Sunday, 23 September 2018

Trump's Neo con Administration Desire Regime Change, and it's Started.

Once Trump won the election in 2016, beginning his tenure as US president in 2017, the MSM has been pushing Russia-gate non stop...I can tell you with certainty, that this has been a distraction. What is quite disturbing, is the number of people, intelligent people, who have fallen into this unmitigated propaganda. One of the reasons I wanted to give Trump time before #resisting, was to see if, in fact, he would pull out of Afghanistan; leave Iraq to the Iraqis, and get the hell out of Syria. (As he said he would, once becoming president.) The clown lied. Trump sent more troops to Afghanistan, Iraq, and dropped bombs on Syria. Despite the democrats and the #resistance claiming that Trump is a stupid maniac, and should not have access to any nukes, voted unanimously to add billions to the US war budget – a little more than 40% added since the peak of the Iraq war. 40%!

Who's running this clown show? And should we be concerned?

Once you have studied the “neocon agenda”, Trump's administration’s words and actions over the last 18 months, makes absolute sense. Firstly, he opened a US embassy in Jerusalem. This is controversial for the obvious reasons. Jerusalem for the Palestinians is a city for not only Muslims, but Christians as well as Jews. The US placing their embassy in this Holy City was a strong message. “We are with Israel, and will not be stopped. We call the shots, so back down!” Since then Israeli terrorism has doubled down with thousands of Palestinian deaths. Since then, the US/UK backed Saudi Arabian slaughter of Yemen is nothing less than catastrophic. The biggest humanitarian crisis in our modern history...and the world remains silent.

Now we come to Syria.

I've written on this BLOG about this country, as there is more than what our MSM tell us. Syria is important to the Neocon agenda. Along with Saudi Arabia, the US/UK desire a natural pipeline to run through Syria to the Caspian sea. This is not available because Syria and Russia sell natural gas to the EU. The US is not in Syria, backing Al Quida and ISIS for the sake of the Syrian people. They are there for two reasons, $$$ (oil) and desiring Israel's dominance across the Middle East.

Now we come to Iran.

A common misunderstanding about Iran, is they're not Arabs – they are Persians. Before the religious revolution in Iran, led by the Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979, only came to power to over throw the Shaw of Iran, a puppet of the CIA/US. Before this “regime change”, Iran had a democratic elected PM Mohammed Mosaddegh, who wanted to act as an individual agent, selling oil to countries for the benefit of the Iranian people. The UK/US would not have any of this because a deal had been set with the Saudi's, hence the petrol dollar, the replacement for a gold-backed currency. The CIA through their known diabolical methods, assassinated Mosaddegh, replacing him with the, the US/UK want a new PUPPET, hence the desire for regime change in Iran.


The Russia hysteria, created by the “deep state”, and MSM, is to promote hate: Russia as an “enemy” of the Western world. They are not. The reason is that Russia backs Syria for purely economic concerns. US/UK/Israel dominance in the Middle East will simply not be tolerated from Russia, for the reasons stated above.

Once one understands that most wars come down to money/religion, the intentions of warmongers is obvious. 

Say no to WAR.

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