Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Misogyny to Theology: Woman as Whore in the Catholic Church

In the preceding chapters we have established that the Catholic Church and its teachings are not based on the "Word" of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Four Gospels, but primarily on the Epistles of St. Paul. Comparing Pauls' self-made theology and the simple, albeit revolutionary teachings of Jesus will see that Pauline "gospel" is a direct reversal to the teachings of the Nazarene. We will discuss in a later chapter how, when and who authorized Pauls' new theology, to become the foundation of all further doctrines for the Church.

We have also mentioned that modern psychology has warned us that insanity is contagious. Psychosis like the common cold is catching:  infecting all in its vicinity. A pathological mind can imbue healthy minds, causing severe abnormal behaviours over time. Indeed following Church history and certain individuals’ will observe a pathological misogyny spreading through the Church like a terminal cancer. We can see this unholy infection passing from one generation to the next. 

Beginning with Simon Peter and the Epistles of St. Paul, an insidious form of misogyny infiltrated the Church. This particular type of misogyny was not merely a cultural pose; chauvinism, but manifested as a deep seated hatred, a maniacal hatred, ironically based on a clever yet wholly absurd creation of the doctrine of Original Sin.

In an effort to explain evil in us and around us, St. Paul and the Church Fathers’ read Genesis of the Old Testament, deducing that the Fall of Man occurred not because both Adam and Eve disobeyed God, but Eve tempted Adam to eat of the Tree of Knowledge - therefore, women are the root of all evil. The First Sin, committed in ancient times against God, has cursed every human soul born into the world. This nonsensical doctrine had a two pronged effect on the followers of Christ: it irrevocably impacted the sex lives of millions of people, creating recurrent guilt for both men and women. The Church then deemed that the only way to rid Christians of Original Sin was through Infant Baptism. Good parents could not let their children be dammed in hell for an eternity; thus these good parents made a run on their respective churches in droves to save their children through the simple ritual of baptism – this ensured the laity would remain. 

The second affect this insane doctrine spawned was a deep seated hate for all women. To call the early Church Fathers’ misogynistic, is an misnomer,, because their writings presents as pathological, sick dogs;  insanity spread over the centuries. These intelligent men, whose writings, it is claimed, are divinely inspired; reveal symptoms of a severe mental illness. 

As said, a dangerously insane mind can imbue a healthy one. Indeed, following Church history and the writings from those feeding the theological church machine, can observe this terrible mental illness passing from one Vatican generation to the next. The evil the Church projected on women as a race, presented in unholy action. One historic record in Germany alone, tells of the systematic burning-execution of approximately 20,000 women accused of practicing sorcery, is but one example of unholy action due to insane theological musings made dogma. (See chapter xxx) Today, this age-old illness of misogyny, this imbedded hate for women, is stronger than ever. Certain fundamentalists' believe that the Feminist movement is an evil socialist plot to undermine family values. Women in the Church cannot become priests, and since Vatican II, Nuns are becoming extinct. The current Pope merely pays lip service to issues of women's rights: the right to choose, sex, contraception, and sexual preference.

In the following, we will examine the founders of Christianity, Paul and Peter, examining their views on sex and women. We will also examine a selected number of early Church Fathers, whose influence moulded all future souls in the form of hate and unspeakable violence against women.

It is proposed that the epistles of Paul and Peter influenced the church fathers, basing their future writings towards the promulgation of an unhealthy rejection of sex and deep hatred for women

St Paul boasted about his bachelorhood: his dislike for women is well known. He seriously advises:

“It is good for man not to touch a woman.”  (Corinthian, 7-7-9).

 He boasts again:  

“For I would, all men were even as me.”    

Our man from Tarsus is an unashamed misogynist, and he’s proud and pleased for being so.


Following the Roman Mystery Cults, he does advise his brethren to live a life of celibacy. As stated above, he wishes all men to be as good as he! Certainly a man of his time and culture, he believed women to be inferior to man. A woman’s duty is to be submissive to the mastery of their husbands. Paul does not give us the impression of having a great concern about his women followers crossing the “ethical- line”, sexually tempting the males of the flock. Paul is aware that there are those women who have “already turned aside after Satan”. (Tim: 5:15)  A woman’s place is in the home, bearing children, cleaning and always, avoiding occasions of temptation.

When Paul refers to women and the church, he is firm on a few points: Women must remain silent in church. All questions they have must be asked of their husbands in the home. A woman must cover her head, while inside the church. This must be done, covering her beauty, thus avoiding the angels’ seductive stares, causing more to fall, risking a second banishment from the Almighty. (Corinth: 11:10)

“For it is improper for a woman to speak in an assembly, no matter what she says, even if she says admirable things,  or even saintly things, that is of little consequence, since they come from the mouth of a woman.”  (Origen (d. 258): Fragment on First Corinthians, 74.) 

These versus are strong, strict and has a tone of absolute fascist authority.  The condescension and contempt for women is more than apparent. In the few words of the last verse, “self-restraint”, leads one to believe that women, at least in the first century, are evolved one level above a wild sow.  By mentioning self-restraint in the passage, one can assume that women have exercised no restraint in the past. We can only deduce that, the author is referring to sexual control, forcing the conclusion that women are irrational and undisciplined sexual predators.  Later in this discussion, the works of St. Augustine will be analysed in detail. It is hoped, you will see Paul’s influence on the church fathers’ of a theology, entrenched in sexually biased abstractions. The foundational seeds of the doctrine of Original Sin are in these versus, and sex, a sin more offensive than murder. The Fall of Man is exclusively the fault of women, without exception, without a skirret of responsibility taken by men. This is a glaring out point on so many levels, least of which, the product of an irrational, disturbed mind.

Compared to the early church fathers, Paul’s hatred for women is mild, a self-congratulating smugness. Reading later in his letters, he shows respect for specific women in Synagogues. These faithful women of God toil diligently, following orders, knowing that, the sudden arrival of the Lord and the coming of the end of days will come soon – it hasn’t happened yet. 

St Peter, in his first Epistle, follows along similarly to Pauls’ general sensibility about women. Peter states the total subjection of women to their husbands. Women are never to dress provocatively, remaining loyal and respectful at all times. (Peter: 1:3:1-4) Throughout Peter’s first letter, the apostle rants several times about the sin of lust and fleshy abominations. Peter elevates the sin of the sexual act, positing them equal to the Laws of the Prophet. We can feel his strong belief that lust, a sin, remains a core sin, viler and wicked, than any other transgression. Peter’s over-concern about the sins of the flesh, goes so far as stating, that, “…even baptism doth also save us (not putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God.) (1:3:21)     He is saying, we are saved, (Pauline tenet) in baptism, and despite the temptations of lust never leaving us, we can be assured of our faith, in a good conscience before God. Again, Peter names lust or the sins of the flesh, many times in his epistles, over and above any other transgression. For both apostles, sex, lust, sins of the flesh and women, show to be a central concern.

It is proposed that the epistles of Paul and Peter influenced the church fathers, basing their future writings towards the promulgation of an unhealthy rejection of sex and deep hatred for women.

Tertullian (160 CE – 220 CE) Father of Latin in the Church, was born in Carthage, now Tunisia, then a Roman province of Africa. According to scholars, he was a renowned intellectual and prolific writer, a major contributor to the Christian Church. Tertullian’s conversion to Christianity occurred circa: (197-198.)  We can glean from his writings that his conversion to Christianity, was dramatic and decisive. He is famous for writing, “Christians are made, not born.” (Apol, xviii)

The Father of Latin Christianity and active polemicist penned several elegant but ruthless pieces about women. Writing against heretics, those attacking the tenets of Christianity, we know Tertullian’s retaliation lacked all mercy, welding a sword of humour, satire and cutting wit. He is best known for his use of the term, Trinity, delivering the oldest existing formulation of the concept’s terminology, later adopted by the First Council of Nicaea.

The Christian theologian, as a child in Carthage, was raised on the writings of St. Paul. The zealot evangelist’s influence on the young, Tertullian, can be read in his published theology. One of his more biting comments on women reads:

“Woman is a temple built over a sewer.” (Tertullian:  7:14)

“In pain shall you bring forth children, women, and you shall turn to your husbands and he shall rule over you. And do you not know that you are (each) an Eve? The sentence of God on this sex of your lives in this age: the guilt must of necessity live too. You are the devil’s gateway: you are the un-sealer of that (forbidden) tree: you are the first deserter…Woman; you are the gate to Hell.” (On the Apparel of Women, Chapter One) 


Tertullian was famous for his towering intellect, razor sharp pen and skilled tongue, there were few colleagues or otherwise, who would dare challenge his diatribe of nonsense about women. The benefit of hindsight and years of research, enabled us to come near accurate understanding, as to why this rare kind of philosopher, could accept notions of pure, emotional bias and hate, leading to the nonsensical doctrine, Original Sin. As mentioned, he was greatly influenced by the writings of St. Paul, mirroring Paul’s notion of undeniable filth in all women. Tertullian’s mind is infected– thus he contributed to the mental illness of ingrained hate. This led to future church father’s jumping on a political bandwagon with other angry Church leaders, sabotaging the role of women, passing on this mental illness that is realized in present time.

Tertullian continued writing, through to the end of his life. A man who wrote in the defence of the church, more so than any other church father, was over looked for sainthood.  He was excommunicated for his sympathy and allegiance for the Montanism sect. Specifically, he was condemned in the 6th century Decretum Gelasianum, Tertullian was reinstated, however, when church opinion changed because of his large body of work and his other writing, conducive to church dogma at the time. In those early days of the developing religion, aspects of church doctrine would change, thus creating a whole new group of heretics. 

Tertullian, best known in the records of history as a spiteful misogynist and accomplished polemicist, rather than a brilliant scholar, a Latin father, and contributing more to theology as a legitimate subject and practice, leaves the temporal world, according to St. Jerome, well into old age. Not surprisingly, this time of his death has been refuted by church scholars.

 St. Augustine (359-430) continues to be considered one of the most important Church Fathers. The man's better known works are "City of God" and "Confessions". He helped formulate the concept of Original Sin into a masterpiece of metaphysical abstraction and nonsense, accepted by all in the church. Divine Grace and Salvation through Atonement he also wrote extensively. Augustine was a true disciple and defender of Pauline doctrine, and possessed a pathological hate for women. In his "Confessions", he pursued all forms of sexual deviance, promiscuity on a grand scale, and getting a young woman pregnant, only to desert her to find another sex partner before converting to Pauline Christianity. Augustine became acutely infected with the illness, ranting on and on about the evil of the sex act, how offensive it was, and even going so far as claiming how filthy birth is because of it taking place between the hole for defecating and the other for urinating. The seriousness of his pathological hate for women becomes crystal clear in this comment:

"Nothing is so powerful in drawing the spirit of man downward as the caresses of a woman."

A servant of Augustine once wrote that he could never be alone with a woman, that he required a male with him at all times in the presence of the fairer sex. This certainly communicates his fears of temptation, and to be even in the vicinity of a woman could well bring-on lustful thoughts in the theologian. It is also said that Augustine found his erections difficult to confront or deal with...he realized his penis had a "mind of its own", and would not obey his will. He blamed this on the sins of Adam and Eve, and their lust after the Fall.

Augustine claimed that Original Sin was transmitted through the sex act. This is a declaration that copulation, generally, is evil. He writes:

"What is the difference whether it is in a wife or a mother, it is still Eve the temptress that we must beware of in any woman...I fail to see what use woman can be to a man, if one excludes the function of bearing children." (De genesi ad litteram, 9, 5-9)

It cannot be understated that Augustine’s writing on sex and women continues to influence Church doctrine in present time.

For this Church Father women and sex transmitted Original Sin and could only be tolerated inside marriage; and only for the purpose of creating children. In this case, sex is a venial sin, however, the sex act for pleasure without intention to propagate, is a mortal sin, ranking in level with adultery and at certain times, murder.

St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) is the Church’s claim to fame in the theological department. His most notable works are Summa Theologica and Summa contra Gentiles. Thomas was a philosopher who studied and wrote on metaphysics, political theory, epistemology and particularly ethics. His work on combining Aristotelian philosophy and the principles of Christianity is compulsory study for those seeking ordination as priests. The writings of Aquinas are considered Catholic doctrine. Outside the Church in modern intellectual circles, his work in aesthetics can be found in the writings of James Joyce and the works of the semiotician, Umberto Eco. He is also, along with Augustine, the Church’s leading authority on matters of sex. Aquinas has also a deep, pathological hatred for women, and regards sex in marriage to be filthy, disgraceful and foul. The faithful owe their imbedded neurosis and guilt to this Church Father… He found the sexual act repugnant and perceived women:

“As regards the individual nature, woman is defective and misbegotten, for the active force in the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex; while the production of woman comes from a defect in the active force or from some material indisposition, or even some external influence. (Summa Theologca 1 q. 92a)

The reader must remember that Aquinas is the Catholic Church's "fair haired boy" when it comes to theology and philosophy. He is also considered to be one of the great thinkers in the History of Ideas. To call a woman defective and misbegotten, meaning a person who should have never been born, has taken their own self-importance to a level above even that of the angels. This man has no humility. Taking this further, for a man that claims to be a student of Aristotelian logic, he provides zero evidence for his outlandish proposals. "...production of woman comes from a defect in active force...or even from some external force." In his vague academic prose and pious tone, he is writing blaspheme against God and His creation. In ancient apocrypha, God booted Satan out of heaven for not appropriately acknowledging his creation of the Human. Our Dominican intellectual is proving to be doing far worse than the prince of darkness. Aquinas has caught this insipid illness planted by the first Vicar of Christ (Satan) and Christianity's true founder, the ranting heretic, Paul. This seething hatred for women, and abortive and twisted view of sex, carried down through Church Fathers and Popes to present day.

It is certainly Peter/Satan and his minion, Paul, who planted this black seed of hatred for women; however, it took the Church's hero of theology and a man of apparent superior intellect and unfounded influence to infect virtually the entire Western World.

The list of Church Fathers and Papacy that were infected with this disease is extensive. This list includes such Church luminaries as St Ambrose, St. Jerome, Clement of Alexandria, St. John Chrysostom, Pope Siricius (384-399), Pope Leo I (440-461), Innocent III (1198-1216) and Pope John Paul II. In our research, the majority of high Church clergy in present time, retain this misogynistic disease.

What did centuries of Pauline promises and Church deception about women and sex affect us as spiritual beings?   


Women are the cursed gender, as a result of a need for a confused, chaotic and wicked scapegoat, an innocent target for all iniquities committed, influenced by pathological misogyny and interpretation of an obvious allegory in the Old Testament; evolving in the church as the doctrine of Original Sin. Women are not and never have been the cause of ‘man’s fall from grace’. Thus the black seed of evil had been sowed.For true believers, the emotion of apathy and guilt will prevail in the hearts of all, for these men deem it so, buried under imposed illusions, a false reality of half-truths, deceptions and shadow. 

In order to make our argument, revealing how this deception of hate for women, and sex, pushed as a crime more wicked than murdering one’s neighbour, one’s children, we should look to the words of Jesus Christ concerning men, women and marriage. He said:

“…have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and “they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” (Matt: 19: 4-6)

The Church has ignored the word of the Lord. This hatred for women and view of the sexual act as sin, if enjoyed and not to propagate, is Pauline Christianity, extending forward to the church fathers, and presented to the faithful as the Word of the Lord. This is a lie, it is unadulterated deception. In the above verse, Jesus is reminding us that we were made as man and woman, the reason is for man to leave his family, and cleave to his wife. Our twain, our differences, shall be one flesh. This is teaching from Jesus of Nazareth, informing us of our duty as human beings.

This is a far cry from Paul’s teachings about women and the act of sex itself. Paul tells us: “It is good for man not to touch a woman.”  (Corinthian, 7-7-9).  Later he states in a rather impish and smug tone: “For I would, all men were even as me.” He is stating with an air of self-satisfaction, that he would prefer all men of the faithful to not touch women and be exactly like him.

Jesus states:

"But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth." (Luke: 11:17)

According to Jesus Christ, men and women are created equally, and God's will is that we join as one flesh, and our purpose is to execute God's will, thereby growing spiritually as human beings. It is evident that the Church has been intent on corrupting this God given duty. Satan has almost succeeded in dividing male and female entirely, putting men and women forever asunder. By driving a wedge between the sexes, we have been prevented from growing spiritually, and forced to sin against God.

Let us just mention that the game is certainly not over. There will come a time when this terrible, imposed false reality ends. We must first recognize that we have been deceived, target the source of guile, and live in the light of Spiritual Goodness, the light of Jesus Christ, which the Almighty intended.



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