Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Rant on U.S. 2020 Election/Politics

An old friend from high school contacted me on Facebook regarding my views on American politics. He had read several of my criticisms concerning US foreign policy, stating, “You live in Australia, so you really don't have a dog in this fight.” My retort was immediate, “I have children, grandchildren and close friends living over there, so I believe my dog in considerable in this fight.” Our messenger conversation ended on that point.

It is undeniable that living outside the country can put you at a disadvantage as to that said country's politics. However, the internet, more so than ever, has globalised us to the extent, that, news is immediate, I can watch MSM in the U.S. at the same time as my friend in Colorado. More importantly, my access to independent news sources is received immediately here in Australia as in South Africa or Hawaii. In the 21st century, news and information is instantaneous for all who choose to watch and listen.

This brings me to the 2020 US presidential election. Having watched the democratic primaries and written about them, and seeing it stolen from the Left in such a sweeping form, there is no doubt in my mind that the whole system is corrupted and run by the powerful. What happened to Bernie Sanders was unforgivable, watching the slew of corporate democratic hopefuls coalesce to put Sanders out of the game entirely. Suddenly, Biden is winning key Primary states before the pandemic hit, and without true democracy, during the pandemic, Biden is the candidate, without a real convention, will now go against Trump in 2020. The establishment hated Sanders, and did everything by hook or by crook, (more crook than hook) to get him out of the race. From 10,000 miles away here in Australia, with Biden such a weak sister, it seems to me, Trump will win in a land slide.

Trump, a dictator and authoritarian, a criminal in fact, winning a 2nd term will be a disaster for the American people and by extension, the world. Biden though, by all accounts and his past record, is not much better than Trump. Biden is HRC with a memory problem. As Biden has said himself, nothing will fundamentally change under his presidency. So, really, for the majority of Americans, what's the point, you get The Who syndrome: “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” And knowing this, most people will not even bother to come out and vote.

When you get outside the American bubble, studying their foreign policy, and their politics, can see that their politics is so corrupted, it resembles a third world country. Personally, watching the fake conventions of the GOP and the DNC on the internet, confirmed the fact that this is true bread and circus in a alleged democracy. The DNC appeared to be a neocon gathering in Las Vegas, and the GOP, a fascist gathering in Georgia for the new 4th Reich. Take away the smoke and mirrors, and both party's are the same: corporate stooges yelling tired platitudes and nationalistic rhetoric. From here, it looked like a badly written, badly acted and directionless low budget film. Honestly, the whole exercise was a giant embarrassment.

The United States is a corporation not a democracy. The politicians are paid for by powerful lobby groups such a the weapons and drug industries. Most of the population simply want a fair chance, including medicare for all, and the trillion $ war budget to come back into the country to create a better infrastructure; a well funded public education system and free college; a safety net for those who come upon hard times; and laws that don't put pot smokers in jail with murderers. People do not want a military police force, but a peace keeping force that work for the people and not the institutions that have created this flawed system in the first place. (Racism is a topic for another discussion).

Many good people with large platforms want to change the flawed system of corporate America. I saw this the other day with The Peoples Party convention on YouTube. Finally, I thought, rational minds who understand the situation, without spouting patriotic nonsense.

This rant would not be complete without a mention of US foreign policy and their perpetual wars. The United States has been a war-based economy since WWII. Take the tax $ out of war and place the $ into industries that promote peace and a economy supportive of a Green New Deal. The planet is in trouble due to irresponsible fossil fuel industries whose sole goal is profit at the expense of the planet. Think of the children...

Our system is flawed and corrupt, and any patriotic nonsense spouted by the corporate tools of the US is pure propaganda. The current system and their cronies should feel shame for their constant lies and gas-lighting of the American people.

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