are some of us who have been taught never to believe any governments'
word, or any half-way dubious news reports, or the so-named cultural
norms that has been forced fed to us since early childhood. The
rule: never receive anything on face value. There are many reasons
for this particular mind-set of doubt. I've come to call this a
'philosophy of suspicion'.
governments lie. As a young man growing up in Colorado, the
government lied to us about the Vietnam War. Millions of civilians
and soldiers died, based on a lie. The US and her allies lost this
conflict, and the pain of this war continues to affect individuals
and families today. We were lied to about the assassinations of JFK,
MLK and RFK. All these men were revolutionaries, desiring change for
the common people. And for this, they were shot in the street. The Iraq War.,,
Indeed, with the benefit of hindsight, and the writings of insiders,
whistle blowers, we know this to be true.
Moving slightly forward on
the timeline, we have been told of the hundreds of CIA backed coups
in many of the small countries of South America – Venezuela,
Columbia, Ecuador, to name but a few. The reason we have continually
have a wave of South American refugees seeking asylum, is the direct
result of these regime change wars, and economic 'scourge and burn'
tactics of the United States. The purpose of these tactics is to
'own' said country, benefiting only the puppets of the regime. While
the people are left without, are only left with nothing. This is, at
bottom, the immigration issue in the US. Though the government
blames “their” problem on socialism or "staggering" crime. This is
ridiculous, even on face value. My surprise and disgust, is the
American people believe these lies, believing a failed businessman
and Reality Game Show host. These lies did not start with Trump. We
have been fed these lies since the end of WW2. But what has happened
to critical thought?
the last five to ten years, the extreme Right has taken front seat in
politics. The reason for this upsurge in “hate”, is the remnants
of Neoliberalism. In short, this elitist economic philosophy,
based on a strict economic system of Capitalism, reserves the right
of trade and production to only benefit the few. It came to appear
for many, during the Obama Administration in the recession of 2008.
Millions of people lost their homes during this time. Rather than re
stimulate the economy through the public sphere, creating jobs and
home owner incentives, Obama bailed out the banks, Wall Street, the
very institutions that caused the recession. For certain, across the
world, Neo-liberalism had taken its toll on the common people. The
rich had come out richer, and the common middle class were now poor.
The same happened in the UK. The irresponsible spending of the elite
caused a major recession. The government, rather than stimulate the
economy for the people, created 'austerity' laws, taking money away
from social institutions like medicare, thereby filling their own
pockets. The people around the planet had had enough. The Right wing
mover in, promising everything, and has given nothing. Continuing to
help the elite while we, the everyday suffer.
really bothers me, is that good people do not look beyond what's
given to them. These elite power-hungry-&- $ hungry elites, now
in seats of true influence, do not give a rats ass about us. It's all
a game for them. Poverty is justified by blaming the victim. War is
justified by blaming the 'other'. When people begin blaming victims
for their own condition, something is wrong. This is the behaviour of
the psychopath. He beats his wife to death, screaming, “This is
your fault, you made me do this!” Classic psychopath, mirroring
our government's current behaviour.
believe what authority tells you. History tells us to be aware of power.
governments lie.
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