Thursday, 3 September 2020

Assange: UK kangaroo court reconvenes Sept 7.

Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, is back in court on Monday to establish whether he is extradited to the US on espionage charges based on the Espionage Act; a law created before WW1. This law is antiquated and was put back in motion by the US government, to charge whistleblowers revealing “classified information” or, in other words, crimes committed by the US government. For any person with half a brain can see through this charade, and for anyone with a civil conscience, can see this as a blatant attack on freedom of expression in a democracy. Yet the circus continues next Monday.  

The disinformation about Julian Assange, particularly over the last 8 years has been relentless. It has been so ingrained in the public consciousness, he continues to be reviled by morons and tools of the establishment. If anyone had the will to dig below the surface of this disinformation, it would discover not some of the information, but all of it to be absolutely false. Like the true believers of Russia-gate, they prefer to listen to MSM and spread the lies, rather than think for themselves. This includes many “journalists,” who are simply not journalists, but reporters, who receive a press release from the government and publish it as news? I can understand the common working person on the street believing the nonsense given to them by MSM, but high paid pundits spreading propaganda about Assange, deserve to be banished to media purgatory.

It is not the intention in this piece to lay out all the lies that have been spread about Julian Assange. If you're a reader of this BLOG know, that I've attempted this before. And for certain, many individuals, more knowledgeable than I, have been trying to educate people for years.

This is not hyperbole: prosecuting Julian Assange on these bogus charges, and if successful, will set a precedent on free speech and freedom of the press, that will be hard to undo. A good metaphor, overused but clear, is trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube. It can't be done. In this case, once you prosecute a publisher for revealing the crimes of a government, making it illegal, what you have left is a useless press, a mere puppet for the powerful. I believe this is called totalitarianism.

For one, Julian Assange, is an Australian citizen. So you might ask: then why doesn't the Australian government do something for one of their own? Unfortunately, the answer is straightforward. Since at least WWII, the Australian government has had its collective lips flushed hard against the US's backside. The Australian government has followed the US into all its illegal wars since Vietnam. We follow without question, and in the end, after a good Mexican meal, the Australian government can't pass wind without U.S State Department permission. It's pathetic but true.

The treatment of Assange by the UK government reveals them to be just another sycophant to the US. The man has been treated like a world-wide terrorist, a serial killer, keeping him in a bullet-proof-plastic-cage in court, unable to speak with his attorneys. CIA cut-outs spied on Assange and his attorneys while he was in the Ecuadorian embassy. This fact itself should be enough for a miss-trial or grounds for Assange's release. But no, might makes right, and because we are in an episode of getting Smart or 1984, the criminal rule, while those exposing the sociopaths are persecuted and prosecuted, and forced into silence.

For some strange reason, I wanted to end this blog on a positive note. But hell, when you have 3 powerful governments gunning for one man for telling the public the truth, that light has almost been extinguished.

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