Tuesday, 24 September 2019

A Rant from 2012 - and nothing has Changed.

I’m so tired of American redneck 19th century rhetoric. The current American Presidential campaign is infantile. Believe me…it takes a little distance to see the forest from the trees. Character attack on one’s adversary reveals an uneducated mind and has been a Presidential campaign technique since Jefferson. As I heard a black man says on a TV show last week: “This Town is going to hell in a handbasket!”

What are the real issues? What about the mentally ill, the war vets who get jack shit; the families who have to fight everyday merely to eat. What about the children, who can’t afford books or paper to go to school because their mom and dad lost their jobs to sweat shops', overseas. Why is education so expensive? Is it only for the rich! Do you want to keep the masses stupid? Why are we bombing the shit out of innocent children when there is a "hint" that a "Terrorist" cell is in a block of flats on a main street. "Whoops we missed- just women and children, sorry." What about the mentally ill I saw last time in America who could not get any help, thus, they are whisked away. Where? Sorry can’t pay my mortgage: the police come and kick the family out and they have nowhere to go, because some greedy banker spent all their money or is hording it in Swiss bank accounts? (Katrina is a perfect example of a government who really doesn’t give a shit.)

What is exactly the national deficit? To whom does America owe the money too? And as an old journalist, always follow the money - poof, gone? Spend billions a day on "National Defence" (not to mention the space program) while your own people are losing their homes and can’t hope to live on minimum wage. (Billions go to technology for dudes to wear space suits and get their kicks, for “research”.) America gives Israel 3 billion dollars a year. Why? 

One billion would at least help America’s education; yet you choose to spend the money on murder. Shame on you! I knew America was taken over by right-wing Christian-gun-loving- black haten' assholes who live in the past. Agenda? Please. Conspiracy? Please. If you so choose to, study the notion of Ockham’s razor... have a look around, look in your own backyard. And take the paper bag off you head! I know it’s safer and easier to believe the lies but it takes courage to see the truth; and like most things on this planet, there is a price.

My father’s favourite cliché’ that he’d repeat over and over after a few Irish whiskeys: “What if they declared a war and nobody came?”

A bloody, pipe-dream? More than likely but hell, a good one!

Wake – up!

By the way, study the middle- east beginning around 1947?

Then tell me there is no agenda.

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