Monday, 14 September 2020

Rantings of a Madman

This may sound like the rantings of a delusional schizophrenic; however this thought has run through my mind for at least a week.

Fascism’s basic definition is to do anything, force or otherwise, to capture and own the thoughts, minds, bodies and actions or trick the people to follow the mandates of those in power. The ancient Romans, 20th century Nazi’s and the 21st century Zionists all have/are using the same tactics: violence and, most of all, fear. To the fascist, the masses are sheep and NEED to be controlled because “we know no better.”

What these fascists are doing now is committing war crimes across the world, ignoring the wishes of the majority of people who only want peace. The “trick”, however, is they’re committing these atrocities in plain sight. Why? If the people rise up too hard, Marshall Law is declared then, slowly and perhaps suddenly, people will start disappearing. (Detention centres are currently in construction in the U.S.) Mass slaughter of innocent people will run rampant, (Syria) and the Zionist propaganda machine is currently running a campaign on the Net to cover their tracks – and throwing out viruses to all BLOGS, and areas of free speech so the Truth is covered.

This happened during the Vietnam War, when Henry Kissinger ordered B-52 carpet bombings over Laos over a 14 month period. No-one knew about this until the year 2000. More bombs were dropped on Laos, (a “possible” North Vietnamese haven) than all the bombs dropped during WW2! (By the way, before this was known, Henry Kissinger won the Noble Peace Prize for “peaceful” negotiations with China.)

The reverse terrorism is a covert propaganda campaign to create the illusion that those who speak out against war are terrorists and must be contained or detained.

I’ve seen anti-war net-sites simply disappear.

Please be vigilant, speak out because, I believe the truth will find its way out…it always does – eventually.


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