Friday, 21 September 2018

The Catholic Church’s Persecution of the Jews

Antisemitism precedes early Christianity - scholars reveal Jewish persecution in ancient Greco-Roman society. This does not in any way mitigate the fact that, the early Christian Church Fathers, unapologetically made their racist views known in their writing - mirroring the stated views of the founder of the Church, St. Paul. Gentile converts as early as the 2nd century, reading the condemnation of the Jews in the New Testament, following the Word of the Church, and in most cases, never knowing or understanding the internal life of the Jewish community. As then, and as now, one never questions the dictates of the Church for fear of heresy accusations or excommunication.

Reflecting on the venomous tone of St Paul, claiming divine inspiration, writing the dogmas' of Original Sin and Atonement, slandered the Jewish people with the same lethal stroke of the pen, describing Jews as those who “displease God” destined to wander lost along the fringes of society; and they are “enemies of mankind” – while other Christian Fathers accuse them who worship Satan in their synagogues, rape their children and sacrifice infants in honour of the Prince of Darkness.

Jewish persecution magnified propelling into the medieval period in mass violence, committing unspeakable crimes, eerily leaning towards attempted genocide – an eerie prequel to the Holocaust – Nazi’s Final Solution. The many years of Christian antisemitism planted a diabolical seed, enabling the future popular success of Nazism. Many Christians embraced Hitler's fascist ideology, believing the Jews were the source their moral and economic downfall. Hence, one reason among others, thousands of Christians stood motionless on the sidelines in sustained silence, while millions of Jews were mercilessly exterminated. 

As said above, the final split between Jewish Christians (Paul used the pejorative term, Judizers and Gentile converts to Pauline Christianity by the 2nd century, was the start of antisemitism in the Church. Again, the early Church Fathers, through their slanderous writings, fuelled the racist hatred amongst the Gentile converts.

We are perplexed, however, researching several theologians of various Christian denominations, that none have pointed out St Paul’s slanderous words against the Jews in Romans and Galatians, respectively. In chapter 3, we quoted many negative versus which Paul recorded. To substantiate our argument, these versus are worth repeating once again:

They (Jews) are all gone out of the way; they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of the asps is under their lips:

Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness?

Their feet are swift to shed blood;

Destruction and misery are in their ways:

And the way of peace have they not known;

There is no fear of God before their eyes.

Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law; that ‘every mouth may be stopped, and the world may become guilty before God. (Rom: 3: 12-19)

Reading these versus again, one can rightfully declare that these are slanderous accusations and judgments, which, James the Just directly responded to in writing:

Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law; but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.

There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy; who art thou that judgeth another? (James: 4:11-17)

To be sure, one could rightly point out that these versus are in a specific context, that is, Paul arguing that with faith comes salvation, and there is now no need for the Law. Even so, writing:

Destruction and misery are in their ways:

And the way of peace have they not known;

There is no fear of God before their eyes. (Romans 3: 12-19)

Take these lines to any corporate attorney worth their degree, and the law suits would be filed at once. These are words of a desperate man, lashing out because the Christian Jews refuse to accept his heresy, as he is attempting to break away from the “Judizers”, and start his new religion. Pauline doctrine in the second century was now Church dogma, therefore, the Church Fathers would have read these versus, and like the severe misogyny carried forward from Paul’s epistles to the Church Fathers, (See chapter 4) his antisemitism is carried forward as well. 

Scholars have dated the Gospel of John to have been written between 90-100CE. It was during this time that antisemitism amongst Gentile converts was well on the rise. John’s gospel is more anti-Jew than the other three gospels combined. It is certain the Church Father’s, including St Paul’s epistles, referred to John in all their anti-Semitic writings. It is agreed by a majority of theologians, both Catholic and in academic circles, that these words were not Jesus’ but John’s, who put them there…this verse caused millions of Jewish deaths during the next 2000 years of western civilization. It reads:

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it. (John: 8: 44)

By the middle of the 2nd century, Pauline Christianity (Gentile) slowly began to organize into what one would call a global church. Moving forward, anti-Jewish attitudes settled into mainstream doctrine, later becoming official doctrine of the church. As Pauline Christianity posits Jesus as the Son of God, this only further alienated Christian Jews, which, at this time, became a central motif in anti-Jewish doctrine in the church. The notion of Jews as “Christ-killers” infiltrated the mind-set in the majority of Christians. Jews as Christ-killers (Deicide) was the subject for most sermons for Bishops across the land. Deicide continues to be a held belief in other major churches – Orthodox - Russian, Greek, Serbian and Bulgarian churches. Add the other insipid inculcated notion that children of the devil flourishes throughout Jewish culture, the absolute destruction of the Jews as a race edged very close to reality, manifesting in the holocaust in the mid-20th century.

Church Fathers’ Legacy of Hate

These Jews killed Jesus and the prophets and for that reason they displease God and are the enemies of all mankind. (Thessa: 2: 14-16)

Paul was known for his short temper and sudden emotional bursts of anger. That being said, Paul boasts to be the mouth piece, a direct conduit to the Son of God. As we argued, Paul was the source for the pathological misogyny, expressed by most of the Church Fathers. (See chapter 5) Paul’s anti-Semitism, too, quoted above is blatantly evident. Following the founders lead, listed below are examples of anti-Jewish writings from the early Fathers of the Church. Once more, it is apparent; Paul is the source for their venomous rants:

Tertullian (160-225) in his anti-Jewish discourse, De Oratain, writes: “Though Israel may wash every day, it is never clean. Its hands…are always stained, covered forever with the blood of the prophets and our Lord himself.”

Saint Gregory of Nyssa (331-396) It is plain to the reader that Gregory ensures he covers all his bases in his diatribe against the circumcised – Jews are: “…slayers of the Lord, murderers of the prophets, enemies of God, haters of God, adversaries of grace, enemies of their fathers’ faith, advocates of the devil, brood of vipers, slanderers, scoffers, men of dark minds, leaven of the Pharisees, congregation of demons, sinners, wicket men and haters of goodness.”

Origen (182-251) an Alexandrian educated theologian, more often an insightful interpreter of scripture, his comments on the Jews is arrogantly presumptuous: “…the blood of Jesus falls not only on the Jews of that time, but on all generations up to the end of the world…rejection of Jesus has resulted in their present calamity and exile…will never be restored to their former condition.”

 Saint Ephraim of Syrus (306-373) refers to the Jews as “circumcised dogs” and “circumcised      vagabonds.” “God’s punishment for the Jews for reviling Jesus is banishment from their lands, and is now condemned to wander over the whole face of the earth.”

Saint Cyphan (200-258) one of the first Church Fathers to call the Jews “Christ-Killers.” Adding to the list, he calls Jews hypocrites, villains, evil, and haters of God and rejected by Him. Jews are a “…sinful nation weighed down with guilt, breed of evil doers, lawless children.” He contends that the only way they can escape their curse is conversion.

 The conversion of Constantine I, leading to the canonization of Church doctrine through the Council of Nicaea, created a close link to government, thus opening certain legislation, promulgating persecution of the Jews under Roman Law. The Church Fathers slanderous propaganda of the Jews not only was embedded in doctrine, but the Church ensured the Roman Empire was on side - Christianity was now the State Religion, thus under these untenable circumstances, that is Church and State combined, the Jewish people had not a chance.

The fourth century saw Jewish persecution by the Church reach an unholy peak of suppression. Most scholars and biblical historians agree that the most influential and damaging of the anti-Jewish writings and sermons came from Saint John Chrysostom (347-407). He is considered by the Church to be one of the most important early Church Fathers, admired for his eloquent sermons. Given the title of Doctor of the Church, teacher of the faith, revered for his holiness, and his written Church doctrine, Pius X declared him the Patron of Preachers in 1901. These accolades and titles were honoured, despite his fanatical, scorching and hateful sermons against the Jews.  

There are Eight Homilies against the Jews by Chrysostom, which are so venomous and hateful, that they reach a level of the absurd. In these sermons, he wastes no time getting right to his subject: the despicable, animal-like nature of the Judaism. “…the Jewish people are driven by their drunkenness and plumpness to the ultimate evil.” He decrees that all Christians must avoid contact with Jews at all costs. “Their souls”, he writes, are where “demon souls dwell.” Moreover, he writes, their “synagogues are not only brothels but theatres…a den of robbers and lodgings for wild beasts.” He goes on to rant that these Jews sacrifice Christian children on their altars, and where “mothers ate their own children.”

Chrysostom tells the Jews that there is no hope for them at all. “Atonement” is certainly out of the question – the Jews are damned. These shocking sermons caused Christians to run out of their respective churches, having whipped his brethren into a mad frenzy, where at one stage, the rioting Christians destroyed the great synagogue of Antioch. He also accused Jews of “ritual murder”, bringing them to task. Chrysostom’s’ rhetorical skills are similar to that of Adolf Hitler, hypnotically manipulating his audience, inciting them to destruction and murder. He was later canonized as a saint. The greater irony is his sermons continue to be taught in seminaries today.

In 306 CE, the Council of Elvira decreed that Christians and Jews could not intermarry, have sexual intercourse, or eat together.

The Council of Nicaea (325) decreed that all conversation and fellowship with Jews was absolutely forbidden.

Saint Ambrose (340-397) Bishop of Milan, tradition records his famous hatred for Arianism.

His sermons, like Chrysostom, fostered madness, inciting Christians to murder the Jewish people -
Pillage and destroy their synagogues. He called synagogues, “a place of unbelief, a home of impiety,
a refuge of insanity, dammed by God himself.”

Rioting Christians in Callinicos, (388) a well populated town along the Euphrates, (ordered by the town Bishop) ransacked the Synagogue, burning it to the ground. Roman Emperor Theodosius hears of the crime, and orders those responsible to be severely punished. The Emperor orders the Bishop to re-build the Temple at the Bishops expense. St Ambrose writes the emperor – this infamous letter, a masterpiece of guile and persuasion, manipulates the Emperor; he then relents and condones the crime.

A Gang of Christian monks, (413) allegedly after reading the sermons of certain Church Father, run riot in the city of Palestine, burning torches in hand and chanting anti-Jewish slogans, destroyed several synagogues, and massacred Jews at the Western Wall. 

Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430) is one of the more influential and respected Fathers of the Catholic Church. He writes of the Jews: We contend that Augustine’s belief’s about the Jews is no different than that of Chrysostom in hype and racial vulgarity.

Augustine maintained the theological rational of the “Theory of Substitution”. That is, briefly, the New Israel of the church became a substitute of ancient Israel. He writes:

“…the house of Israel which God has cast off… are themselves the builders of destruction and rejecters of the cornerstone – Jesus the Lord Christ – distinguished between one’s and His Jewish enemies.  (Emphasis mine)

In one of his more popular books, “City of God”, Augustine writes:

“Judaism, since Christ, is a corruption, indeed, Judas is the image of the Jewish People; their understanding of Scripture is carnal; they bear the guilt for the death of the saviour; for through their fathers they have killed Christ.”

The notion or crime of Deicide is used by the Church Fathers’ time and again. As said above, the central motif in most of these writings of persecution of the Jewish people focuses on them as “Christ-Killers.” This belief is still held by many in the Christian churches.

St Jerome (341-420) is one of the more popular of the Church Fathers; a Doctor of the Church, he held the same beliefs as most of these influential theologians. He writes:

“If you call a brothel, (synagogue) a devil of vice, the devil’s refuge, Satan’s fortress, a place to deprave the soul, an abyss of every conceivable disaster or whatever else you will, you are still saying less than it deserves.”

The Code of the Emperor Justinian (529-593) decrees that in Christian Byzantine society Jews cannot show themselves in the streets during Passover Week.

Agobard Archbishop of Lyons, (830) writes anti-Jewish Pamphlets in which he refers to Jews as “sons of darkness.”

Pope Leo VII (c.937) encourages his newly appointed archbishop of Mainz to expel all Jews who refuse to be baptised.

In Roven, Orleans, Limoges, Mainz, and probably Rome, (c.1010-1020) Jews are converted by force, massacred, or expelled.

Pope Gregory VII (c. 1081) writes to King Alphonso of Spain telling him that if he allows Jews to be lords over Christians, he is oppressing the Church and exalting “the Synagogue of Satan.”

Massacres of Jews (1096) this incident takes place in the First Crusade destroying entire Jewish communities in Mainz, Speyer, Worms, Cologne and other cities. The Jewish chronicler reports: “The enemies stripped them naked and dragged them off, granting quarter to none, save those few who accept baptism. The number of the slain was eight hundred in these two days.” The chronicler Guibert de Nogent reports that the Roven Crusaders said: “We desire to go and fight God’s enemies in the east; but we have before our eyes certain Jews, a race more inimical to God than any other.”

Jews are expelled from France; (1182) all their property is confiscated, and Christian’s debts to them are cancelled with payment of one-fifth of their value to the treasury.

The Fourth Lateran Council (1215), decrees that Jews are to wear distinctive clothing, and on the three days before Easter, they are not to go out in public.

The Council of Narbonne (1227) orders Jews to wear a round patch.

Thirty-four Jews (1235) are burned to death in Fulda on a blood-libel charge.

Note: “blood-libel” refers to a centuries old false allegation that Jews murder Christians – especially children – to use their blood for ritual purposes.

The Council of Albi (1254) orders Jews to wear a round patch.

The Council of Arles (1260) orders Jews to wear a round patch, but not when travelling.

St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) most respected of theologians in the Church. The churches most revered philosopher, known to have synthesised Aristotelian philosophy with Christian theology. He writes that the Jews, sin is more in their unbelief, than the pagans, because they have abandoned the way of justice – “after knowing it in some way.”

Jews in France (1283) are forbidden to live in the countryside.

Jews are expelled (1290) from England and southern Italy.

The Jews of Rottingen (1298) are charged with profaning the Host, are massacred and burned down to the last one.

“The Shepherds Crusade” (1320) a Christian chronicler records: “The Shepherds laid siege to all the Jews who had come from all sides to take refuge…the Jews defended themselves heroically…but their resistance served no purpose, for the Shepherds slaughtered a great number of the besieged Jews by smoke and fire…the Jews, realizing that they would not escape alive, preferred to kill themselves…They chose one of their number (and) this man put some five hundred of them to death, with their consent. He then descended from the castle tower with a few Jewish children who still remained alive…They killed him by quartering. They spared the children, whom they made Catholics by baptism.

Jews (1421) are expelled from Austria.

Jews (1424) are expelled from Friburg and Zurich.

Cardinal Carafe (1553) instigates a public burning of the Talmud and other Jewish religious works in a square in Rome.

Pope Leo XII (1858) decrees: that Jews are to be confined to ghettos and their property is to be confiscated.

Pius VII (1858) so named the paedophile Pope, kidnapped 6 year old Edwardo, adopts the boy, keeping him in a monastery. He refuses to give the boy back to his parents because they will not convert to Catholicism. Despite leaders around the world pleading for the Pope to return the boy back to his parents, he refuses.

Pius XII (1942) Great Britain and The United States pressure the pope to condemn the Nazi treatment of Jews. He responds on his Christmas address without mentioning the Jews or the Nazis. The address is vague and hints of Darwinism.

Pius XII (1945) Addressing the College of Cardinals after the European war, the pope speaks of the hundreds of priests and religious who died in Nazi concentration camps, but makes no mention of the Jews.

The Second Vatican Council (1965) issues its Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions, “True, authorities of the Jews and those followed their lead pressed for the death of Christ; still, what happened in His passion cannot be blamed upon all Jews then living, without distinction, nor upon the Jews of today… The Jews should not be presented as repudiated or cursed God…The Church decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone.”


In chapter five we discussed the pathological misogyny in the church, and its source, St. Paul. Following this line of argument, St. Paul revealed a deep-seated hatred for the Jews – again, this pathological hate and centuries of Jewish persecution, we believe, emanated from Christianity’s true founder, St. Paul.

For the early church, Judaism is the “father” religion in which Christianity spawned; and, from a vile premise, attacked the patriarch, forcing a terribly violent separation, therefore, so as to form an individual identity as a single religion. We can see this phenomenon in the Reformation to Calvinism and the fundamentalists of the 20th and 21st century. That is, generally, amidst the pain of separation, there is a knee-jerk attack against the “father” religion, in order to fully break ties, gaining its own individualism, identity and personality. Indeed, studying other religions – Islam, Hinduism, et al, we can observe this violent action through history in varying degrees.

In the four gospels of the New Testament, Jesus taught humility, peace and love. The history of the Catholic Church is the opposite: a past laden in prejudice, political machinations in the pursuit of power, unspeakable violence and an ocean of the blood of heretics, martyrs, women and the Jewish race. This is not the church of Jesus of Nazareth, but a religion so far removed from Our Lords Words, in which war, violence and confusion across populations reigns supreme. As a result of this false Christianity, we live our lives in a false reality. (See conclusion)

Our contention is that, building a major faith based on lies, false teachings, creates a false reality, where it is impossible to evolve spiritually. Further, as Jesus asked us to observe, “By their fruits you shall know them”; one’s analysis of the Catholic Church and its numerable sects, reveals fruits of a vile and wicked variety, rife with guile, racism, confusion, murder and violence on a grand scale. 


In this chapter we have attempted to illustrate the Christian persecution of the Jewish people. The extent of the violence, in terms of cruelty and intense violence has no other match in world history. This hatred for Judaism over thousands of years is symptomatic of a collective, institutionalized, psychopathy. Almost 2000 years later, the Catholic Church did not “lay down their guns”, so to speak, until 1965, in the advent of Vatican II. For many, the “Declaration” from the church is “a little too late.”

Next we examine Church Tradition, at the beginning, making connections as to the reason(s) a false theology rather than the teachings of Jesus was appropriated and followed. We ask the question: what fruits does the church bare as a result of their works and actions over time? As stated above, the fruits born from the churches long history are rotten, languishing in filth and shrivelled beyond recognition.

Next we examine the connection between St Peter and St Paul. The church tradition, focusing on these poster boy’s for the Catholic Church. It was their over-arching influence from the start, that has given us “Christianity” – the Church we see today – the Church of Hate.

From: "He that Deceiveth the Whole World." (Work in progress)

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