Thursday, 13 September 2018

Dishonesty - Is it Ever Justified?

My plan before making this entry was to expound on the subject of dishonesty and if lying in any situation or even life saving situations, is ever truly justified.

I've changed my mind.

After thinking about the subject, having to describe Kant's Categorical Imperative in order to argue one way or the other, has been done way too many times, however, in the last month or so, I've caught people lying, and in varing forms of grey to black, and their reponse was always surprising, when confronting them with their deception.

More often than not, those caught would continue lying so as to cover the discoverd lie...and so it goes...lie upon lie.

What did Hamlet say: "What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."

In other words, the more one lies, the easier it becomes, and farther into the hole one slides.

This week I attended a Renting Tribunal because I believe lies have been put forth in order to attain my money.

The magistrate directed us to the Bible, placing our respective right hands upon the holy text, and swear NOT to lie. This we did.

The first question from the magistrate was: "Has Mr. Middleton seen the photographs and paper work related to this case?"

The woman stammered, tried to lie, then caught herself vomiting nonsense. (She had just sworn Not to lie.)

He put his hand up, gestering to the stammering woman to stop talking.

He turned to me, "Mr. Middleton, have you seen the photgraphs and the landlords case?"

"No, sir."

"Mr. Middleton, I seeyo have written material in front of you. Do you wish to address this Tribunal?"

I read half a page but was stopped because "counter claims" were being made, thus the case will have to continue at a later date.

I have much lesser examples, lies about things in which lying was not necessary, but the individuals lied anyway. In certain circles this is called "Pathological Lying"

This week and last week, I've come across too many examples to mention here. My point, however, is society growing less intolerant to dishonesty?


Are we becoming a society of cowards, where everyone lies from the highest levels of government down to an uneducated, twenty something Real Estate Agent bullying her way to make an extra buck?

Without truth there is no trust, and without trust there is no justice or love for that matter.

Are there situations in life that one encounters that justifies lying?

Maybe, but that discussion is for another time.

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