Friday, 14 September 2018

Chapter 4: Vicars of Christ - Popes of Evil. (Section 3)

Vicars of Christ is another title out of many for the Pope of the Catholic Church. The word Vicar means stand-in or substitute – that is the Pope or Pontiff is Jesus Christ's sole representative on earth.  

Consider the absolute wealth of the church, displayed in elaborate gowns of silk - crowns (Tiaras) tower over their heads, expensive emerald rings sparkle on their fingers, and where satin slippers are to be kissed by church subordinates and important dignitaries visiting the Vatican. Popes are carried around the Holy City on royal, Asian style horseless carriages, a kind of mobile throne, lifted and powered by eight ambulant abbots, the Pope posturing in garish self-importance, resembling the pomp and arrogance of the most vain of ancient Roman emperors.

Vatican City is the smallest sovereign state in the world. It is also one of the wealthiest countries on the planet if not the wealthiest. Taken all together - ancient structures, their church’s gilded in gold and precious stones, fine art, numerous global investments and even the land itself, the Vatican’s total worth is estimated well in the billions – many billions. If the Church was looked upon as a corporation, purely an agent to acquire wealth, where the bottom line is absolute profit, experts would not hesitate to deem it the most successful business ever in two millennia. In terms of power, wealth and influence over the minds of billions, there simply is no rival. 

What is wrong with this picture?

The Catholic Church is the opposite, an exact reversal of the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus of Nazareth, a son of a carpenter, preferred the company of the poor, destitute, criminal and working prostitutes, rather than high church officials and wealthy members of society. He travelled wearing sandals and a single item of clothing. Christ was not too impressed with the rich, saying, “It is easier for a camel to enter through an eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” In all cases, he depended on the kindness and charity of strangers. He told us never to pray in church for all to witness one’s devotion, but to pray to God in private. He told us to offer alms, though to never let the right hand know what the left hand is doing. In other terms, give graciously, without thought. For those who covet and pursue the lusts, materialism and physical pleasures of this life, will not see the kingdom of heaven. To search with total diligence for any aspect of Jesus in the halls of the Catholic Church, would be searching in vain. Even the dogma’s of the Church are entirely opposite to the word of the Lord.

The Roman Catholic Church is not “the one and true church”, it is not the church of Jesus Christ, but the exact reversal; it is the Church of the Adversary, the Church of Evil.  And its first Pope was Simon Peter, the initial pope all subsequent popes would follow in thought and deed. Peter is a posited example for all subsequent Vicars of Christ. Peter/Satan’s intentions have been carried out with militaristic precision, enabling suffering, deception and so much damage on so many human beings over so many years, one's mind grapples for understanding.

The fruits born from the churches long history are rotten, languishing in filth and shrivelled beyond recognition.

It is necessary to focus on the behaviours and actions of certain Popes carrying forward Peter/Satan's unrelenting purpose to ruin souls, bind the righteous, ensuring his intentions are executed, and all the while, laughing in the face of the Lord.

After careful study, it would seem that not all the Vicars of Christ were influenced by the Church’s protocols of sin and deception. There are examples of good men taking Church corruption head on, unfortunately however, only to face political subterfuge and often death. These few righteous men, when attempting positive change, were poisoned at table or announced as heretics, cut down by sword or burned at the stake. The upper hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church is not for the faint of heart. We must remember, this is the Adversary’s domain, his home ground.

We will examine Pontiff’s who have displayed particular traits and behaviours. These behaviours will reveal an evil that can only mirror the first “Vicar of Christ’s”, emanated intentions.

Let us now dip our hand into the simmering cauldron of filth, a selection of Pontiff’s that emulated the first named Pope, following the dark history of the Roman Catholic Church.


The Worst of the Worst.

There is Pope Pius IV:  known by many, inside and outside the church, as the patron saint of paedophilia. He also emphasised Papal infallibility, a claim as having a direct pipeline to Christ, therefore any word he utters or order he gives, must be viewed as coming from Christ. This Popes infamy comes from the kidnapping of a 6 year old Jewish child, on the pretext of some baptismal nonsense, adding the rumour of mortal danger for the child. He adopted the kidnapped victim, and liked to “play” with him, hiding him under his soutane cassock and calling out, “where’s the boy?”

 Once the crime became news, the entire civilized world was incensed – major American newspapers published their outrage in numerous editorials. Leaders protested – Emperors Franz Joseph and Napoleon III pleaded and begged the Pope to release the boy back to his parents, he ignored their pleas. The Jewish parents begged for their son, Edgardo, the Pope told them he would return the child only if they convert to Catholicism – they would not. Now the Pope said they had brought this suffering on themselves, for not seeing the light of Jesus Christ.

Never to return the child, a sexual slave, Edgardo, remained with the obese Pope as his play-thing, keeping the child cloistered in a monastery. Later, Edgardo as a man became a priest, and that was that!  In retaliation against the bad press all over the world, he took it out on the resident Jews in Rome, taking away all privileges, ensuring their imprisonment in the ghettos, maintaining their suffering.      

The Pontiff’s covered in this chapter are striking examples of pure evil, certain behaviours’ that, if not hiding behind their “holy” position as head of the Church, and their extravagant vestments of expensive silk and gold, designed to intimidate, and deflect truthful observation, the secular state would relegate them to prison, or at least in many cases, behind the walls of a psychiatric hospital, specialised in treating the criminally insane. These Popes presented are not the only examples of “Christ’s Representatives” committing untold evil, delving into the murky depths of sin, blasphemes and serious crimes against humanity. -  There are many more.

It is certain that not all the Popes of the Church are Evil's minions, creating clever deceptions to keep us bound, and obstacles to maintain confusion. A recent example of a good soul, Pope John I was prepared to clean house, aware of financial corruption, a good man, a relatively young man, who only served 33 days as Pontiff. Evidently he was found dead, a heart condition we are told, when he received a clean bill of health weeks before, without a history of any cardiac issues. This sudden death of John was a true modern scandal for the Church. After the initial shock, subsequent investigations, and obvious cover up, it has all but been forgotten. Something we do so easily when it comes to the Catholic Church.

This is only one example of a long line of evil men. I have given one example here, however, there are many other popes who's actions can only be described a pure evil. 

From: "He that Deceiveth the Whole World" - a work in progress. 


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