Haley Brampton.

Both met at the celebration for the firm's astonishing win in the market after going public. The Melbourne Casino had been chosen for the party. Over a thousand people attended, all the big names of the Australian advertising industry were on full display.

Bill maintained his position at the bar, surrounded by admirers and folks desiring to stand next to powerful success, hoping a small particle of Bill Doveton's “magic ad dust” could some how land on them. It was here that he spotted the beautiful and young Haley Brampton.

Elbowing Murphy beside him, pointing “Do you know who that woman is, Murphy?”

Murphy followed Bills finger, resting his eyes on the pale, dark haired 25 year old.

“I don't know, Bill, but I'll find out.”

In the previous month, one of Packer's ACP publications, named Bill Doveton Melbourne's Most Eligible Bachelors. The 35 year old native city boy, Doveton was notoriously single. Rumours swirled for years that he was gay, but no one could substantiate the allegations. To be fair, Bill was never seen in public with a woman. Over the years, at such and such event, one of the partners would always be seen at his side. Bill's 35th birthday had just passed; he now had achieved his goal of wealth, and was ready for the “distractions” of a real relationship.

Murphy returned in about 10 minutes from his discovery mission, getting right to the point,” Her name is Haley Brampton. She's in her mid twenties, single and is currently a junior copywriter in a small ad shop in East Richmond.”

“What shop?” Bill asked.

“You won't believe it, but they go by “Star Trek Solutions”, you know, after the TV show.”

“I'll tell you what, Murphy, find out how long she has been with “Star Trek”, check out her work, and if its good enough, hire her. And if it all works out, I want to see her on Monday seated in our foyer.”

Murphy understood Bill's intentions, that is, how determined he could get when he wanted something. He knew Bill Doveton demanded to see Haley Brampton in the foyer of Doveton, Murphy and Cohen on Monday. It was his job to make it happen. Indeed, Murphy knew how to get things done. Aside from being an impeccably efficient and successful Accounts man, he was a problem solver. And Bill knew that when asking Murphy to do a task, if earthly possible, the request would become a reality.

The celebration went long into the next morning. As it was an open bar, never closing, everyone took advantage, and drank until the glimmering hint of dawn lit the windows the next morning. About a third of the crowd decided to remain at the Casino for breakfast. The various hotels within the complex had previously been warned the night before, so they were ready for the onslaught of the drunken and weary ad crowd. Breakfast lasted another three to four hours with a vast majority of the crowd drinking Bloody Mary's along with their eggs. By 11:00-12:00 noon, the last of the celebration could be seen jumping into cabs in front of the Casino. Only a few could be seen on the Black Jack and Roulette tables, gambling into the late afternoon. One gambler, seen through the Casino's surveillance, playing Blackjack from three in the afternoon to 11 that night, losing $150, 000 all up, was finally asked to leave by the management. The Casino knew Michael Murphy, the ad man extraordinaire, all too well.

Carlos Castaneda -The Active Side of Infinity-Review

Sometime in 1998, on a not-so unusual evening, my computer, once booting it up, seemed to explode in a dance of light and sound - my email had been inundated with the news that the famous author of 'The Teachings of Don Juan', Carlos Castaneda, had leaped into the abyss, never to return. The general response to his final passing, the commencement of his 'definitive-journey', was an ecstatic celebration: his work, it had been said, was finally complete. My feelings were mixed. Castaneda had been a close 'literary friend', a quasi-spiritual companion who, through his many books, made me aware that all things are indeed possible. The 'warrior-traveller' had moved on, and it was rumoured that his last book, ~The Active Side of Infinity~ was on the way.

It has been many years, and for a variety of reasons, I never got around to reading it, but finally did the other week. To be sure, this last installment ranks as one of his best. This is the last in a long line of texts concerning Castaneda's apprenticeship as a sorcerer, working under the tutelage of Don Juan Matus - a 'nagual' of mystery, power and hilarious wit. Don Juan has to be one of the most interesting characters of the twentieth century. And to finally meet him again in ~Infinity~ was certainly a pleasure.

~Infinity~ has to be the most accessible of all Castaneda's books. We can almost categorize it as being his last will and testament before his final exit into infinity - an effort to pay off his spiritual debts as a warrior-traveller, recapitulating (Don Juan's term) memorable events and relationships in his life that changed his path or had, either consciously or not, affected or had a profound significance in his life as a sorcerer. The book is a collection of Castaneda's memories, intense and not so, that through re-living would prepare him for the 'definitive-journey' into the abyss. Death is the central theme in ~Infinity~, communicating the importance of preparing oneself for the unavoidable end we all must embark upon...

I was reminded of Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist who, in the last years of his life, always had 'The Tibetan Book of the Dead' on his night stand, referring to it before falling to sleep. This was Jung's way of preparing himself for the definitive journey. Castaneda, though, through re-living the past, sought-out some of the more significant people in his life, and made a practical attempt to set things right. This made a lot of sense to me on many levels.

To suggest to new readers of Castaneda to begin with ~Infinity~ would be, in my mind, a disservice. My advice would be to start from the beginning with 'The Teachings of Don Juan' and move on from's appreciation of the entire philosophy will be much deeper as a result. That said, however, ~Infinity~ could well be a good starting point, because as I mentioned before, it's the most accessible of the canon.

Sunday, 1 September 2019

Film- To Kill a Mocking Bird - Review

What can really be written about this wonderful film that hasn't already been said since its release on December 25th 1962?

One can write that this has to be one of Gregory Peck's greatest performances portraying the memorable Atticus Finch with such believability that Peck attempted time and again to shed "Atticus" as an actor, even as an established one for twenty years, asking for "villain" roles and being turned down until The Boys From Brazil, Atticus Finch was a role made for Gregory Peck as the actor can play the sensitive, caring man of integrity with utter ease and did so for several films following To Kill a Mockingbird, such as "Behold a Pale Horse" (1964) "Mirage" (1965) and "Arabesque" (1966).

Harper Lee's novel addresses many issues for its time including racism and entrenched prejudice against the black American in the deep south before and during The Great Depression and an audience of the film, we are exposed to the necessity of pursuing virtue as human beings and what it really means and how important it is to have basic good manners in one's life; what it means to reach for and practice goodness and have core beliefs and in the end, standing firm by those beliefs against overwhelming opposition. The film also shows us the need to walk a mile in another person's shoes before making any judgements on them, or as Atticus says to Scout... "Until you step inside their skin and walk around a little..."

The magnificent performance of Mary Badham as the irrepressible Scout won her an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress only to miss out to Patty Duke in her stunning role in The Miracle Worker Considering both performances, Duke and Badham (both children) should have won a Joint Oscar as both were absolutely magnificent in their respective roles.

When the Mockingbird: A Portrait of Harper Lee was published, a somewhat recent bio of the author, Lee was asked about the character, Atticus Finch, and was he based on her actual attorney father, she said that Atticus of course was based on her father, but she embellished and added, creating a new character, a father and man she believed would be the ideal father & human being living under the circumstances presented in the novel.

Despite this film opening forty years ago, the story and performances continue to be a model for present day filmmaking...beginning with a great story, a well adapted screenplay, a director who loves the project thus all in the crew give 100%, and the same basic example of virtue and integrity communicated in the novel and adapted for the screen: compassion, kindness, courage, respect and love.

Truly one of the all time great films of the twentieth century...something to show the children, something to learn.

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...