Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Never let a Good Crisis go to Waste

Our history has shown that during any type of crises, our governments will take advantage, chipping away at our basic freedoms, and move towards authoritarianism. After 9/11, the US leaders pushed through The Patriot Act, instigating mass surveillance, essentially destroying the Bill of Rights. Now that we are in the fourth month of Covid 19, we see similar actions of empire, in form of foreign policy.

It is interesting to note, that Russia, China and Cuba, all “enemies” of the United States, have proven themselves to be the true humanitarians on a global scale. These countries have sent supplies, and medical expertise to Italy, for example, the hardest hit by Covid 19. While the US falters internally, at first underestimating the virus, finding themselves woefully unprepared and other countries take the humanitarian lead.

Rather than taking the role of helper and saviour, the US has gone in the opposite direction, ramping up their regime change efforts in Iran and Venezuela.

In 2018,when the Trump administration invoked even more brutal sanctions on Venezuela, which included much need medical supplies and necessary medicines, this resulted in over 40,000 deaths of the elderly and children. After several coup attempts, including a failed assassination attempt on president Maduro, further sanctions were imposed on the country, causing further misery on the population. But it only gets worse.

In the last week, the State Department, has put a bounty on Maduro and many of his cabinet, claiming they're Latin American drug lords. This is, of course, a complete lie. In reality, what the US government are hoping, is someone close to the president, will get $ signs in their eyes, and murder the president. Venezuela's main export is oil, as their the largest oil-rich country, even surpassing Saudi Arabia. In fact, the main exporter of drugs into the US is Colombia, run by a right wing dictator, as the American DEA is quite aware of. This but another regime change action, as all the others have failed. While other countries are moving forward with supplies into the Venezuela, the US is trying to destroy it. This is State Terrorism on a grand scale.

Iran and Italy has been the hardest hit by Covid 19. Iran has been under savage economic sanctions by the US. Under these sanctions, any country caught giving aid to Iran, is severely punished by the US. The US, despite a pandemic, announced last week that further sanctions will be placed on Iran. People are dying in Iran from Covid 19, and the US decides to place further sanctions upon them. This is not only cruel, but in the high realms of psychopathy.

Under normal circumstances, economic sanctions are an act of state terrorism. Considering the planet is experiencing a pandemic, to further hammer Iran, goes beyond the pale of basic humanity. This is a international crime. But the US does not recognise the Hague, the international courts, and believes it can do what ever it desires, in the goal of global hegemony.

Any powerful government knows that during a crises, people's attentions are elsewhere, and knows that imposing undemocratic policies or actions will, for the most part, go unnoticed.

The US during this world-wide pandemic have chosen to be the monster, using pain and suffering to their advantage. This is state terrorism, high crimes against humanity.

Shame on you.

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Self-Isolation and Greed as a Chosen Lifestyle

As Covid 19 is in full swing, economies are tittering on disaster, and Federal governments are clamping down on our basic behaviours, those being self isolation and social distancing. In Australia, as of today, no groups greater than 2 people, can gather together in a public place. We are told, this will be enforced by police. These measures are unprecedented.

What is truly disturbing, just last week, teenagers and university students gathered in large groups on St. Kilda beach in Melbourne. The children, as they do, drinking, swimming and touching each other with not a care in the world. This behaviour continued despite orders from health officials and government. Teenagers are notorias for their brainless-selfish-liaise fare-attitudes. That said, the beaches are currently vacant – as they should be.

This morning, made my weekly visit to the grocery store. There are markers on the floors, telling the public where to stand. (1.5 metres apart from other human beings)) All the checkouts have a plastic barrier, separating the customer and the cashier. We were ordered to pack our own groceries, so the cashier would not have to touch the bags. Security guards stood at the exits, ensuring everyone was following the rules. Again , these measures are unprecedented.

I'm reminded of the western governments' procrastination of enforcing pandemic protocols, at the start of this current disaster. Australia managed to drag along, until the deaths began to rise at an alarming rate. Thank goodness we have a relatively small population, and a single payer health care system. Finally the government has implemented economic programs like rent control, and money for those who have lost their jobs. We have also given subsidies to small businesses to pay their staff, and to help keep their businesses afloat. It appears the Aussie government is doing the right thing by the little guy, the workers, who actually keep the economy going. The USA, however, is an entirely different beast.

The US government, in the guise of a “bailout”, has transferred trillions to all the top corporations, while the American people are given $1200, to be received in 3 months. Gathered from various sources, the corporate trillion dollar give-away, is in the realm of 9 trillion. The US government has screwed the people once again, taking care of their donors, and ignoring their constituents. Let's be honest, this “bailout” is criminal, and a scheme to ensure the politicians, donors and the corporations get richer in a crises, a pandemic. On a 1-10 psychopathy scale, it's a 10. And they're getting away with it.

My first intention in writing this BLOG, was to point out that self isolation and social distancing, for me at least, has been a chosen lifestyle. As a avid reader, writer and film person, remaining at home is a pleasure. But paying attention to what greedy, corrupt governments around the planet are doing to the people, as a result of this crises, is simply diabolical. It needs to be written.

What did a US politician once say? “Never let a good crises go to waste”.

So true.

Friday, 27 March 2020

The UK a mere Vassal State to USA

Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, killing thousands across the globe, prisons in many countries, have released their non-violent inmates. The reason for this is institutions with people living in close quarters, are more likely to be infected. In the UK, Julian Assange, a political prisoner, was refused release, despite the fact he is a non-violent offender. This action reveals how much the UK is beholden to the US regime.

Assange is currently attending extradite hearings as a defendant, arguing whether to stand trial in the US under the espionage act.

If you have followed these hearings at all, you realise that it's a set up, a kangaroo court, and based on UK law, a “political prisoner” cannot be extradited. The hearings will continue in May 2020.

Assange is being held in Belmarsh prison, the UK's most hardest, as it holds England's worse of the worst: rapist, murderers and paedophiles. Julian Assange is not a dangerous terrorist, but a publisher who released damning evidence of US war crimes in Iraq. He shouldn't be treated this way, but the UK government, in accordance with US orders, have kept him locked up in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day, and has experienced other unspeakable treatment in order to break the man's spirit.

As I've discussed before on this Blog, during Assange's hearing, he was locked in a glass cage like a dangerous serial killer, stripped searched about 11 times, and could not confer with his defence attorneys. Added to this, he has been given little or no time to prepare a case, and refused to read the legal briefs. During the hearings, his defence was constantly interrupted by the judge, revealing the judge's bias in the case. In a word, these hearings are a farce, and when asking any barrister aware of UK jurisprudence, will tell you the same thing.

Generally, when the US government tells other countries to jump, the overall response is always, “How High?” This was more than evident in 2018, when the US announced Juan Guaido, a man unknown in the US, the true president of Venezuela. Really, no one around the planet had ever heard of him. But like true, little vassal states, many countries came into line with this announcement. Of course, first it was the UK, France, Germany, Canada and a week later, Australia came into line Nicolas Maduro was the elected president, who acquired over 80% of the vote. Rather than going into details about this on-going regime-change efforts by the US in Venezuela, my point is no matter the facts, the UK will follow American foreign policy, without so much as blinking an eye. (See Iraq)

The UK is bending the knee to US empire to such an extent, that their willing to keep a political prisoner in solitary confinement, risking his life to a pandemic, to satisfy their American leaders.

The arrogance of the US is beyond the pale of all rationality. Might makes right, and you better follow or else. The United Kingdom certainly has kissed the bottom of US empire.

Monday, 23 March 2020

Corona 19 revealing Best & Worst in People

It was in the first week in March, when the run on toilet paper, reached new heights of disaster. No matter what time you arrived at the store, the shelves were alarmingly devoid of product. Small video clips from around the world, showed men and women battling like wild pigs over the precious commodity. This revealed a dog-eat-dog mindset, reminiscent of Black Friday in the US or the the Great Depression of 1929.

The grocery stores in Australia, decided to allow the elderly a small window of time, between 7am and 8am, to gather supplies without fear. My mother, 88 years of age, decided to take advantage of the window for the aged. However, upon arriving discovered the toilet roll shelves were empty again. She stopped and thought, 'I have enough for another week, so so reason to panic'. Old Kathleen walks slowly, pushing her cart out to the store parking lot. She felt a tap on her shoulder, and saw a handsome man in his mid 40's, smiling down at her. “Excuse me ma'am, but I have extra toilet paper if you need some.” At first surprised, and looking him the eyes, asked: “I'm sorry young man, but I do not carry any cash.' He smiled, and said, “No, I'm not selling you any, but I have a few extra rolls...so...” Surprised again, mother refused the offer, though pleased at the man's kindness.

In times of crises, many people rise to the occasion, pitching in, working to help each other. During the bushfires last summer, most people put themselves out, understanding that their fellow human's are worse off, and need a hand. This is the best of humanity.

Our leaders around the planet, though, have appeared to have failed us, in this pandemic.

Australia, over the last 7 years, has been under a conservative government. These politicians are pro-war, pro-business, and have been slowly privatising many social services. Although Australia has a similar health system to Italy, for example, the government failed to recognise the pandemic and its utter danger, and procrastinated. The government's stimulus package for small business, and workers, many believe is not nearly enough. The Australian government has chosen to adjourn until August, and for many Australians, this is another sign of incompetence.

The US is another story. Trump and his fascist advisers, including the democrats, can bail out corporations in the trillions, but can not decide what to do with the common worker. The economy is more important than saving lives. While people struggle to pay rent, let alone medicare, politicians are pushing the same old capitalist rhetoric. Get another job! Pull up your bootstraps. Go back to work, get the virus, go home, and give it to your family. The American people are expendable, so people, eat it!

This virus has revealed the weakness in the capitalist system, and the utter incompetence of our politicians, our elected leaders. These politicians are not beholden to their constituents, but whores to their corporate donors. Let Rome burn, let the Roman's burn, but we the elite, will survive, and weather the storm. To be certain, by now, if you don't believe we live in a corportacracy and not a democracy, you must be asleep.

Generally, in a crises, people will work together, helping each other.

After living in the US and Australia, this is the will (kindness) of the people.

We have been betrayed by our leaders, lied to and brainwashed to believe in ideals that, in reality, do not exist.

Is a revolution necessary?

At this rate, however, who'll be left to revolt?

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Gabbard's Support of Joe Biden the Corruption of US Politics

It was certainly not surprising to wake up to the news that Tulsi Gabbard has now dropped out of the democratic race for president. What is surprising is her announced support for the democratic primary leader, Joe Biden.

Considering the current circumstances world wide, the Coronavirus exponentially killing people, to hold a primary, let alone crowded rallies around the country, would be irresponsible. However, this did not stop the DNC from continuing primary voting in Illinois, Florida and Arizona. Many pundits around the country, frowned on this move by the DNC, and looked at its motivation with heavy suspicion. Why risk spreading this terrible virus for the sake of a few votes, in a primary, no less?

Even observing these primaries from 20,000 Ks away from the bottom side of the planet, we can see *voter rigging*: unreliable voting machines, understaffed polling stations, and 3 to 4 hour waiting times to cast a vote, is all designed to suppress votes. Holding these elections on working days is also suspicious when, a citizen hasn't the time nor the money to vote. Add the corporate media and their biased reporting, supporting their corporate candidate, (Joe Biden) and the back door, closed-room-smoke-ridden politics of the DNC, and the so-called “will of the people” is a mere forgotten dream, if these days ever happened at all.

Take all the above under consideration, and Tulsi Gabbard didn't have a chance. Added to this, the woman was smeared on the first day, when, announcing her run, CNN published an article calling her a Russian asset. These ridiculous smears continued. MSM outlets like MSNBC and CNN called her an Assad-apologist, that, the woman supported dictators, when her trip to Syria was a fact-finding mission in the spirit of diplomacy. DNC thug and “hit woman”, Hillary Clinton followed suit, also jumping in on the Russian hysteria, alleging Tulsi was being groomed by the Russians. All this despite Gabbard is currently serving as a major in the reserves, a two tour vet in Iraq, and a serving congresswoman. American politics is corrupted to its core.

Then, why would Tulsi Gabbard, support the corporate-war-loving-candidate, Joe Biden?

There are two reasons that come to mind: Gabbard has said from the beginning of her campaign, that she would not start a third party, and would support the democratic nominee. Tulsi is a member of the democratic party, and has been from the beginning. Secondly, I believe, she did not support Bernie Sanders because, despite their similar policies, and her sticking up for Bernie over the Russian asset accusations; though Bernie did not back her on these ridiculous smears, plus, him not fighting for her to be in the debates, that, I believe, settled it.

What bothers me is the voter “tribalism” in American politics. It reminds me of rooting for your favourite football team. Tulsi did not betray her supporters by supporting Joe Biden. She believes what she believes, and nothing has changed on that. You must be a meat head to believe she lied about her policies throughout her campaign.

American politics, go figure.

What is revealing is all the Tulsi haters now changing their tune, when she seemingly “changed sides”. These corporate, war-loving shills have no ethics. It's about maintaining American empire, their cushy day jobs, and their adoration of the !%.

Tulsi Gabbard is not going away.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

US Empire has Zero Empathy for Humanity

The US has decided to add to existing sanctions on Iran. During our current Coronavirus pandemic, the time could not have been more perfect, for the US State Department's regime change efforts on the Islamic State. The rest of humanity has recognised the utter insanity of the US, when it comes to their “sanction” efforts, on other named “enemies” of the US. These further sanctions on Iran, proves *US foreign policy psychopathy*, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Sanctions are a form of economic terrorism. In other words, causing terror on populations for political purposes. What the US is doing to Iran, especially, during this current pandemic, is state terrorism, in its purest form.

Iran has been one of the countries hardest hit by the Coronavirus. And to now stop the supply of basic medicines, ventilators, and face masks, to name a few, is barbaric. What this sociopaths in power do not understand, is the Iranian people will not rise up against their government for lack of care, but will blame the US government. The US is infuriating the Iranian population, causing further American hate throughout the middle east.

In 1996, US ambassador, Madeline Allbright, was asked on 60 Minutes, if she believed the millions of women and children deaths due to US sanctions in Iraq was worth it, and her response is representative of US foreign policy:

I think that it was a very hard choice, but the price, we think, the price was worth it.”

In retrospect, what we know now about the Iraq war, that the invasions were based on falsehoods and lies, in order for corporate America to make a profit, this, of course, takes the term “inhumanity' to an entirely new level. In fact, I would call it the justifications of a psychopath.

Indeed, these current efforts against Iran, and past sanctions on Iraq, reveals the propaganda in the US media;and the further acceptance of these lies, by the American people. In the last 20 odd years, the US has been at war in the name of fighting terrorism. What many have come to discover, these wars had nothing to do with combating terrorism, but about American imperialism, and the corporate piracy of the planet's natural resources.

The US desires to topple Iran, not because it is an authoritarian regime, but because it is the dominate country in the middle east. Iran has oil and natural resources that it trades in with other countries. Added to this, Iran was once a puppet country to the US and the UK. Once the Shaw of Iran was toppled, (a sadistic dictator) Iran's oil was no longer in US and UK control. Regime change would fix this problem.

Take political ideology out of the equation, and what you have left is economic terrorism. Regime change is not about saving the Iranian people, it's about economic and military dominance in the middle east.

So to exact further economic sanctions on Iran, is nothing less than an international criminal act. The amount of innocent people that will die because of further US sanctions on Iran has yet to be revealed. But similar to Iraq, it could well reach in the hundreds of thousands.

A psychopath is an individual without the capability of feeling empathy for another. A psychopath will stop at nothing to achieve their narcissistic goals, even if it means destroying one's fellow humans.

These latest sanctions on Iran, has shown the world, that the US doesn't care about humanity, but only its personal, narcissistic goal of dominance and economic wealth.

US: Country as Psychopath.

Monday, 16 March 2020

Short Comment: “The Rising of a new McCarthyism” (Written late 2018)

Since the beginning of the “Mueller Investigation” the corporate owned media has been hammering an anti-Russia narrative, a Trump alleged collusion with Putin, helping a republican win in the 2016 election. To be clear, the only evidence of this interference, are numerous twitter and fb ads, run by 13 Russians in an attempt to rein havoc in the US democratic process. To a miniscule extent, this may have turned a few votes to Trump, but the actual evidence of “collusion” is simply not there.
From my observations of corporate owned news networks, i.e., BBC, CNN ABC, etc., these are the true propagators of conspiracy and decent.
Russia is now portrayed to Americans as the new evil empire, (along with North Korea) when Russia or North Korea has committed no acts of aggression, aside from shooting off a few rockets, and Russia, have only been looking out for their own interests in Syria, Crimea and Ukraine.
We must put a few key points into context:
According to international stats, Russia’s economy is equal to the size of Spain.
In 2014, Russia's military budget of 2.49 trillion roubles (worth approximately US$69.3 billion at 2014, approximately 1/7th (14%) of the US military budget.
The US military budget has the base budget of $523.9 billion, which includes an increase of $2.2 billion over the FY 2016 enacted budget of $521.7 billion. Since Trump has taken power, the budget has risen to well over $750 billion. Further a budget of $80 billion over the next 5 years.

Where and who is the actual threat?

A New McCarthyism.

Managed to stumble upon an excellent documentary last night and it was part of a series on great American minds. The film’s subject was the legendary 50’s director, Elias Kazan, ( On the Waterfront, A Streetcar Named Desire, East of Eden) and Arthur Miller, Pulitzer prize winning playwright, ( Death of a Salesman, View from a Bridge, The Crucible) focusing on their highly creative relationship, and their infamous “falling out”, after Kazan named names with his testimony as a witness before the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1952, at the time of the Hollywood blacklist, which brought him strong negative reactions from many liberal friends and colleagues. 

Arthur Miller, on the other hand, gave testimony that he knew of communists in the entertainment industry, but refused “snitch”, or name names. Consequently, he was charged with contempt of congress, but later the charges were dropped.

During this time, the “red scare” enabled by such “luminaries” Senator Joseph McCarthy, (see image below) to ruin lives and create an anti-Russia sentiment that seemingly, remains, and is currently being pushed today.

If one takes a cursory glance at American history, knows all too well the number of “regime-change” projects executed by the CIA and hence, the US government: Iran, Colombia, Venezuela, Libya and Iraq, to name just a few.

The enemy is not on the outside, our enemy is within…

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Comments on Dem Debate 2020

Over the last week, many pundits in independent media have been screaming for Bernie Sanders to “take off the gloves”, and hit Joe Biden on his abysmal record in the senate. Really, for the most part in the debate, this did not happen. Sanders had a few good messages, particularly over the coronavirus in relation medicare for all, though in the end, Bernie was cordial and refused to call Biden out on his many lies.

For me, this was the main takeaway: Biden continued to lie, and without any push back from the MSM. This should be obvious to many, considering the corporate media is backing Joe Biden, and conveniently over looking his past record, including his current mental breakdown.

Biden seemed to have changed his mind on many issues, appropriating many of Sanders' main talking points, and stump speech topics. The major issue of Climate change, though Biden mentioned its importance, perhaps putting the US back into the Paris Accord, Bernie's response was “big deal”. For certain, the Paris Accord, though wonderful on good intentions, does nothing in terms of the climates immediate threat to the welfare of the planet. Biden was playing politics, lying and mid debate, popping the announcement about putting a woman on his ticket. The MSM pundits went berserk on Twitter, like this revelation likened to the second coming of the Saviour. To be fair, it was rather pathetic.

Biden's biggest lie of the debate concerned his drastic cuts to social security. Sanders' called the corporatist candidate out on the untruth, asking the television audience to check it out on You Tube. Low and behold, there's Biden doing just that, pushing the republican agenda.

The problem is the majority of Biden supporters would not know how to look up the You Tube channel, as most are over 65. And this is the problem. Many experts have said, that in order for Bernie to win against Donald Trump, he must bring out new voters, specifically young voters. Curiously enough, per many exit polls, Sanders' main stay are young voters, aged 18-40. In fact, in order to win, the average American voter, will not come out to vote if there is nothing of value to vote for.

The MSM are falling over themselves to protect Biden's track record and his obvious mental decline. CNN declared Biden the winner of the debate based on spurious evidence. Biden was called out on many lies of the same, and because the neoliberal class depend so much on *identity politics*, and certainly not the issues, of course Biden was the winner, because he managed not to mentally cave in mid sentence.

Overall, the debate was a disappointment. Sanders' could have called so much more out on his opponent. Though he preferred to fall back on his stump speech talking points, rather than attack on the present time issues raised during the debate.

I believe this was Sanders' opportunity to call out the Russia-gate and red baiting from the Democratic establishment and, unfortunately, chose to remain silent. This is another punch in the gut for the progressive movement.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

US not Ready for Bernie Sanders' Policies

After Sanders' significant loss in Michigan, after the initial feelings of loss, it dawned on me that the Corporatocracy/Establishment, would never permit a democratic socialist rise to the highest office in the land.

Despite obvious rigged primaries, corporate media propaganda, and centrist haranguing, the Bernie grassroots movement, a working class struggle for human rights, like universal healthcare, maintains a massive presence across the electorate. One only needs to read the polls that the medicare for all policy is extremely popular across the country. Though ranking high in the polls, voters of the older generation, would rather see a status quo; that is continued interventionist war, unfair trade, and draconian immigration policies, in the guise of pleasant tweets, and the old “American Exceptionalism” facade of normalcy.

We should never underestimate the sheer power of the corporate machine. Unfortunately, the MSM have neocon anti-Trump resistors acting as the new intellectual opinion leaders of the left. Warmongers like David Frum, leading the charge against Trump, and the so-called self-recognised “left”, cheer-leading him on like sleeping sheep on the way to the slaughter house. But can we blame the people for this?

An old argument but continues to be a relevant one, is the MSM no longer talks truth to power, and follows the dictates of their corporate masters. It has become more obvious now, that despite Joe Biden's abysmal record, pro war, fascist crime bill, and blatant lies, the MSM pundits never call him out on it. Again, despite the poor mans obvious dementia, no MSM pundit or DNC leader will call it, and continue to cover these flaws over with, at times, silly propaganda. This has brought me to speculation about the corporate machine.

First of all, never put it past HRC, crime boss of the DNC elites, an her following of thugs, liars and faux-feminists, to pull a magnificent sham at the democratic convention. It is blatantly in front of our noses, that Joe Biden is a seriously flawed candidate. Hillary has never left the stage, and as sociopaths go, will stop at nothing to re-gain power. After witnessing the magnificent strategic move by the elites before Super Tuesday, really, anything the establishment does, at this point, is not out of the question.

During this writing, I didn't want to come across as too cynical. But the power of America's “democratic machine” has been around a long time. It's power is immense, and its resources endless. To be sure, its power of the MSM pouring forth lie after lie to sway public opinion, plays a massive role influencing the American people.

Rather than a revolution, (which it really isn't) it appears that most people would rather go back to sleep under a president that presents well, and was seen standing next to Obama for eight years. We certainly underestimated Biden's name recognition when it came to president Obama. Many people politically, refuse to move past this veneer of falsity, and refuse to look at the issues, policies, and Biden's right-wing, conservative history.

Sanders' greatest following is young voters up to 40 years of age. These people realise the absolute need for change – particularly when it comes to universal health care.

Although a strong and persuasive movement, consisting mainly of America's working class and youth, the status quo will prevail.

Change is a difficult notion to face for many, even at the best of times.

Bernie Sanders' movement will prevail in the future, when many more people realise that normalcy, the status quo, doesn't help their basic day to day lives.

Unfortunately, (hope I'm wrong) America is not there yet.

Monday, 9 March 2020

US: Corporatocracy vs. Working Class

It should  be evident to many, that the United States is no longer that “shining light on the hill,” that glimmering example of a pure democracy for the world. Even at a cursory glance, one can observe rigged elections, an establishment media spewing propaganda, and a two party system, that in reality, is a one party group of politicians beholden to the “donor class”: this class are the corporations. The United States is a faux-democracy, when for all intents and purposes, is a Oligarchical/Corporatocracy.

What is a corporatocarcy?

This a recent term that refers to an economic or political system run by corporations.

When a government has a system filled with lobby groups, all concerned about their own political agendas, running through the halls of power with $ to burn, well, politicians are human, and money rules in Washington DC, when it comes to the legislature, overriding the will of the people.

There are laws, of course, limiting the amount of cash a politician can receive from such lobby groups. That said, secret charities, tax loopholes and the like, can get around these laws with no effort. Do you ever wonder how a politician entering congress for the first time, with little wealth to show, leaves office years later a millionaire? The Speaker of the House, Nancy Peloisi, was quite well off when she entered public life, but her accrued wealth currently is three times that when she entered, on a public servants wage? How can this be? In a nut shell, in the US, politics is $, and $ is politics, which pretty much runs the entire show. To my mind, everything else is theatre.

Currently we have a politician running for the democratic nomination for president of the United States, Bernie Sanders, that through his entire career, has protested against money in American politics. In this 2020 run for the nominee, he has taken zero dollars from corporate interests, and has relied on individual donations. In fact, his campaign has collected more money in this fashion, than any other candidate in American history. If you have been following Bernie's campaign, his entire policy premise revolves around the common working class. His policies of medicare for all, a Green New Deal, $15 minimum wage, and free college, is the concerns of the working class. And to be certain, this has been denied from the American people for way too long. That said, the Corporatocracy, because monetarily, it goes against their own best interests, are fighting like hell. Thus “they”, including the politicians under their thumb, want to deny the people from these basic rights as well.

After observing the concerted effort from the Corporatocracy on Super Tuesday, coalescing the power of the DNC, milk toast candidates dropping out and supporting Joe Biden, including the non-stop propaganda from the corporate media, (voter rigging) it was no wonder that Bernie lost in States he should have won easily. It has become more than obvious, that this particular democratic race is a contest between the rich and the working class.

It pains me as well, to observe American voters seemingly unaware of this obvious class conflict. Indeed, it is a class conflict without the bullets and the guillotines. One woman stated on twitter that she doesn't want a “revolution”, that she just wants life back to normal. I wanted to tell the woman to define “normal”, but decided against it.

Those politicians and corporate pundits against Bernie's grass roots movement of the working class have weak arguments as well. They either call him that dirty word “socialist” or label him a Putin puppet or, most ridiculous, his followers on social media are all mean. On face value this is absurd. See my blog on democratic socialism: https://sychronicity1.blogspot.com/2020/03/why-im-democratic-socialist.html

It would be somewhat of a miracle to see many more working class folk realise what Sanders' wants for them, rather than listening to the tired, but it seems, effective propaganda coming from the corporate media.

However, at this stage, this might be too much to ask.

Saturday, 7 March 2020

Tulsi Gabbard & Corruption of the DNC

After the obvious establishment/DNC/MSM coup on Super Tuesday, their strategy against Bernie Sanders, that worked beautifully, substantiated my belief in the utter criminality of the US ruling class. Indeed, these institutional greedy elites have surpassed even the most egregious types during the last years of the Roman Empire. The DC insider elected puppets, supported by their ultimately psychotic corporate donors, who are the true rulers in America, have gone full throttle against the people's working class candidate, Bernie Sanders.

It was certainly not surprising, although troubling, that the DNC changed their debate rules again, to specifically exclude the only woman of colour, democratic candidate, Tulsi Gabbard.

To be certain, Gabbard is the true anti-establishment candidate, calling out the hypocrisy of the DNC, and the malignant IC (Intelligence Community) and their Russia-gate nonsense over the last 3 years. She has even sued the “queen of warmongers” Hillary Clinton, the true crime boss of DC insider corruption. For all things, calling Gabbard a groomed Russian asset, is a vacuous and lazy smear.

All said, in Ruling Class politics, $ rules. When the once dictator of NYC, Michael Bloom- burg, a midget-billionaire-racist-friend-of-sex-trafficker- Epstein, bought his way on to the debate stage, making a fool of himself, by the way, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. While a true politician, Gabbard, only single donations campaign, a war vet, a current acting major and out spoken about the US's illegal perpetual war, is relegated to the sidelines, for fear of embarrassing the elite contestants. And after qualifying on the most recent DNC debate rules, the corrupt creeps change the rules again. People for true democracy should be shouting from the highest rooftops, but in the main, no. The MSM and the DNC, has made Tulsi Gabbard, all but a ghost.

Aside from the blatant coup by the Establishment on Super Tuesday against Sanders, this is a further action against the real issues facing the American people: Endless war for profit, and the utter corruption of the American democratic system.

As another aside, when the IC through the MSM, began the Russia smears against Sanders, the man went a long, embarrassing many of his supporters. Gabbard stood up and called out the IC and MSM for their obvious attempt to smear Bernie, and without even a nod from Sanders. Personally, I found Bernie in this case, to be a bit spineless.

If you required any proof, that the DNC are corrupt up to their psycho-boy eyeballs, the exclusion of Gabbard from the debate stage, should at least raise an eyebrow.

And for those who “hate” Gabbard for her connection to MODI, aside from photo ops, tell us one thing that Gabbard has said about the dictator. Reminds of the “Assad-apologist MSM” idiots.

Tulsi Gabbard's exclusion from the democratic debate stage, should make you wonder.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Why I'm a Democratic Socialist

The first 30 years of my life was spent in Colorado, and Southern California. It was only when I left the US, with only the clothes on my back, and my trusty guitar, that my mind truly opened politically, living in England for a stint, to finally make Australia home. The American political system wasn't “exceptional” in the least. People were going bankrupt from medical bills, and a minimum wage to merely exist, was nearly impossible. Living overseas opened my political consciousness to a new system, democratic socialism.

Like most Americans growing up in the 70' and 80', the spectre of Communism, omnivorously loomed, and was constantly ready to pounce, and eat our souls. Understandably, we were in the midst of the Cold War. While in 2nd grade, we used to have atom bomb drills, ordered to hide under our desks – as if this exercise would save the children in a nuclear holocaust! To be certain, the propaganda worked, thus any sign of communism or its little sister, socialism, was anathema to our very existence.

It appears that many American's equates Stalin totalitarianism, with any form of socialism. They're not the same. I find it appalling when republican cohorts attack Venezuela for its socialism. For sure, the Maduro government is a form of democratic socialism. They elect their president, and have social support in terms of medicare, education, public transport, and public housing. Specifically, the poor have access to health/medicine, free education, and affordable housing. The populations' taxes goes for the benefit of the people, and not the rich. In fact, the wealthy are taxed to ensure a fair system for all the population. When the right-wing US points to Venezuela as a failed Social-system, they never mention the brutal sanctions the US has placed upon this country's economy. These rich, US politicians are lying.

When I arrived in Australia in 1986, the country was a true democratic socialist country. Capitalism was thriving, and we had inexpensive education, a free medical system, and the minimum wage was such that one could survive. It was only in the early 90's, when the conservative government was voted into power, that our society began to change for the worse. They closed 100's of schools, and thousands of teachers were out of a job. They privatised the public transport system, and it became much more expensive and unreliable. Through a propaganda campaign, the citizens were urged to buy expensive health insurance, just in case the system *changed*. Under this conservative government, Australia blindly followed the US into the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Australia's “defence” budget doubled, and the cost of living went out the roof.

Democratic socialism is not a Mao or Stalin totalitarianism. In democratic socialism, leaders are democratically elected, and the social-system, is designed to help the majority of people. Our tax dollars go for infrastructure, medicare, education. While in the US, the tax dollars help the rich, and the perpetuation of endless war.

The US's political/capitalist centred system is dividing the country. Dividing the haves and the have nots. When billions go for endless war, and not the people, something is terribly wrong.

The reason(s) I'm a democratic socialist, is I believe in democracy, and at the same time, believe that the basic needs of a country (people) must be covered, thus ensuring intellectual and technological advancement. When you have 60,000 people a year, die because they can't afford a visit to the doctor, something is terribly wrong. When you have smart children denied higher education because it costs too much, something is wrong. When the rich get away from paying their fair share of taxes, something is terribly wrong.

Democratic Socialism isn't a monster akin to Stalin or Hitler, it's a system designed for the people, as well as enabling the best of the best to advance, ensuring we live in a better world.

That's why I'm a democratic Socialist.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Impressions of DNC Corruption on #SuperTuesday

It should be obvious to anyone paying attention, watching the results of Super Tuesday,that the presidential contest for the democratic nominee for president of the United States, is between the Establishment/MSM/DNC and the democratic socialist, Bernie Sanders. An apparent class warfare election, between the rich and the working class. The corruption is evident, and the establishment machine is refusing to go down without a fight.

Joe Biden won many states that Sanders' polled well in: Massachusetts, Minnesota and perhaps, North Carolina. Losing in Minnesota was due to Amy Klobachar dropping out and endorsing Biden. Massachusetts is a bit of a mystery, and the win in North Carolina seemed natural after Bernie's loss in South Carolina. Though the sudden departure of Pete Buttigieg and Klobachar from the race, and both endorsing Biden, smells of DNC corruption. One can hear the phone call to these establishment, milk toast candidates, from either Obama or the leader of the DNC, and promising them jobs, if they dropped out and supported Biden. Indeed, it was well timed, just short of Super Tuesday, and low and behold, it worked, giving Biden wins in many states.

It was certainly made known by all the democratic candidates, except Sanders, that they believed in the “super delegate system” in the party, even if it went against the will of the people. This is why it is so important for Sanders's to win and win big, so the cigar-smoking-big-wigs-in-the-party, don't rig it against him. By Buttigieg and Klobachar dropping out, their votes and delegates was assured, ensuring a Sanders's loss. The entire DNC is working against Bernie, that for many, because Biden is weak against Trump, is another establishment vote for Trump. Sounds insane, but the establishment wins-out if Trump wins a second term, as they have been winning throughout his first term. Bernie winning on the other hand, the rich would lose, and for certain, they can't let that happen.

The MSM are not even hiding their contempt for Sanders. Some pundits could not even utter his name, when the exit polls revealed him winning by a large margin. Their hatred of the socialist democrat became apparent when Chuck Todd of MSNBC called Bernie supporters “Brown Shirts”. On the same week, Chris Matthews of Hardball, compared Bernie's win in Nevada to the 1942 invasion and occupation of France by the Nazis. Matthews resignation from the network soon followed after a social media frenzy against him. To be sure, however, these attacks will not let up, at least until the democratic convention in Milwaukee.

What is truly astonishing is the voters of Biden ignoring his abysmal record in the US senate. His voting for the invasion of Iraq; his punishing crime bill; his support to slash Medicaid and other social rights for the American people. This is not to mention his unending lies about his protesting in the civil rights movement. The man is also showing signs of dementia, that even Trump has recognised. In a Biden/Trump debate, Trump would wipe the floor with him. There is no doubt he world lose to Trump, because a Biden nomination is a Clinton one, and a losing one at that. Are these voters stupid or just misinformed?

Super Tuesday revealed that the DNC establishment will stop at nothing to destroy Bernie Sanders. The corporate media, as mentioned, has never tried to hide their utter contempt for Sanders.

The contest is not over yet, and the people still have a chance to give all American's a fair medical system, a livable minimum wage, and green new deal to help save our planet from climate disaster. The rich want to remain in power, so to hell with the middle classes and the poor. We can't let this continue, for the survival of all of us.

This election is class warfare, so let's not let them win again.

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Stefan Zweig - The World of Yesterday - Review

All critics agree in so many languages that this auto biography stands alone as describing from a personal view, how the world moved from one of innocence and worldly comfort, to a night mare never imagined. This era in history of wealth and privilege; a place where most in all classes, lived well, never saw the 1st World War coming.

In Austria and England including Australia, (Australia continues to talk about the heroism) men, women and children, danced in the streets with their beautiful uniforms and swords, flowers and dreams of romance, imagining war as a great opera or novel. War is pure evil causing suffering for all, there’s nothing virtuous about killing one’s fellows. Zweig tells the reader from an Austrians point of view, his historical milieu as a young man and old.

Austria and particularly Vienna, pre and post WW1, was the “hub” of artistic, philosophical and literary achievement: Freud, Brahms, at al. Zweig describes this extraordinary “epoch” as “first witness”, because as a popular writer, he met and became friends with many of these luminaries throughout Europe.

This narrative is sad and disturbing.

Zweig crossed paths with many historical significant individuals, writing, traveling to the States, South America, and even Texas…all the publishers. He was on a lecture tour, hearing in a cab on a crackling radio, travelling through Houston, a strange accident, the rants of Hitler before nailing the Check’s to then punish Poland, pushing the Brit’s to declare War.

Zweig knowing this evil understood again, a terrible war was happening again.

A true artist, this narrative gives us a gateway, a view into a small window of a moment in life that is important.

Follow the Money!

Reading closely, Stefan Zweig made an important observation while WW2 was at its beginnings and rising.

Despite the poverty, the fascists had new uniforms, new trucks and guns before Hitler came to power. . Zweig asks: “Who was supplying those uniforms, who is paying for them, who is organising these obviously young rustics to go and fight their own legally elected represented body, the parliament in power?” (P. 424)

Good question!

Fascism like football is a sponsored exercise.

An eye witness account of War and the dilemma war imposes into the view, the inner world of an artist, a writer, a man and his epoch.

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...