Thursday, 10 September 2020

Short Comment on 9/11 Anniversary


A few years ago, I posted the new Nike ad to discover what response would follow. Although there are more out there, the response is what I expected: Right wing talking points, Trump talking points.

It was a Green Beret who suggested to Kaepernick to kneel in order to protest racism, and police brutality of black Americans. All this false patriotic BS, is just that, brainwashed individuals who, refuse to see the world. And at bottom are scared and racist.

It is the anniversary of 9/11 today. This event, changed the world. These so-called "patriots" accept the main stream media explanation. Unfortunately, the main stream explanation is full of gaping holes. Rather than accept MSM, and Our governments' untruths, perhaps look outside the bubble. Perhaps question, and "think" for ourselves?

A good friend told me to stop writing and posting about the corruption of our governments and our MSM. To be truthful, I'm about to take her advice. In this world of fascism, right wing racists and absolute ignorance of history, these gimps hold on to values that were lost 19 years ago today.

The president of the US is not the "Leader of the Free World". American values are no longer accepted, that is, freedom, humanitarianism, and Righteousness. The world now, more than ever, understand what they stand for...and it's not the People.

Of course, I have lived in Australia more than half of my life. Australia has been good to me. Australia is right up the collective ass of American/Israeli fascism. Nothing more to is what it is.

My heart goes out to the first responders during 9/11. Brave men and women. Although, you have not heard (maybe): thousands of these first responders now have died of cancer or currently are dying of cancer. Why? Something to consider.

My point: millions of people have died due to a false premise. Meaning all war, by the US, is presented as humanitarian or a threat to “National Security”...most if not all the wars in the last 100 years have been forged by lies.

I love Australia, America, Canada, UK, France, etc., because I criticise their respective governments, does not make me a "traitor."

On this terrible anniversary of 9/11,


Postscript: Building 7.

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