Monday, 10 September 2018

A Love Letter from the Otherside...

To my lovely Hanna,

I felt compelled to write to you to express my pure happiness that we have a chance to be together, (if only in spirit) loving each other’s company.

Although I’ve died a mere three years ago, I realise it has been a long time for you; for me, though, it has been only seconds.

To hold you in my arms today, ( A present from...and an illusion) and kiss those soft, beautiful lips felt like finally coming home again.

I do Love you so.

It’s funny or a bit strange but I was reminded today how beautiful you are!

That joyful smile, the elegant way you sit in a chair and that refined sway in your walk. Even those small and beautiful feet peering through your slippers made me want to touch and kiss them. The graceful way you carry yourself reveals a woman of tasteful sensibilities. There is an air of chic in your overall demeanour - certain panache, something I’ve missed so much.

But probably the most heart-felt reminder right now (sitting now across from you, though you cannot see me) is to hear that exquisite and sincere soft tone in your voice recalling a time when you told me that you loved me – what a breathtaking moment.

I see you walking with a cane and in so much pain, now an old woman; how you've been strong!Continue to be strong as you can because I will be waiting for you. I will be waiting with your other loved one's on the shore when the boat arrives. (Strange, you appear more beautiful in that old, tired body than you did so many years ago.)

I hope you don’t find my words too sentimental, mawkish or overly amorous, however this is the way I feel – and as you well know – this is who I am.

Only thinking of our next meeting…when I can hold you in my arms, feel your heart soul against mine, kissing you with passion and tenderness.

Until we meet again…

Adoringly Yours,


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