Saturday, 5 September 2020

Melbourne's No-maskers and Wing-nuts

The term “Conspiracy Theory” is an invention of the CIA to detract truth-tellers from the mainstream or the general population. There have always been theories contradicting the central narrative, usually put out by governments on a specific event or issue. Since WWI, propaganda about war, demonizing the “enemy” has been common practice. War has always been based on lies. Examples of this practice are too numerous to mention here. Needless to say, over the last 60 years, government lies are legion, from Vietnam to Syria, which has infiltrated our minds to justify traveling overseas to kill people.

It has become common practice for governments and their cronies in the media to label one a conspiracy theorist when it goes against their propaganda. For example, blaming Russia for Trump's electoral win in 2016. (Russia-gate) Even though this has been debunked by academics and good journalism, those in power continue to repeat it. Interestingly too, idiots on social media, when they do not have a proper argument, revert to “Putin puppet” or other 1940s McCarthy, red-smearing rhetoric to make their point. This is intellectually lazy at best.

As mentioned, conspiracy theorists have been around for a long time; however, from my observation, the theories have gotten more insane since Donald Trump arrived in office. For example, the “flat-earthers” flooded the internet after Trump's win in 2016, even landing a documentary on Netflix. A new manifestation, known as Qanon has entered the fray, claiming, for one, that Trump is behind the scenes, going after worldwide pedophile networks. For this popular conspiracy asylum, Trump is dismantling the “Deep State,” taking America back to its original roots of freedom and justice. Today, I heard that a woman has now been voted into Congress, a Q anon believer, taking America back to its “white roots,” whatever that means. And it all seems to be getting worse.

Here in Melbourne, Australia, we've been in a stage 4 lockdown since late March due to the second wave of COVID 19. The Dan Andrews government screwed-up, not overseeing a hotel in Melbourne that began the 2nd wave due to many reasons., all incompetent. However, the virus has spread, and people are dying every day. As a result, the vast majority of our citizenry have complied with the brutal restrictions as a community. We want to get out of this mess and go back to a modicum of normalcy. Despite most people hunkering down to beat this monster of a virus, a small group of “conspiracy theorists” and right-wing mainstream publications have been critical and choosing to go against the stage 4 rules.

I can almost empathize with those uneducated and mistrustful of government in general. Over many years, they've lied to us about wars and the economy, so in a time of a true health crisis, believing the governments' order to remain inside, while you're about to be evicted, is grounds for protest. That said, this virus is real, and to believe otherwise is not only absurd but dangerous.

For certain, as said I can understand the wig-nuts up to a point; however, while the police are arresting a pregnant woman for posting a protest on FB, publications such as SKY News are fomenting the problem. In some cases calling Dan Andrews (Premier of Victoria) a dictator and pushing the propaganda that Victoria has become a Police State. This is immature at best, and dangerous, irresponsible, and really, these “journalists” should be arrested for inciting riots. Murdoch publications and his TV networks are notoriously right-wing and prone to right-wing conspiracies. The tweets from well known Murdoch writers over the last week has proven positive of their intentions to frame the Victorian government as fascist.

So my point is I can almost understand the angry idiots going against the rules during the State of Emergency. What I cannot forgive are news outlets pushing these conspiracy notions to incite insurrection. These are the wing-nuts who should be arrested and carted off to jail.

In my lifetime, and the vast majority of other's too, this is unknown ground. For sure, we all want it to be over. But the facts remain that the pandemic is not over, and today, looking at the latest stats, it's possible we're heading in the right direction.

What we don't need is corporately owned, right-wing publications, stirring up trouble, inciting violence, all for the cause of ratings and clicks. 

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