Friday, 27 September 2019

Rise of the Political Right - we're Choking.

Over the last five to ten years, the extreme Right has taken a front seat in politics. The reason for this upsurge in “hate”, is the remnants of Neoliberalism. In short, this elitist economic philosophy, based on a strict economic system of Capitalism, reserves the right of trade and production to only benefit the few.
This became evident, during the Obama Administration in the recession of 2008.
Millions of people lost their homes during this time. Rather than re stimulate the economy through the public sphere, creating jobs and home owner incentives, Obama bailed out the banks, Wall Street, the very institutions that caused the recession. For certain, across the world, Neo-liberalism had taken its toll on the common people. The rich had come out richer, and the common middle class were now poor.
The same happened in the UK. The irresponsible spending of the elite caused a major recession. The government, rather than stimulate the economy for the people, created 'austerity' laws, taking money away from social institutions like medicare, thereby filling their own pockets.
The people around the planet have had enough. The Right wing appearance, promising everything, has given nothing for the people. Current Right wing governments continue to help the elite while we, the everyday people, suffer.
Time to change, time to wake up.
Let's not Choke this round.

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