Thursday, 12 September 2019

John Ashcroft - The World According to Bush - Review

This film is a caustic exposé of the Bush administration and their machinations leading up to the invasion of Iraq. William Karel interviews numerous individuals from the CIA, advisors to the president and Hans Blix, the U.N. weapons inspector, revealing a calculated propaganda campaign to sway public opinion to support the Iraqi war.

The WMD question is explored at some length and the fact that GWB, Vice President Cheney and Colin Powel knew full well that there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and al Quada, that there certainly was not enough evidence to prove that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, intentionally lying to the American people.

What is telling, confirming the Bush administration lied about Saddam Hussein, is a comment made by the president in a cabinet meeting, a year after the invasion, stating he knew there was no connection between al Quada and the Iraqi regime. This, of course, begs the question, if this administration knew there was no connection between al Quada and Saddam Hussein, and there was no solid proof that this regime possessed weapons of mass destruction, why was the country invaded, killing hundreds of American soldiers and thousands of Iraqi men, women and children?

This film also reveals this administrations incestuous connection to corporations in the oil industry and responsible for building the war machine - Halliburton, (Vice President is an ex CEO) Lockheed Martin, (Mrs. Cheney is on the board of directors) Kellogg, Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton, have exclusive contracts in the "reconstruction" of war torn Iraq.

The central "money-connection" is the Saudi Arabians, who spend billions of dollars in Washington DC through various lobby groups, more than anyone else. Strangely, the Bush family and the bin Laden family have been in business together and continue a lucrative relationship to this day. As the bin Laden's and the Saudi's were the only people allowed to fly out of the country during 9/11, shows that the administration at least has enough sense not to bite the hand that feeds them.

This is a brave film that reveals evidence of deep-seated corruption in the highest echelons of government. What is mind boggling is that ten years ago, these men would have been dragged in front of senate committees, investigated and brought to justice for lying to the American people, but it seems no one can touch them. Why?

The World According to Bush is a serious film without the fanfare and unnecessary hype - it presents the evidence and leaves it to the viewer to decide. A telling film of power and corruption.

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