Sunday, 20 September 2020

Why Australia won't Stand-Up for Julian Assange

 Over the last two weeks, since the second round of Julian Assange's extradition hearings, there has been noise on certain web sites, as to why Assange, as an Australian, has not been protected by his own government. The reason(s) run across international lines, and reveals a powerful deep-state that silences the individual Rights of a citizen in a sovereign nation or any western nation around the world.

Firstly, Australia is a member of the five eyes (FVEY) that include Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. All are bound by the multilateral agreement, UKUSA Agreement; this is a joint cooperation of all military and intelligence information gathered and shared. This includes each country's “spook” operations around the planet. The NSA and CIA in the U.S., ASIO in Australia, CSIS in Canada, SIS in New Zealand, and GCHQ in Great Britain. There is no doubt that other Intel organizations exist like MI6 in the UK, but this covers the main entities.

You may ask that these organizations should be under governmental oversight. It is the elected government who direct these agencies to their various tasks around the planet. I believe that nothing can be further from the truth. These agencies are essentially rogue arms of the government and tell the politicians what to do. You see elected politicians come and go, while those in these agencies have been installed and calling the shots for decades. In the last 12 or so years, Julian Assange and Wikileaks have revealed the illegal machinations of these agencies, including war crimes, and the Australian government, even if they wanted Assange brought home, have been ordered to stand down, in the name of “National Security.”

In a Blog wrote last year, “The Rise of Fascism in Australia” I wrote -

Quote: In 2018, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) stormed a news corp journalist's home, after an article was published, revealing new powers of the Australian Intelligence Agencies to spy on its citizens without due process. These new laws were ratified in secret and the Australian people would not have known about this draconian law, if not for a whistle-blower contacting the News Corp. journalist.

A day after the raid on the journalists home, the headquarters of the Australian Broadcasting Company (ABC) in Sydney was again stormed by the AFP, over the series of stories covering the unlawful murders by the Australian Special Forces in Afghanistan. These are actual War Crimes committed that the government wanted to keep from the public and the world.

Early 2017, an Australian Tax Office (ATO) whistle-blower, Richard Boyle, revealed severe malpractice within the powerful institution, and could be sentenced to as much as six life terms; this exceeds the sentence of Australia's most prolific serial killer, Ivan Millat. Certainly a huge red flag for anyone concerned with justice and the truth. The government is sending out a terrifying message to all future whistle-blowers: reveal our crimes, and you'll pay for the rest of your life.”

We in Australia, too, are experiencing a major crackdown on Freedom of the Press, particularly when publishing classified information that reveals brutal war crimes committed by the military and the government. Let's be clear, revealing war crimes has never put any operative or military personal in harm's way. This fact was proven just last week in London at Assange's extradition hearing.

Since WWII, Australia, has been a vassal state of the US. We have followed America into unnecessary wars like Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq 1 & 2, and joint bombing raids over Syria. America orders Australia to jump, and our response is, “how high?!”

Similar to the corporate media in the US., we have News Corp (Murdoch) as well. Through this medium, the intelligence agencies will “leak.” a story about national security. For example, China is hacking our National Data Infrastructure. And without a shred of evidence, the masses will believe the hype, and suddenly China is Australia's number 1 enemy. Ironically, however, China is our major trading partner – so go figure?

The public was lied to about Vietnam, both Iraq wars, Afghanistan and Syria. All lies. And with this knowledge, as a public, we continue to believe the propaganda.

Are we that stupid?

Julian Assange has revealed the crimes of the military and the intelligence agencies across the planet. So is it any wonder that they want him and Wikileaks silenced for good?

Australia is a member of the Five Eyes: these are the true movers and shakers of the planet leading us to war after war. This is the reason the government will not stand-up for Julian Assange.

The Assange case in London is the most important precedent regarding press freedom in the western world's history.

Australia's silence and lack of action are simply pathetic.

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